244 -
i could do a Ravager since i've already done a Faathim of the Kind but instead i shall entertain you with my Nemesis Pony
Lord Nemesis be Jealous!! >
On Protector i'm kinda known for using Layla mind tricks to get ppl to join the taskforces i'm forming.. so in this story The Carnival of Shadows have kidnapped Layla and brain washed her to think she's a carnie also. Now they are using layla's mind tricks in order to cause Chaos.. The guy in the blue was layla's brother and the guy in the goggles is dragon punch and both are immuned to her mind tricks. hope that kinda explains it.. sorry
Some of you might have wondered what layla has been up to
Her and the Carnies have made a girl group!
there is a music video that goes along with this XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg_OWiAqv6U&feature=plcp -
I've made a Carnie Strongman! and the drum kinda like our emote drum XD
but it gets better! i did a video using them! go check it out if you need a giggle XD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg_OWiAqv6U&feature=plcp -
and i just finished an Ici Cold pic for sooner too
no love for protector! goes off to cry in a corner
I think mine was around the 45 mark on vid one.. but it's the one with the chiapet hamster if you didnt get the clue from the picture above XD
Video 1
0:45:30 Hamsterpowered slushie shoppe- @Layla Rei - Guardian
Video 2
16:11 - The Secret Sanctum - @Ulysses Dare - Guardian
41:31 - The Zen Garden - @force majeure - Protector
50:30 -
They didnt post the results in this thread so I thought i'd let you guys know i made it into the Top ThreeIt's all thanks to my ChiaPet Hamster of Doom
Yay! i'm glad you liked him! Now sammy needs a mask and cape too!
if you guys want to see how Sooner's new puppy saves the day i have a few story pics on my DA site about it.. it's cute http://rei2jewels.deviantart.com/
kissy kissy sooner! -
Doom the Chiapet hamster wants to say TY also -
yes CG to everyone! and TY for doing this! its got me excited about working on my base again
kissy to everyone! *goes off to make a chia pet hamster doll*
yep! i lovey stone so much he got a drawing a week from me for his bday month
What day is today?
It's Stone Daemons Birthday
What a day for a Birthday!
Lets all have some cake
I also did a beautiful drawing of his WS for a Birthday present
Hope you have a great day Stone! -
War Base ROCKS!!! *screams like a fangirl and faints*
i like the first pic with all the flytrap pets
I've already entered!!! Must win for Protector!!
Quote:OMG i want a Layla Computer now!!!Agreed it's nice to see other people who are into the Heroification(tm) of their stuffz.
You'll have to share your commissioned artwork with us when it arrives!
Actually neither of those PC's belong to me, they are commissions I built
for two art collectors here Pyro Nympho and Caemgen that wanted new gaming rigs.
I build custom computers for a living and only draw/paint in my spare time.
The load screen is mine though, it's my fire/regen/SS tanker Brahn.
P.S. If you are into figures/dolls you should talk to Julianna aka LaylaRei
about getting a plushy done of your favorite character. Hers are
really well made and even have glow in the dark eyes.
If you mention CR sent you, prepare to duck.
and aww ty kissy kissy -
is my first costume set good for free players?
I think all these pieces are free.. i didnt make a free account to make sure
and then the other costume with optional cape.. and i dont remember if the cape was a purchase or not >.> but hey.. it gives you more pictures to look at
modeling the costumes are Stone Daemon and Layla rei