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  1. Does anyone know why you get less XP for a Paragon Protector boss that hits MOG vs one that doesn't? I've noticed it for several years but have never asked. For equal level bosses, a Paragon Protector that hits MOG gives roughly half the XP of one that doesn't or one that hits a different T9 power like Elude.
  2. I run two accounts on two machines running an IP KVM software to move controls between the two. It has some quirks but works pretty smooth. I do that and have an external number pad on the second machine for easeof activating powers.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Claws/Regen or Willpower scrapper with Stamina.

    NOTHING is lighter on endurance use.

    If you don't run any extra toggles your endurance bar will literally never move.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This. I have a lvl50 Claws/WP. I have all the WP toggles running along with Tough and Weave and still my endurance bar stays full.
  4. LordHuxley

    giant monster?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Giant Monsters and Monsters are still waiting to return with the coding to allow them only in outdoor maps (presumably). That said, there are still some giant-sized AVs available, which is somewhat similar. An AV version of Adamastor exists, and the Wailer Lord is also a large-ish EB/AV. I'm not aware of others at the moment.

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    Actually I put Adamaster in my mission but he actually showed up as a Monster class not AV so those may exist. Might check on Jurassik as well.
  5. LordHuxley

    15 People

    I too raise my glass to the devs. Here's looking to more great issues and possibly new rednames to harass on the boards.

    *mumbles to himself*
    Along with Jimmie the IT guy I think they need "Huxley the network guru".
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Posi and I did want to make this the year where we gave fans what they've been asking for!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *wipes a tear from his eye*
    You had me at weapon customization
  7. Guess I'll chime in as well.

    First off thanks Devs. This was a blast of an event.

    I tried to test out some builds like an Elec/Elec Brute but got disappointed. Instead I remade my primary Energy/Energy Brute with some tweaks for more defense. Wow. Didn't have to pop Overload unless it was a really nasty fight.

    Stone tankers *sigh* I just turn and walk away. Saw several in there that were very proud that they had to be taken down by no less that 10 people. Only thing was they didn't take down anyone. Sure they can take the damage but if they can't hurt you what's the point.

    SR Scrappers. Now these little pests are just insane. I'd find one and take a swing at him. The second I saw "Eluded" pop up above their head I'd look for something else to smash.

    Super speeders everywhere. Especially scrappers that would buzz by for a shot and run off. I finally went to stand next to my bub with TP Foe 6-slotted and wait for a hero to be served.