1304 -
Quote:It was the ultimately Iconians who were responsible for the Hobus Supernova going all weird, according to... a certain source.Hey I wouldn't doubt it, knowing them.
Maybe they were bickering amongst themselves again, and caused the Romulan Sun to supernova..
That is, if I remember that Voyager story arc properly, where the Q were having a "civil war" of sorts, and it caused stars to explode.. -
Quote:I'm just glad they didn't use any shaky-cam in the action sequences. I don't mind slow/fast/slow action sequences that much (though they do feel like padding in some cases), but shaky-cam fights irritate the hell out of me. If I'm going to pay twelve bucks for a movie, I want to be able to see what's happening in the damn movie.Aside from all the other things mentioned in this thread, another thing I really liked about this movie was how blessedly free it was from the constant slow-motion/fast-motion/slow-motion leaping around that has come to characterize most movie fight choreography since the rise of the wire-fu movie as an American cultural phenomenon. In The Avengers, in contrast, even when the characters were leaping about wildly, it was presented in a relatively straightforward fashion. This made things like the Hulk sliding down buildings or Captain America bouncing his shield off things much more impressive, since they were presented within a framework of otherwise fairly realistic-looking movement.
Just got back from seeing it. So. Worth. The. Money.
When Hulk beat the crap out of Loki, I laughed a giddy, evil laugh. -
The Menagerie might make a good movie. It was already about two hours long, and it would be a nice change of pace from the shooty-camera-shake-lens-flare of the last movie, since the crew would have to think its way out of the mind games. And it has the opportunity for more gratuitous shots of Uhura in her panties, what with the Talosians wanting to breed humans as a servant race.
No no no, we're all wrong. Clearly it's those most terrifying of villains, the space hippies!!!!
Quote:Yeah, I don't get it either. Why go through all the trouble of jettisoning all of Trek lore (with the exception of EnterpriseI simply find it highly questionable that Abrams went through all this trouble to setup a new Star Trek timeline to play with and the first serious thing he does with that nearly infinite sandbox is to go back and pull something out of the original series that'll have to be "hand-waved" for it to even be possible in his new "vision" of the Trek universe. *sigh*
) to start over if you're just going to reuse it all anyway? As I've said before, if all they wanted TOS with better special effects, they should've just left it at TOS Remastered instead of trying to completely reboot the whole franchise.
Quote:So you're saying it's time for speculations to run amok for this new movie... a sort of Amok Time if you will.Quote:Well, you have to make sure that everyone gets A Piece of the Action.
Quote:The irony of the Abrams "alternate timeline" reboot is that it should be relatively easy to explain why Nu-Kirk and company would never be in the right place at the right time to ever run across Kahn's sleeper ship in the first place. The destruction of Vulcan has likely changed where the Enterprise would be in the galaxy at any point -after- that. An encounter with Nu-Kahn should realistically never happen in AbramsTrek.
Be careful with that site, because TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life. That said, there is a surprising amount of insight on TV Tropes. I often go there when a book or anime or whatever piques my interest, to see whether it's something I'd really enjoy.
Some of my favorite tropes are Stupid Jetpack Hitler, Crapsaccharine World, and Trauma Conga Line. -
Quote:SlugthrowersJust had a thought that was inspired by this movie. Would projectile weaponry be very effective against Jedi since they like to deflect blaster bolts coming their way. Of course, regular projectile weaponry would be useless, but make every bullet an explosive round that blows up when cut should be deadly against a jedi. Of course, a machine gun might be effective against jedi since they should be faster than a jedi's ability to react.
Quote:The best scene in Voyager ever. It would be the all time best scene in Star Trek if it weren't a holodeck simulationThat's the same thing I kept saying every time I tried to watch an episode of Voyager.
Who could forget such classic Star Trek lines like, "No blah blah blah!" or the time Spock got high on spores and smacked Kirk around?
Quote:Depending on how much longer everyone stays in the sim, Felicia/Holly could be back for one or two more episodes as an NPC. Poor Fargo, though. His first girlfriend Julia doesn't even know he exists, and now his second girlfriend has been rather brutally murdered. I wonder if the writers are going to go for the Trauma Conga Line and reveal that Fargo was planning to propose to Holly.I'm sure she'll be back after her guest shot this Friday's Supernatural.
It would seem that Iron Man has modified his suit to include an auxiliary power supply in his butt, and that Captain America is attempting to commit suicide by shattering his own spine.
Quote:Not necessarily. Remember that Saul Rubinek was Dr. Carl Carlson in Eureka before becoming Artie in Warehouse 13, and Fargo didn't make any remarks about it when he went to upgrade the Warehouse's computers.Well that sucks.
Not only does it suck for the Eureka universe it suck also for Warehouse 13 and Alphas (they are all in the same universe).
Unless they bring her back from the dead Felicia Day can't really guest star on either WH13 or Alphas, unless it's her clone or her identical twin sister. This is Eureka's last season, but only 3rd (?) for WH 13 and 2nd for Alphas she could have guest starred on there as someone else but like I stated before they all take place in the same universe so either her clone or twin sister or flashback. -
Cyclist: "What the ****?"
Woman with long hair: "What the ****?"
Kid: "Oh god what have I done?!" -
Quote:You mock me, madam! Surely such a hot dog is merely the fevered dream of a madman! Why, the human palate would scarcely be able to cope with the flavor complexity of such a concoction!...and the presence of lobster disturbs me.
However, Canada still wins on flavour and ludicrous calorie count, thanks to the existence of...
...ouais,c'est une Poutine-Dog.Vraiment, le miam.
Quote:Once again there is a lack of chili and cheese.