17 -
Okay, I think I will just see this as a challenge to my creativity and flex my brain to rework the story a bit, since getting the result I want seems to rely too much upon chance. I agree that being able to pin specific goals to specific spawn points would help quite a bit, and I thought perhaps there was a way to do it since I had seen that kind of setup in the Save States from Tyrant cave mission. However, I am not a programmer or the least bit familiar with programming, so I won't even try to pretend I know how feasible that would be and such. XD
Thank you for the input, though!
Edit: Ignore the questions about map layout. I'm a dork and didn't catch the layout that shows up in my MA screen because of poorly sized windows. *^_^
Also, I may be able to do something close to what I want by forgetting the escort and just setting Captive Y as an ally with the surrounding Enemy Group as Boss X. That way, the boss gets a couple of small speaking bits still. We'll see. Thanks again! -
I have some questions regarding the MA system that I have not seen answered in the guides I've read through, and I am hoping those of you that are more experianced with the system could share your knowledge with me.
Oh, and the following pertains to arcs that are being made for RP purpose - I'm not worried about ratings, tickets, XP, the general populace complaining that these are too easy/toohard, or anything with these since they'll be up for just a short time and only a few people will be playing them; I just want them to capture the ambiance that fits with the rest of the story.
First, is there any way to make a mission with the goals: Defeat Boss X and Escort Captive Y where Boss X is guarding Captive Y?
The closest thing I have figured out is to not actually have Boss X as a goal, just mention he needs taken out in the text, then make Boss X in his own enemy group and set him as the guard so he technically has to be taken out to free the captive. There are several downsides to this that I haven't figured out how to work around, however:
1. If I do this, I can't have Boss X go through the Boss speech text (at encounter, 75% health, 50% health, etc.) which I really want to do.
2. Boss X was originally a part Enemy Group Z. I want him to spawn as the captor, but I want other members of his group to spawn with him. I only want one of him to spawn and not several clones of him. (I hope I am making sense...)
My other thought for this was making both a mission goal and finding a small enough map that, by placing them both in the back, would give the illusion of Boss X guarding Captive Y. Or, is there a way to do something along the lines of the blueside mission where you rescue Statesman from Tyrant? States is chained to the wall and you have to defeat Tyrant and associated enemies who are in front before States is freed.
Also, regarding the maps you can use - I found the list of Unique Maps on Paragone Wiki, but is there a complete list of all the maps where I can look at pictures? For example, In the Cimorean Caves Set, there are maps 1 through 10, but no way of seeing what the map looks like until I pick the map and enter the mission. That's a lot of maps to go through, and if there is a time-saving list with pictures like the Unique Maps list on ParaWiki, I would greatly appreciate a link!
I think I'll leave it at just these questions for now. Thank you, again, for any help you can provide. ^_^ -
Hope you and everyone else who caught it there feel better soon!
Wow, these are all great.
My votes have to go to Artic Innocence and Turkey Lurkey, purely because those two drawings made me giggle the hardest.
((Bulked up Ghost Widow was a close 3rd)) -
I liked the new costume options. I only wish some costume tokens came with them - 3 new outfits on 10 minutes killed the influence stash quite quickly... ^_^
Here are my first three creations with the new costumes:
Kina trying out the tails. This is the Butler tails, sleeves, and the bow tie (which needs to be available without wearing the tux.)
The new Excess is pretty. Excess Plus top, and on legs under the skirt.
Playing cupid in pink. - Used the Bridal top and miniskirt, bridal gloves (doesn't show up well in those shots), and Angel Plus on the legs. -
((This continues to entrall me. So so so so good. That being said, your next challenge for a story is something funny, happy, and doesn't give me nightmares at night. :-P ))
((Whoa. I was waiting for the tie-in, and bam! Better then expected. Awesome. Creepy. *peeks from under the covers* Let me know when it's over.))
((For the record, this story has already given me nightmares once so far. Keep up the good work? *hides under the covers* ))
((Nothing good can come of this, yet I still have to know what happens! More, please! ^_^ ))
((Oh my. I cannot wait to see the road that you lead us down this time around. ^_^ ))
*wipes a tear from her eye* I hope Bethany and her lover find each other again.
((Dang, Roy, this is incredably creepy and highly addictive stuff. I can't wait to read more!))
The guy I quoted was actually referring to my ability to express things other than combat with body language in this particular case.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know, love can be a combat of sorts, too.
In any case, I really do like this picture. Keep up the good work!