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  1. Leo_G

    D. Gray-man

    The manga is still ongoing but the anime is officially 'ended' which is a shame...if I recall, it's on a rather low point just after surviving a bad enemy assault where the anime just goes '...but I'm sure everything will turn out alright. The end.'

    I mean, it's a great anime. The animation, characters and story is great. Just read the manga if you can.

    I don't know where they'd still host the episodes...crunchyroll maybe? Besides your standard ways of getting free anime, the only other way I'd think is just buying the series since it's technically complete.

    Now, I'm hoping someone will come by and tell me I'm wrong and they've been making the anime but under a different title or something...that would just be grand
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Seriously, can you read the posts you're responding to more closely please?
    And who are you? Do you actually have a purpose or something?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Cloaking Device + stealth unique in hover =
    I find Super Speed to be a better cheaper alternative...I mean, I already have Hasten to more easily lay out my mines, so why not super speed?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I should have realized, you were just trying to throw complete garbage on the topic and then shoot for it's all just opinion so nothing matters.

    Sorry that is not the way things work. Objectively Energy Manipulation gains more from the changes than any other secondary. The only way that isn't true, is if one or more of the sustain gets considerably more than conserve energy does.

    You can dance and jig all you like but at the end of the day /energy gets the 2nd easisiest snipe, and gets more from every nuke with a power boostable secondary effect.

    It even gets more from the range extension for the T3 blasts. But why bother with little things.
    Aww, are you sad people want to come and post their opinions on a message board?


    But then you can objectify whatever you like and claim it so however you feel but doesn't make it so

    And I'd say some of the other sustains actually are better than Energize. Frigid Embrace, for one, is not only a nice absorb that can be gamed with resistance better than energize could, it's also attached to a 30ft -rech/movement/-dmg debuff that does not detoggle when mezzed.

    And again, Touch of the Beyond is a big debuff at ranged that's stackable attached to a self buff. The 2nd easiest snipe is countered by the most potent PBAoE nuke (thank you Soul Drain) to which...there's a lot of. And Power Boost is only useful for a select few sets, namely ones with mezzes or debuffs worth slotting for to which can be partially replaced by...simply slotting for the effect. Oh wow! Energy Manipulation can buff the stun in Psychic Wail...or I can stack the -rech that PB won't affect with Frigid Embrace's -rech and slot a bit for stun instead!

    Lol yeah, PB is great if you actually build around it otherwise it could just be useless (sorry Arch/EM blaster, no Power Boost for j00 but you, Dark/EM, you're dandy...you can be just as dandy with /dark tho) .

    Boost Range? Yawn. Unless you've got cones (hey, look, there's Dark again and hey there Assault Rifle) it's not really much to mention. If anything, the range boost of the tier 3s help other sets more than /EM...at least before, EM was useful for *helping* you get the ranges standardized. Now? Is it all that important to plink away at stuff from 150ft away when you have a 25ft radius PBAoE nuke ready to use? Rad, Dark, Psy, Fire and Pistols scoff at your assertion.

    I call your 'objective' view of /EM as 'subjective'. The advantages you proclaim it has aren't even particularly important. Only on min/maxed super recharge builds would I even think EM pulls ahead of the game.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Except for the people that would camp the bins to grab stuff as fast as it entered. Yeah that couldn't possibly be abused by anyone.

    Thinking about it, I think it's an interesting idea, just having a 10,000 storage inventory available to anyone inside the markets and each would be different storage for each zone. (I guess villains might get an extra one thrown in one of the vault buildings or something).

    Personally, I think the real problem would be trolls stuffing the limited everybody-fleamarket-storage with 1 kind of thingy...like taking up all the space with Inanimate Carbon Rods. Why the hell are you stuffing the slots with rods like that!? No one could ever possibly take and use that many rods. And when someone wants to put up some Demonic Blood, the slots are full with rods! WTH?

    Someone needs to find this troll and shove those rods right back where he got them, although maybe that's why he put them there...he gets off to lynch mobs shoving inanimate rods into him out of anger...

    ...hmm, what were we talking about again?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post

    Touch of Fear is mag 3. It can't 1 shot a boss, it can't 1 shot fear a boss.

    Do you play /dark or are you just talking out your rear ?
    Neither can a snipe 1-shot a boss. If you can get your insta-sniping /EM to one shot a boss with a snipe, so can I, a lot easier with soul drain'ed snipe.

    And generally, I build my Blasters (generally, that is the ones meant to be very survivable or comic title protagonists) with at least 25-35% defense. It's generally the -ToHit in ToF I slot and use since I'm usually busy doing damage. I can basically sit at capped defense to that hard hitting/mezzing target or even multiple targets at a time.

    I'm starting to wonder if you've ever even heard of Touch of Fear. Lol I've been using it on dark melee characters for years and although it's not quite as good on a Blaster, it's one of those versatile powers like Parry/Divine Avalanche and Siphon Life. It can be a game changer if you form an attack strategy around using it.

    Power Boost is the same way...that's why I have it on my Dark/EM blaster so she can use power boosted debuffs, heals and defenses...or are you under some dillusion I'm bad-mouthing your little combo?

    You want to talk about what's the best for Blasters and I'm telling you what is...IMO...which is probably what all the posts in this thread amount to: people's opinion.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    You know I actually did the numbers for this earlier in the thread. For someone who insists that people who haven't sifted through the minutia shouldn't be talking or that don't have the numbers shouldn't be talking you seem to have no trouble resorting to the same when you want to make a point.
    Well be all for me to complain about you whining about common information. You apparently have backed numbers coupled with incomplete info so I'll just comment to correct you.

    So no, Frigid Embrace's absorb, Cauterizing Aura's Heal nor Field Operative's regen suppress while mezzed.

    Irrelevant to that information, this has been clarified repeatedly because people were (to no surprise) concerned about the toggles dropping and suppressing while mezzed because mez is a common roadblock to anything concerning Blasters using toggle powers.

    Unless you think Touch of fear is going to get your recovery above 6 end/sec good luck running the snipe chains.
    Don't need to. Things will be dead before needing to seriously chain anything. But frankly, I feel it's easier to get endurance/recovery than it is to get damage.

    You can do the exact same thing with any AoE hard controls you can stack.

    That can do what ?
    You tell me what type of control effectively lasts 30+ seconds outside of nukes without needing heavy slotting. Sleeps can generally last that with some slotting and 40+ with heavy slotting. That's if you actually take that long to kill a boss and its Lt though.

    To put it frankly, sleeps last very very long without slotting, you just need to stack mag and leave them alone. For a ST focused chain, this can skyrocket survival.

    The game is specifically balanced not to allow hard control to be capable of that the majority of the time. Outside of accolades, temp power stacking and constant cycling of mez powers (or perma-domination) you're unlikely to get the same effect with holds/stuns.

    Let me see which is better ?

    -60% to hit, and a free +78% -to hit in all your attacks that have it (which is more than you can get from)

    Or having to franken slot every attack you have for -to hit.

    Are you being deliberately dense or is mischaracterizing what I said all that is left to you ?
    Mmmm, I think you've set yourself on a confused path and now you're getting aggravated. I'm not comparing ToF to Power Boosted Dark Blast...that'd basically be comparing a Secondary to a Secondary + Primary.

    You can't attribute PB's buff to its primary because then we'd need to supplement ToF's to its. Power Boost and /Energy don't *have* ToHit debuffs, they can only boost them if you have them. If you have them, great, you can debuff ToHit for a nice (yet limited) duration in an area but if you don't you can't. /Dark can debuff ToHit regardless and greatly improves damage as well. If you have supplementary ToHit debuffs, you can debuff decently in a crowd plus hammer the ToHit of single targets.

    Trying to do that with Dark Blast + Energy Manipulation, even with 150% ToHit debuff, you're looking at regular debuff of 14% for 10 sec plus whatever else you can stack in that window which requires slotting and frequent PB use.

    Yes I am sure you have something that works sometimes. I am really happy you have managed eating an alpha for nearly 5 seconds before you do damage without much defense.
    Thanks, that's all I've been saying.

    It's pretty easy to pop a purple, rush and soul drain a group, touch of fear the hard targets as they melt then do the same to the next group, repeat the process of the 1st on the 3rd group.

    Eventually, with Touch of the Beyond, I can start the fight with a hard target debuffed, rush in (Dark Pit or Repulsion Bomb) to stop some of them, drain them and melt them, 2nd group Atomic blast, 3rd group pop and inspiration or two and drain either drain them before they're dead or do that on the 4th after another volley of PBAoEs.

    The point is, I'm not seeing how swapping the /Dark for /Energy will make it any better. In fact, it will make the combo worse. The only thing it's got is stacking stuns (/dark technically has stacking *ranged* stuns too) and power boosted holds on Atomic Blast. Even the endurance discount isn't going to counter just how much PBAoE it adds and power boosted defense debuffs are probably not worth mentioning.

    And I go on to say /Energy, while good for the stacking longer duration stuns, cannot stack the sleeps like /Ice can. The overall control contribution of /Energy won't suffice. Better damage, yeah, less survivability most likely. I say this as an opinion though with particular experience with the combos I play.

    So that would be like Build Up ? A power that doesn't do anything without other powers ?
    Yeah, even BU isn't really as good as Soul Drain.

    But that's beside the point. Just curious what Power Boost would do for Archery, Energy Blast, Fire Blast, Assault Rifle or hell, even Dual Pistols. The main point being, if you want mitigation, you might not get it out of Energy Manipulation. Dark Manipulation, conversely, will give you that mitigation + more damage. Which is why I think it's better.

    BTW touch of fear best case without incarnate abilities is about -17%
    And lasts 20 seconds and recharges in 10 seconds so can stack for around 33% debuff with minimal slotting.

    Well first first I can have touch of fear which aggro and not do damage or I can have a fast snipe which will kill what Touch of Fear will fear.

    Oh that is a tough one. Let me see 150+ feet and dead, or 80 feet and feared. Have to think on that.
    Post your homework then.

    What snipe will one shot a boss? I don't even recall snipes one shotting Lts of the same level without outside buffs...to which then I can just use Soul Drain after I debuff the boss and 1-shot the very same target in the *next* spawn because SD lasts 30 seconds
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I am sorry but I read your replies, and it was hard to find very much that was actually in response to what I said.

    Not to put to fine a point on this

    But the short outline talks about none of the information you are talking about.

    Relevant: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=291737

    Also has questions by players answered by other players that are relaying info from the resulting live chat as well as answering new things not covered in that chat.

    As for regarding the speed of changes added to the game, I'm not going to be bothered acting anymore jaded than I already am about it so I'll leave that to you, I suppose.

    We have some of the numbers and can certainly talk about what they mean.

    Why do you have such a problem with this ?
    In the very same post, I said 'and that's perfectly fine to discuss'.

    Hey, look at me! I'm saying /Dark is going to be way better than /EM come these changes! Having Touch of Fear be 80ft range that also buffs you!? Come on! Energize is weaksauce compared to that.

    If Cauterizing aura does provide sleep protection how valuable it is, is an interesting question. But, it isn't going to be answered by trying to shut down discussions.

    Yes I understand how sleeps work. Do you have any idea how other controls work ?
    Not shutting down discussion and I know how sleeps work, I've been stacking them for nearly the whole career of my Sonic/Ice Blaster. He can then supplement that with other controls. With the sleep, you can get through a spawn possibly with no retaliation if your timing is perfect.

    The only thing that can really do that is /dev laying down a mine field before hand.

    You have completely missed what was said and failed to understand the mechanics.

    The only way you can stack /Dark's -to hit with -to hit is with other powers that have -to hit. Seeing as you wanted to include blackstar in this, It does more -to hit for longer than the everything /dark manipulation has can muster. It isn't even a close comparison before power boost is tossed in.
    Or, I can frankenslot Blackstar for -ToHit for a heafty -40% ToHit and get generally a similar effect (foes that have a very low chance of hitting me).

    And you keep saying 'the only way to stack /dark's -ToHit'. Lol the only way to stack Dark Miasma's -ToHit is....OMG....Dark Misasma.

    Lol you don't need another set's effects to stack just to say you're stacking. Dark Miasma *has* powers to stack -ToHit already and they're called Fearsome Stare, Darkest Night and Dark Servant. You don't need power boost or Tenebrous Tentacles just so you can say 'Look at me! I'm STACKING!'

    As of now, I'm perfectly comfortable stacking Touch of Fear, Penumbral Grasp and Smite on hard targets on my Rad/Dark. Everything else is likely dead in short order because Soul Drain + Death Shroud + Irradiate is that mean. I don't even have much defense on her and she's still pretty ridiculous. Would she be better with Power Boost? Of course, but not at the expense of Soul Drain and Touch of Fear.

    You are comparing a single target melee range attack to attacks that can drop an entire spawns -to hit, and do so as a bonus effect in addition to doing damage to them ?

    Glad to see you aren't using any false equivalences. [/ sarcasm]
    And you're misrepresenting a power that doesn't actually do anything without the use of other powers to a power that can debuff ToHit by upwards of 30% as well as fear bosses and will eventually be usable from 80ft away and buff your regen dramatically.

    Lol I'm not comparing Touch of Fear to Blackstar, you're trying to imply how much better Power Boost is *IF* you have Blackstar lol which for some (quite a few in fact) will not have.

    But then you're completely underestimating ToF here, which is all I'm commenting on really. The only reason melees are so passive about it is because usually they don't need that much survivability...kind of like how some drop the parry type powers for better damage...they don't need the extra survival. Now if a Blaster had an 80ft ranged attack that gave 10% def to lethal and it buffed your regen by a large amount? That's huge. That's about as good as Touch of the Beyond will be.
  9. Only skimmed the first 2 pages of the thread...

    Not sure if this was clarified for you, OP, but Scrappers generally do more damage than Brutes in all circumstances, even when they don't critical hit. The critical hits are generally considered *bonus* damage. Without the bonus damage, a Brute and Scrapper are a bit closer in damage dealing but that starts to widen when:
    • Team damage is involved (more team damage, less foes to fight = less fury for da Brute) There you want fast damage, not DoT or even DPS. You need burst so Blaster > Stalker > Scrapper/Dom in that order.
    • Damage Buffs are around. A pair of Leadership.Assault buffs (so like 24% dmg buff) aren't going to make a big difference on a Brute. That's a pretty large buff for that Scrapper and it's obvious.
    • Fighting hard targets. Scrappers get more bonus damage against them.

    The point where Brutes pull ahead is aggro management and slottability. Brutes can offer aggro management pretty readily with damage and taunt...then comes the slottability. You can probably run a brute with 4-slotted attacks all the way up to 50 and excel...just slot for accuracy, endurance and recharge where needed. A scrapper is going to sink if he tries to get away with only 4 slots in all of his attacks. Basically, it's easier to play a brute as they fit easily into a team role and are simple to slot and play. Scrappers are a bit more advanced.

    Generally, I don't play Brutes that often if only because I'm not the kind of person to chase fury. It's different from chasing defiance...on a Blaster, you really do feel good when you get that saturated soul drain, high marks in defiance and blowing things up left and right...just having high fury is...sort of regular. There's a difference in fury vs no-fury but it's more like 'no-fury = you're going to suck' whereas a blaster without defiance is still going to own. I still play brutes but it's mainly concept. Some fighters are just brutes and others are tankers and others are scrappers or opportunistic stalkers. That's how I'd choose what to play.
  10. Well, let's see if it works...

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Fire Tarantula with your Storm Kick for 94.07 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Fire Tarantula with your Thunder Kick for 83.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Fire Tarantula with your mighty Crane Kick for 195.28 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Eagles Claw missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Fire Tarantula with your Storm Kick for 94.07 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Crab Spider Slicer with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Crab Spider Slicer is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Crab Spider Slicer for  105.11 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Crab Spider Slicer for  105.11 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Crab Spider Slicer with your mighty Crane Kick for 366.72 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Crab Spider Slicer with your Eagles Claw for 426.6 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Crab Spider Slicer with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Fortunata with your Storm Kick for 200.17 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Fortunata with your Thunder Kick for 157.16 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Fortunata with your Crippling Axe Kick for 188.86 points of smashing damage, Slowing their movement rate and Immobilizing him!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Tarantula is hit for 91.96 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Tarantula with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Tarantula with your mighty Crane Kick for 183.07 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Tarantula from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Tarantula with your Storm Kick for 88.19 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Tarantula with your Thunder Kick for 78.45 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Mu Striker with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Mu Striker with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Mu Striker with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Mu Striker with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Mu Striker is hit for 110.35 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Mu Striker with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Mu Striker with your mighty Crane Kick for 219.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Mu Striker with your Eagles Claw for 255.56 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Mu Striker with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Mu Striker with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Mu Striker with your Thunder Kick for 94.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Mu Striker for  94.6 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Mu Striker for  94.6 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Mu Striker with your Crippling Axe Kick for 169.97 points of smashing damage, Slowing their movement rate and Immobilizing him!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Mu Striker with your mighty Crane Kick for 219.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Mu Striker from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Mu Striker with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Mu Striker with your Thunder Kick for 94.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Mu Striker with your Thunder Kick!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Crab Spider Slicer is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Crab Spider Slicer with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Crab Spider Slicer with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Bane Spider Commando for  73.58 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Crab Spider Slicer for  105.11 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Bane Spider Commando with your Crippling Axe Kick for 225.04 points of smashing damage, Slowing their movement rate and Immobilizing him!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Bane Spider Commando with your mighty Crane Kick for 256.7 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Crab Spider Slicer with your Storm Kick for 200.17 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Crab Spider Slicer with your Eagles Claw for 426.6 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Crab Spider Slicer with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Ransom Guard with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Ransom Guard is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Ransom Guard with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Ransom Guard with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Ransom Guard with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Ransom Guard with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Ransom Guard with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Ransom Guard from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Thunder Kick missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Fortunata Mistress with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Fortunata Mistress with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Fortunata Mistress from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Fortunata Mistress with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Fortunata Mistress with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Fortunata Mistress is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Fortunata Mistress with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Fortunata Mistress for  105.11 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Fortunata Mistress with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Toxic Tarantula with your Storm Kick for 165.8 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Toxic Tarantula with your Thunder Kick for 147.5 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Toxic Tarantula with your Eagles Claw for 400.39 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Toxic Tarantula with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Toxic Tarantula with your mighty Crane Kick for 344.19 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Toxic Tarantula from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Toxic Tarantula is hit for 172.88 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Toxic Tarantula with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Toxic Tarantula with your Storm Kick for 165.8 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Toxic Tarantula with your Thunder Kick for 147.5 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Toxic Tarantula for  148.21 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Toxic Tarantula with your Storm Kick for 156.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Toxic Tarantula with your Thunder Kick for 138.87 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Toxic Tarantula with your mighty Crane Kick for 324.05 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Toxic Tarantula with your Eagles Claw for 376.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Toxic Tarantula with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Toxic Tarantula is hit for 162.77 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Toxic Tarantula with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Toxic Tarantula with your mighty Crane Kick for 324.05 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Toxic Tarantula from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Toxic Tarantula with your Eagles Claw for 376.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Toxic Tarantula with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Toxic Tarantula with your Storm Kick for 156.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Toxic Tarantula is hit for 162.77 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Toxic Tarantula with your mighty Crane Kick for 324.05 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 330.05 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 383.94 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 180.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 141.44 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Spirit is hit for 220.71 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Spirit for  94.6 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 219.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Spirit is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Crippling Axe Kick for 188.86 points of smashing damage, Slowing their movement rate and Immobilizing him!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Spirit for  105.11 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Spirit for  105.11 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Spirit from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Thunder Kick!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Spirit is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 426.6 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 200.17 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 157.16 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Thunder Kick!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 366.72 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Spirit from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Crane Kick missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Spirit is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Spirit from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You deal Spirit a critical blow with your Eagles Claw for an additional 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 366.72 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Spirit from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Storm Kick missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 157.16 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Thunder Kick!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Eagles Claw missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Apparition from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Spirit from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Spirit is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 426.6 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 200.17 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Thunder Kick missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 366.72 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Crippling Axe Kick for 188.86 points of smashing damage, Slowing their movement rate and Immobilizing him!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Crane Kick missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Spirit is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Apparition from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Apparition for  105.11 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 366.72 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Apparition from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 426.6 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 200.17 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Apparition from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Apparition from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Apparition from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 283.96 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Thunder Kick!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 110.35 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 383.94 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 330.05 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 180.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Storm Kick missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 94.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 219.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Spirit from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 255.56 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 110.35 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 94.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 219.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Apparition from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Crippling Axe Kick for 169.97 points of smashing damage, Slowing their movement rate and Immobilizing him!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Thunder Kick for 94.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 255.56 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Spirit with your mighty Crane Kick for 219.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 94.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Spirit is hit for 110.35 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Crippling Axe Kick for 169.97 points of smashing damage, Slowing their movement rate and Immobilizing him!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Tortured Soul with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Tortured Soul with your Eagles Claw for 383.94 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Tortured Soul with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Tortured Soul for  161.04 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Tortured Soul for  161.04 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Tortured Soul with your Storm Kick for 180.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Tortured Soul with your Thunder Kick for 141.44 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Tortured Soul with your Thunder Kick!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Tortured Soul with your mighty Crane Kick for 330.05 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Tortured Soul from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Tortured Soul is hit for 110.35 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Tortured Soul with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Spirit with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Thunder Kick for 94.15 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Spirit with your Eagles Claw for 255.56 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Spirit with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Apparition with your Storm Kick for 105.83 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Apparition is hit for 110.35 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Apparition with your Eagles Claw for 383.94 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Apparition with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Apparition with your mighty Crane Kick for 330.05 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Neville's Last Victim with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Neville's Last Victim is hit for 122.61 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Neville's Last Victim with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Neville's Last Victim with your mighty Crane Kick for 244.1 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Neville's Last Victim from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Neville's Last Victim with your Thunder Kick for 104.61 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Neville's Last Victim with your Storm Kick for 117.59 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Operation Engineer with your Storm Kick for 94.07 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Operation Engineer is hit for 98.09 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Operation Engineer with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Operation Engineer with your Eagles Claw for 341.28 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Operation Engineer with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Hercules Class Titan with your Thunder Kick for 110.01 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Hercules Class Titan with your Storm Kick for 140.11 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Hercules Class Titan with your mighty Crane Kick for 256.7 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Hercules Class Titan from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Hercules Class Titan for  125.25 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Operation Officer is hit for 98.09 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Operation Officer with your Cobra Strike!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Operation Officer with your Storm Kick for 94.07 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Operation Officer with your Thunder Kick for 83.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Operation Officer with your Eagles Claw for 227.16 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Operation Officer with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Operation Officer with your mighty Crane Kick for 195.28 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Operation Officer from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Operation Officer with your Thunder Kick for 83.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Operation Officer with your Storm Kick for 94.07 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Gunslinger is hit for 98.09 points of smashing damage by your Cobra Strike.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Gunslinger with your Eagles Claw for 227.16 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Gunslinger with your Eagles Claw!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You pummel Gunslinger with your Storm Kick for 94.07 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Gunslinger with your Thunder Kick for 83.69 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Gunslinger with your mighty Crane Kick for 195.28 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Gunslinger from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Your Dragon's Tail sweeps Gunslinger for  84.09 points of smashing Damage.
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>Cobra Strike missed!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You smash Hercules Class Titan with your mighty Crane Kick for 256.7 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You knocked Hercules Class Titan from their feet with your Crane Kick attack!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You strike Hercules Class Titan with your Eagles Claw for 298.62 points of smashing damage!
    <colorhover #ffff00><colorselect #0><colorselectbg #333333><linkselect #0><linkselectbg #666666>You stun Hercules Class Titan with your		
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I'm not going to tie up a valuable market slot for a garbage recipe- neither am I going to bother vendoring something for a few hundred or thousand inf- my game time is too valuable for that.
    Normally, I hate Nethergoat and wish he'd choke on a can or something but even I know that >_>

    You don't put garbage on the market unless you know there's a demand for it. I can understand putting some trash salvage up for 50 (I usually only put stuff up for 50 or more) if only because people need salvage and if no one puts that stuff up, eventually it starts costing 10000 inf when I need it which only goes up and up and up until I'm paying 600,000 for 1 trash computer virus salvage that I know I can get for cheap with AE tickets but don't feel like jumping all the way over there so end up plotting over 5mil on trash because people didn't empty out their salvage bins enough.

    That said, I still like the idea of adding filters to our inventory. Right now, I'd like a means of hiding all the salvage 'I can use' (meaning the stuff that can be used to craft the IOs I'm currently holding...the market already tells you when you're trying to sell something you can use) then toss the rest on the market. In the field, I'd filter all the invention and basics and just delete all the temps or costumes. Filter out the invention IOs and delete the low lvl basic ones you don't want.

    Sure, you can sell them to an NPC instead, but I don't often like to visit NPCs in the middle of missions or when I'm on a taskforce. Hell, I'm usually deleting stuff while I'm pressing attack buttons. Some people don't like long animating attacks but I feel they have their uses...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I do feel that Device still needs some changes. But I'm not gonna lie when I say part of me hopes they don't do anything big with Trip mine or Time bomb because I just don't use them on my AR Device, because I feel they are limited and slow me down. I think the respec I did for i24 changes for my personal build are awesome for me. Not one power wasted and not one set bonus wasted. End result everything is offering something to the build without being a mule set. But I know if they do some cool changes to either bomb it will drive me nuts trying to figure out how to add them into yet another new build.
    Hmm, why do you feel underperforming powers shouldn't be improved?

    Is it because, if they were improved, you'd feel you suddenly 'have' to take these powers?

    Again, maybe I'm crazy, but why not just keep your build how it is regardless of how other powers are changed then make a *new* character that takes advantage of changes or other additions?

    I mean, I built a Fire/SD brute a long while ago that only took the sword attacks + Breath of Fire. If the devs decided to improve on of the non-sword FM attacks, am I suppose to be compelled to change my character's concept and build for it? Or am I just going to have to realize I created this character and build with some powers being outside of those parameters and live with it?

    Same here. I made an arc/dev blaster *because* of Trip Mine and hopefully eventually Time Bomb. It'd be nice if those powers were made more usable.
  13. I suppose I'm just loopy and crazy...I'm the opposite.

    If I have a stealth power that is making it hard for the enemy to see me, I think it damned well better look like it's hard to see me. If Cloaking Devices is a stealth power, it better make it look like the foe isn't a blind idiot standing 10ft away from me yet doesn't notice me shooting off his buddy's leg standing right next to him. Also, when I'm bleeding out of both ends and limping to the next group of foes, I don't want *ANYONE* to see me until after I patch myself up.

    For costumes/looks: I've always loved looking at my characters...if they don't have a look that I like, I wouldn't ever come back to play that character...but I do. But even then, you're not going to want to see them *constantly* even when you dang well shouldn't. In an action movie, where the hero that you love and adore is sneaking past security, don't you think it should look like he's actually sneaking around and going unnoticed? Why be blatantly visible for all to see despite all logic? If you want to sit back and admire the rear of the comic hero, I say do that in appropriate situations like when they're not sneaking about or bleeding from it. You can always toggle off stealth when the team is just gathering to start combat or discussing the next mission or just chatting. When it's time to load your guns and move into battle, looks aren't as important.

    Disclaimer: all IMO of course...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    A billion times ? Really ? Sorry I refuse to watch the video chats. They are a fantastic way to take an hour, conveying 5 minutes of written information.
    I said 'outlined a billion times' which is referring to the *threads* in the *forums* by *posters* who have *outlined* the changes which refer to the questions you're asking. Do the toggles suppress? That was asked several times during the coffee talk, several times in the thread outlining the details of the chat, rewritten several times by people relaying that information and more times when a new thread comes up talking about who's better than who.

    Sorry but now is exactly the time to talk about this.
    Why? So you can complain that /Ice doesn't do as much damage as /Energy? So? The changes weren't made to balance each other out, they were made to balance the AT out. If, for whatever reason, it turns out that /Energy is ridiculously overpowered by these changes, then something should be done about it. But you can hardly say if any of the sets are thrown out of balance by the cnages if you haven't tested it.

    Your fixation on needing to change things before its too late is only viable if you think changes should be made for balance concerns. I think that's a perfectly fine discussion if you can back it up with numbers, but wanting to rush into the debate 'before it's too late' sounds kinda dumb...I guess if you just don't like the sustain mechanics being introduced then yeah, debate on what those changes do to the AT. But is that what you're discussing?
    Prior to going rogue I would have certainly given you the immobilize, even though a hold was available from several epics. Now, not so much. There are much better immobilizes available to all blasters through the patron powers.
    I said 'immobilize/sleep *protection*'. Sure you can get immo protection from a pool, but you can also get it in an attack for /fire. And if Cauterizing Aura does in fact heal you over time with tics of healing, those tics will break a sleep effect because sleeps break on any HP change.

    You are trying to stack sleeps with frozen aura ? Or are you assuming an Sonic / Ice manipulation pairing ? Unless you are leading off with siren song in the middle of the spawn that hardly seems the best way to go even for that combination.
    You can lead off with Sirens Song, and the mobs that aren't affected by the sleep will keep running at you, to which Frozen Aura will finish the job. It won't, however, work if the rank of the mob is too high and your first Siren's Song missed them.

    [EDIT]Also, Sleep Grenade and Flash Freeze also cause AoE sleep to which one can stack with Frozen Aura if they so desire.[/EDIT]

    Regarding /Dark -To hit is very nice but there is only two primaries to stack it with and even there -To hit from the primary actually works better with /energy than with /Dark. Forgetting Power Boosted Blackstar or a Power Boosted Blizzard, dark blast/ energy manipulation lets you stack more -to hit faster than dark / dark.
    I'm not bagging on Power Boost, but it's not going to replace actually having the powers that are boosted by it. You can partially replace Power Boost by actually *having* Blackstar and *slotting* it for -ToHit. I may not get 80% slotting out of it, but then I don't need another click to get that effect...and beyond that, how many players are actually going to slot for -ToHit on Blackstar if they already have Power Boost? I know I surely won't on my Dark/EM blaster.

    But beyond that, sure /Dark has -ToHit to stack...it's called Penumbral Grasp, Smite, Shadow Maul, Midnight Grasp and Touch of Fear itself. There's also Soul Mastery.

    And from experience, Power Boosted dark blast is great!...but the debuffs only last 10 seconds. ToF is 2x stronger -ToHit, lasts 2x longer and fears the foe. You're not going to outright replace that with Power Boost by itself.

    There is an entire separate thread about the problems with using electric powers to sap. Just to encapsulate, to have sapping be as effective as a hold or a stun, you need to completely drain end and stop recovery on the target. /Electric can do this in two attacks to a single target, which is functionally equivalent to stacking two stuns from energy or powerboosted control powers from the primary.
    Not really debating the qualities of endurance drain. But I'm not going to ignore it either or its effects on survival.

    Its more important to me to have the changes done well this time. I am not looking forward to some UBER pay to win secondary in the future.
    But you don't know what 'right' is.

    There's your problem.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Candy_Heart View Post
    Not sure about some future power that does not exist, but Cloaking Device is the stealth power in Devices, it does have Defense, but it is completely worthless because the +DEF is just about 0% in-combat no matter how you slot it. So as soon as a NPC sees you, you are in combat, the +DEF supresses, the +STEALTH supresses, so its.. umm, not worth taking

    edit: P.S. This power completely ruins my very expensive outfit, which really completely annoys me as well. Its complete rubbish, and if they buff it to have the +regen +recovery I will cry. Energy/Devices is my first character. I have NEVER had much luck with this character, now this. I just.. im thinking of quiting.
    Did you check the custom options in the tailor window? In the powers section, stealth type powers usually have a no translucent option in there so that when the stealth suppresses, so do the powers' effects. The same thing happens to my Claws/EA brute where Energy Cloak used to make you completely invisible 100% of the time...which I kind of liked. Now, when I hit something (or something hits me) I'm 100% visible. The funny thing is, even though I'm visible, the NPCs *CAN'T SEE ME STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM* because the stealth does not suppress at all.

    I actually learned that Cloaking Device also doesn't completely suppress. And no, when an NPC sees you, that does not trigger the toggle to suppress, that requires either you taking an offensive action (attack) or the enemy landing a hit on you to which then the toggle will partially suppress. Also, the toggle provides 1.7% def while suppressed, not 0%. Even now, the translucent effect partially suppresses while fighting so even though you're not completely visible, your costume is still viewable and frankly, what are you doing staring at your costume in the middle of a fight? You should be *fighting* not admiring the shine on your boots. You can look at yourself in the mirror after the spawn is dealt with >_>
  16. Hmm, well, rather than a specific 'junk folder', why not just have a tab or two that are customizable like the chat tabs? Just have one folder for 'All', one folder for 'Temp Powers/Costumes' and one folder for 'Purples'.

    If you're savvy, maybe you'd customize one folder to include basic IOs/temps/costumes/hold/fear/immobilize/stun recipes, another for all and another for rares/purples. Technically, the folders are just filters on your inventory window, we could just proliferate the dropdown menu from the crafting window with options like "Hide Basic IOs", "Hide Crafted IOs", "Hide Temps/Costumes".
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Do you have a redname saying toggles do not suppress when mezzed ? Because if the toggles do, that knocks out /Ice.
    How do we still have people discussing the blaster adds that *still* haven't read the details outlined a billion times over?

    Frigid Embrace, Cauterizing Aura and Field Operative (all the toggle Blaster sustain powers) do *not* detoggle and the sustain effects do *NOT* suppress.

    To completely clarify, if a /fire blaster is mezzed, Cauterizing Aura will stop doing damage but continue to give yourself a heal over time. This was mentioned, outlined and repeated after the first coffee talk that introduced these changes.

    There was also mention of changes being targeted at /dev outside of Cloaking Device > Field Operative change. For one, there was mention of Time Bomb becoming a toggle. I don't believe there was much else said about that secondary, but it and others were mentioned as have other tweeks made to it such as improving the radius of Frozen Aura. There was a sideways comment about a Martial Arts Manipulation secondary but they seemed to want to cover up any details to any new secondaries.

    I'd hold my judgement on 'who's at the top of who' until the actual beta releases. But even then, trying to pin anything down is pretty pointless since you're only doing so with the small amount of info we have and what is what can easily be circumstantial to the build.

    For instance, you herald /Energy, which I can agree with, as one of the top secndaries...but /fire does have some quirks to it that may be more enticing such as immobilize and sleep protection thanks to Burn and the HoT of Cauterizing Aura. The stacking sleeps may not be useful to all unless built to take advantage of for /Ice. Frankly, I'd put up /Dark above /Energy if only because Touch of the Beyond is a really good power, it buffs you and debuffs the foe's ToHit from 80ft away? That's a bit more certain than stacking power boosted controls IMO.

    The only one people rarely mention is /elec which will still have amazing endurance management (I think they get +recovery in Might of Thunder as well as in Power Sink), the same regen buff and the ability to drain foes pretty handily if given opportunity.

    I'm in 'wait and see' mode, if only because I think what is *more* interesting at this point isn't which secondary is the best, but what would a *new* secondary built from the ground up with sustain in mind would look like.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    Adding damage to FA does not invalidate its use as a control tool. It limits its ability to stack because the other sleeps blaster can access have damage. Why aren't you complaining about that? If Flash Freeze and Sleep Grenade did not do damage, FA could pull double duty (Siren's Song would suffer, but I have trouble weeping for Sonic, its control is awesome without stacking sleeps).
    It invalidates its controls because of the way sleeps work: damage breaks them. If damage didn't break sleeps, you'd be right. This isn't about those other sleeps because those already do damage and balanced not to stack. Frozen aura was originally designed to stack so making it break its own mitigation is invalidating its design.

    I wouldn't mind that. But shiver's -recharge is massive. Saying all it does is slow is like saying all Rain of Arrows does is damage.
    Actually, I would complain. With the new nukes, they can have some major effects to make their utility skyrocket. I'd give up some rech on RoA if it came with some nice self buff or debuff...hell, just faster application of damage in exchange for around 45 sec of base rech but yeah not seriously asking for the power to be changed, just stating my opinion and for RoA, its pretty meh. Suppose it's nice if you use it constantly every time it's up but that ain't me. I like clicking stuff when I want, not because thats how the power is numerically competent.

    Mind you, I love my arch/dev but I like using all my powers...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I have and use shiver on my Ice/Ice blaster. I would miss it. If they add damage to Frozen Aura, now that would be good.
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    I have to agree with Strato here - shiver is one of the better powers in ice manipulation, I wouldn't want to lose it. On the other hand, frozen aura is a pretty sad power - not high enough mag to even sleep an LT and a tiny, PBAoE radius. I could handle having this power buffed easily, whether it was to add damage, make it a decent control by upping the sleep to mag 3 or by adding some -rech so you can stack it with chilling embrace/shiver.
    Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
    Haven't gotten to Shiver level just yet...but getting there. Kinda on the fence about taking it. Frozen aura? Now THAT i plan to just forget it even exists. I'm playing a Water/Ice'r...AoE Sleep (meager in most every way conceivable as it is) + Lotsa AoE hurtage = Why in the unholy 9 levels of Hades did i even bother USING that friggin power?! So...yeah...CERTAINLY wouldn't mind having THAT replaced with ISC.
    Hahaha, so you love and want to keep a slow, lackluster debuff yet want to invalidate a decent control power?

    Hey, I'm not opposed to improving powers but don't see it as fair to practically strip the use of another power instead just because you don't like it. Putting damage into Frozen Aura just morphs it into a weaker damage tool at the cost of its control. As is, you can take any of the sleep powers and stack it with Frozen Aura to sleep bosses and practically any Blaster can pick up one of those powers for superior solo control.

    Shiver? All it does is slow. Why not 'add damage' to that? It doesn't invalidate its purpose (slowing stuff) and they already have a power that does something similar: [Arctic Breath].

    Not only that, but Hawk mentioned increasing the range of Frozen Aura and specifically said he *wouldn't* add damage to it.

    I wouldn't want to swap Shiver for Ice Sword Circle if only because ISC is nothing like Shiver. Cottage rule and all...but you can modify Shiver to be like Arctic Breath: minor cold DoT, slow, -res/-def, knockdown over a period of time....it improve the set's control, offense and debuff at once.
  20. I'm gonna knock you up....i mean out
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I don't know how you are playing it, but standing in the middle of a spawn and firing off a two and a half second soul drain is going to need considerable levels of defense to ride out. Especially true when you are following up with a 3 second cast nuke. Even if you can consistently max out soul drain you are missing the synergy of power boost and stunning melee attacks from energy with radiation's stuns.
    You don't really need soul drain fully saturated to work but generally, it's a 'look at that sweet huddle' buff. You can use it when you want and more likely it won't be something you're waiting on to charge. Someone else can huddle them for you and it lasts for 2 spawns. If no one can herd for you, just pop some inspirations.

    Also, dark has an AoE stun. While energy's synergy with stuns is there, dark can fill that good enough and offers alternatives if stuns isn't keeping you alive. Touch of fear is easy to stack and slotted, debuffs tohit by around 15%. Soon it will be castable from range and buff regen too.

    To say /energy just improves on other sets is to damn with faint praise. /Energy also has the advantage its offense is also its mitigation as well. Stun+Total focus = neutralized boss.
    Touch of fear works and doesn't really require stacking...just saying.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Energize will also be providing /Energy an incredible end management tool. Is the extra benefit from absorb, outweighed by easily softcapped defenses and the ability to fight at extreme range ? For enemies that have more melee attacks than ranged you would think so.
    I'd say that depends on the player. Fighting long range, while a survivability advantage, can also be a liability for sets that are more attuned to closer range. I can see any secondary with supplemental PBAoE effects (doesn't even have to be damage, just something) synergizes better, IMO, than boost range ever could. Sets like Dual Pistols, Electric Blast, Rad Blast and to an extent Psy and Energy Blast gain a sideways benefit of leveraging PBAoEs with stuff like Soul Drain, damage auras, Chilling Embrace, Drain Psyche and the like which can't really be duplicated with /Energy.

    IMO, /Energy is probably best suited for cone focused sets like Dark Blast and Assault Rifle but doesn't go badly with any particular set (it enhances them all, really). Still, a Rad/Energy probably won't be even half as good as my Rad/Dark if only because Soul Drain synergizes way better with Irradiate and Atomic Blast both. Sonic/Ice is sort of the same way, leveraging sleeps solo (Frozen Aura is suppose to be getting a range improvement too) plus the slows and absorb slowing incoming damage even more. KD patch for controlling multiple bosses that pass through that? Nuke everything with Wail then put whatever survives to sleep so you can pick them off while they're weakened?

    /Energy already has that very nice ability to softcap defenses by leveraging power boost. I think you are missing just how strong the new secondary effects it has to play with. 20 second mag 3 stuns, 20 Second holds, -60% to hit for blackstar, and powerboost and Thunderous blast give electric blasters what they have been asking for, a meaningful way to sap an entire spawn.

    /Energy was already a top two contender before the changes, I just don't see anything that got enough boost out of them to come from behind and overtake it.
    But /Ice has more mitigation outright. Not bagging on /Energy, but even now /Ice has more. But it has less offense than Energy but you're not really talking about that. With the absorb, defense will be good but resistance will be just as good if not better since you have a means to slow down the enemy's attacks (all of them if you need to). /Energy doesn't have that capabilities by itself, it can only improve upon what other sets have.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Actually, I've been thinking about rolling Sonic/Ice when I24 rolls around. Its one of my candidate test combos to level during the beta: I have a feeling its going to be an incredibly tough build.

    Don't get me wrong: I think Energy Manipulation is getting a great deal in I24. But just as I think people couldn't see past the perma /devices thing initially and I had to actually point out what Energy is going to be able to leverage, I don't think the other secondaries have been given fair shakes yet either. More than double the slotted absorb that energy is likely to get in regen and healing, plus a much wider chilling embrace, combined with the current strengths of ice patch and an almost cheating level of stacking sleep past 38, plus a non-crashing dreadful wail, sounds like one of the more interesting I24 combinations coming up.
    I could have told you that...anyone with a Sonic/Ice right now could have told you that. Of the Blaster combos, it probably has the most solo controls and a contender for the 2nd highest team controls. Just add absorb and you're looking at a different kind of Blaster, namely an offensively limited one but a heck of a hard one to kill.

    People want to add dmg to Frozen Aura but I'd much prefer targeting the weakest link of the set: Shiver. Frozen Aura actually gives an avenue for good solo survival whereas Shiver can be made rather redundant. Swap Shiver for a clone of Arctic Breath (moderate cone dmg with -def/-res, slow, -rech and knockdown-over-time) and suddenly Ice Manipulation will have a leg to compete on with offense and stand out as superior team and solo control but low utility (only BU really).
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    What, really? I was just coming here to complain about how the changes to Fighting didn't make me any more willing to burn a power pick on an attack I don't want just to get a toggle I want, but... If that's true, then can I pick Tough without having to pick Kick or Punch?
    Nope. You have to pick either Kick or Boxing. But unlike now where if you want Weave, you have to pick 2 powers (like Kick and Tough), when the changes roll in you can just pick Kick and Weave.

    Other outliers: If you like Vengeance, instead of picking Maneuvers/Assault + Tactics, you can simply pick Maneuvers/Assault + Vengeance.

    For Concealment, if you wanted Phase Shift (a very nice power to have on a squishy) right now you have to take Stealth/Grant Invisibility + Invisibility. Soon, you can just take Stealth + Phase Shift.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    I believe that what Arcana is saying is that it is not all or nothing- having less endurance means that they can't use bigger attacks. So they don't have to be completely drained to take an effect, having a small amount of endurance heavily limits what they can do without them being able to do nothing. Hence the various suggestions of different endurance drain effects.
    To put it simply: you *STILL* have to drain them to that point where they only have enough endurance for so many attacks. Unimpeded, a mob (normal x1 spawn) can probably attack a normal Scrapper (no IO bonuses, just normal slotted secondary) into submission before they run out of endurance. Regardless of if the mob can use big attacks at one point or another, it doesn't really matter if they were able to use big attacks *AT SOME POINT* to where it knocked off 30-40% of your HP. If you've then only got 25-30% HP and the mob is simply reduced to smaller attacks, the difference then matters in how many small attacks it'd take to kill you vs small attacks + big attacks + recharge of big attacks. That'd determine just how much drain effects are saving you.

    I'd also reiterate -EnduranceRedux str and -MaxEND is not included as a drain effect. They're completely new debuffs that work differently than drains.

    So it sort of is all or nothing. Either you drain the foe to a threshold that disables their big attacks before those attacks can do significant damage to you or those big attacks get a chance to land enough that small attacks can finish you off. There's a chance it'd fall inbetween but it's all very circumstantial which is exactly why I made the post that I did.