66 -
Aarg. I was inquiring about this because my VIP status is going to lapse and I won't be able to pay rent soon. I was hoping to downscale to the point where the base would be fully functional but free.
However, getting rid of the storage units is, to quote Spock, illogical. -
Is there such a thing as a rent free base? I thought I saw this on the forums but my searches have yielded nothing. I'm curious how such a thing would be accomplished.
Thanks! -
Quote:This information seems contradictory to...Yes. Any VIP can pay rent.
Not entirely sure WHY it happens to be set up this way. But there ya go.
It doesn't seem logical that a non-member of my SG could pay rent, so I'm thinking that Hyperstrike omitted that portion on his post. -
Quote:That's a concern for me. My SG was born waaaay back in 2006 or 2007, and all have drifted away from the game. If I'm the only player who's active and I'm not VIP then once base rent is overdue I'll be locked out of our beautiful and hard earned base (sobs).At reward tier 2 premium you can use in game email, join a super group, or if you are the leader keep leadership and still be able to enter the base but a VIP SG member needs to pay base upkeep to my understanding...
Part of me wants to argue that this move isn't fair, but then again I'll be playing for FREE and shouldn't have access to everything. But I want everything for free. -
Ah, nevermind. I found it on the CoH website: http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/about_...cho.php#tabs-2
Rats. -
I'm letting my VIP status end on April 19 due to financial reasons, and I'm wondering if that will then block my access to the VIP server and all my characters there. My guess is yes, but I want confirmation from my homies before I panic.
You're right, the hazard zones aren't really that hazardous. I like your set up better.
Please, please, please tell me how you got your beacons up on the telepad! -
I like to separate my zones into safe or hazard. Since the hacked beacons can now hold 6 zones, I would divvy them up like this:
Atlas Park 1-6 City
Echo: Galaxy City 1-6 City
Kings Row 5-10 City
Steel Canyon 10-19 City
Skyway City 10-19 City
Faultline 15-25 City
Talos Island 20-27 City
Independence Port 22-29 City
Croatoa 25-34 City
Brickstown 30-38 City
Founders Falls 31-40 City
Peregrine Island 41-50 City
The Hollows 5-15 Hazard
Perez Park 7-14 Hazard
Boomtown 11-19 Hazard
Striga Isle 20-29 Hazard
Terra Volta 20-29 Hazard
Echo: Dark Astoria 21-29 Hazard
Crey's Folly 31-39 Hazard
Eden 33-39 Hazard
Pocket D 1-50 CoOp
Rikti War Zone 35-50 CoOp
Dark Astoria 50-54 CoOp -
"off-market" what the--? What do you mean? You broadcast you have this recipe and wait till someone contacts you? Or are there forums for this sort of thing?
I was thinking of a unique targeting bind the other day that would target AV, elite bosses, bosses, and lts in that order.
I'm familiar with the "targetcustomnext alive [name]" bit, but that will only target the name of the enemy. Does anyone know if there is a way to target the rank of an enemy?
Why would I like to accomplish this? For the debuff toggles in Dark Miasma and Radiation Emission. With one keystroke, you target the biggest baddie in the group and put some mean glop on 'em. -
Yeah it looks like the influence in SG mode is roughly half what it normally would be. Why not just put the other half towards prestige? You hearing me devs? What do you think?
Yeah, I got that. I was just thinking that at level 50 you earn something like 10,000 influence for a boss kill (I'm totally guessing) out of SG mode, but you'd only earn 500 prestige for the same kill in SG mode. It'd be great if you earned prestige at the same rate as influence once the influence earning disappears (I think at level 35).
It looks like that getting to level 25 is a priority so that a toon earns 100% prestige. I'd be cool that as influence wanes the prestige surges, so by the time you're 50 you'd earn an insane amount of prestige and no influence.
My little SG family has moved over to Exalted and are building a new base, and I have a question I haven't had to think about in years: what's the most efficient way to earn PRESTIGE?
Is it simply to play in sg mode or are there missions that would be more beneficial?
Thanks for the heads up. -
You know what, I'm an idiot. That toon was probably side-kicked down to 18. I was just hoping that we could do it faster.
I saw a Mastermind in Atlas Park yesterday who was level 18. I thought a toon had to be level 20 coming from Going Rogue's Preatoria.
Are there other methods of bringing red-side toons into the blue? How quickly can this be accomplished? -
Quote:I'm flying with my elec/wp brute (hero side), but the late 20's were a really slow spot for her. Not sure why, probably the villains ramped it up. Right around 32 things picked back up and now she's 40 already - in a blur.It has been quite a while since I've really played CoH so my perspective may be a little skewed, but it takes me about 25-30 minutes to complete a mission map (lvl 29 Psy/Mental blaster) and I get about one bubble per mission.
Hang in there. Plus, as other posters have noted, fighting anything w/ psi resist means you're screwed. Stay away from robots. -
Is there a place in these forums dedicated to server status/maintenance? If there is I can't find it. That would be nice for the customers, just a heads up on why it's down and how long we can expect to wait.
I agree. I love nearly all aspects of this game, but the servers being down at odd times would be much more palatable if there was a dedicated "heads up" section to this forum.
And the server status portion of the official website is officially useless. -
Quote:Nope - I hadn't heard of that. Since there was no mention of unlocking the auras I assumed (foolish of me) that they would/should be accessible now. I shall level ahoy!Auras are traditionally unlocked at level 30. Does your level 11 character have them unlocked via merit voucher?