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  1. Funny, I have never "abused" anything here in the game except newbs whose insight and/or strategic vision were lacking. Do you REALLY think that adding a few fun emotes is a balance to the gutting of the pvp system, and the resultant loss of the majority of our experienced pvp player base ? Tell this to the folks that say the Doms and Controllers fare better in pvp than tanks, blasters and scrappers. You are talking about minor cosmetic changes that have zero effect towards basic playability, and I am talking about changes that alienate or drive away a large percentage of the paying customer base. It is NO MYSTERY to me why the experienced pvp players left the game, maybe you will figure it out one day as well.

    If you are happy that you can now add another color to your "science jacket" then great, you got what you are paying for. Me, I would love to see base raids come back. But Sunstorm says that they are off line because pvp isnt as balanced as it could be for all archtypes....funny, I thought Positron said the new pvp was great, but apparently not good enough to be used for base raiding, oh well. You may continue to believe the developers "doublespeak" if you wish, but it is hard to reconcile the 2 statements from 2 different devs there.....either pvp is good enough to be used as a combat system, or it isnt. Indoor map, outdoor, base map, where ever... it either works or it doesnt.
  2. LordBoopea


    If you are saying that all that is wrong with the new/nerf'd pvp system is that folks just dont know how to play it, well, I can only hope I have somehow misunderstood your point. I do not believe that most of the old pvp players quit the game because they were unable to adjust to change.
  3. The devs do not care about player opinion. There is no point in trying to understand why this is the case, because unless you are willing to complain to ncsoft about it enough to get someone replaced, then it isnt going to change. Sad but true.
  4. Sure, I teach new players every day, I have even gone as far as to exemp for sewer teams, talk about low level action with the newbs....I even had a guy asking me how to respec his toon, he didnt seem to have fly, I was like "hey, yer only lvl 6 dude..." he didnt seem to get it, oh well.
  5. didnt it used to be, a fire controller got 5 imps instead of just three ? but i do agree if they would just quit with the senseless nerfing it would be better.
  6. Yes, I have never left the game, and still one of the moderators at the Hamidon Raiders channel...BMT is still kicking, and there is another/similar global channel Champions United as well....hit me up sometime and I can get you into my sidebar sg to help me with base building, 4 years later and I still can't seem to understand the silly menu there, oh well.
  7. Great raid y'all, lets do it again.
  8. Amen brother ! Exploits are a different matter than farming.
  9. These "anti-farming" posts are really just silly...sure, I agree that players who have zero experience with playing their characters might be mildly annoying, however, it is their money they are spending on a video game, and they have every right to play and level their toons how they see fit.
    besides, no matter what fix is put in, smart players will find a way to bend the rules to their advantage. dont like farming ? Then dont go to farm teams...dont like PL'd newbs who cant find Kings Row, kick them from your team. Personally, I dont need someone else to decide what I should find fun and exciting. Live and let live I always say, the last thing we need is more diminishing returns from our playtime.
  10. HeroClix is pretty cool, I used to play that a lot before I got into CoH about a year and a half ago, I even go to gaming conventions sometimes to buy the more rare/powerful pieces. They made some limited edition CoH/CoV versions that came inside certain box sets of the computer game, my StatesmanClix seemd to be pretty much unstoppable, unless you brought Lord Recluse or Black Scorpion to the table as well...I thought about making my own, but never really got around to it after I started playing in a supergroup.

    P.S. my favored combo for normal, store-bought clicks for heroes is Veteran (i.e. red) Wonder Woman and Elite (i.e.blue) Firestorm the Nuclear Man. These 2 figures make a 300 point match-up that can really be devestating to the opponents, and tactics are pretty simple with 1 ranged and 1 melee to work with.