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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spizzie View Post
    I definitely want to keep the slots in Psi Dart. For one, I always proc out the tier one attacks on my Blasters, Doms, and Corruptors. Those are the attacks that I use to fill in the gaps of my attack chain, and they benefit less from damage enhancements due to lower base damage.
    If it works for you then go for it, I personally never had a gap on my attack chain between dominate, mesmerize, confuse, levitate, MB and subdue.
  2. I personally wouldn't put two slots in Assault or Accro, nor slot psionic dart. I would also add a little bit more accuracy in some of your powers to outset the lack of aim/bu, but other than that the build looks good. Just keep in mind that with the nerf to the dominator DP /psi is pretty much trash now.
  3. 9-10pm on a Saturday night? Are you trying to weed out players with lives?

    Either way, good luck to those who make it.
  4. Just keep in mind that doms play different from blasters. Sure they do good damage, but their main weapon is CC and disruption. If you don't play it smart and attempt to go in face rolling with all guns blazing like a blaster would you will quite possibly get wrecked.

    If you don't focus so much on the range aspect, and break it down to play style, you will find that stalkers actually play more like blasters. They both hang out in the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to go in for a kill or spike someone. Doms' job is not so much to be a main damage dealer as it is to be a pain in the *** to as many people as possible.
  5. Freedom players get no PvPRP action, they mad
  6. Krytical

    New Doms

    Who didn't see this coming? Doms were pretty balanced before. I was able to take down most things I dueled, blasters being the most troublesome, but with a couple of firing neurons it was still doable. Now, well, it's just lol... If you think a blaster is even on the same league as a dom now, you need a reality check.

    I'm just hoping doms don't become the new VEATs, who went from OPed to crap in 1 issue.
  7. This isn't really anything new tho, as old as the Elusivity nerf.
  8. I have a friend who PvPed with a Sonic/MM, he ended up stripping it for a Psi/EM. He said the range was horrible in Sonic/MM.

    If you're bent in rolling /MM (because of DP I assume), then a Mind/Psi dom is a better alternative.
  9. Assuming the best possible PvP combination, with DR on, it'd go something like this:


    Right now no decent blaster should lose to a squishy in a 1vs1 with DR on, although things might change with the removal of heal decay in the future, and doms will most definitely surpass blasters in i15 if the proposed changes go through.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I think it's more based on individual attacks than AT modifiers. It seems they basically took every attack by itself and assigned it a value.

    After all, there are powers that don't follow any AT modifier rules. For example, blaster sonic attacks do more than a corr's, but howl dows much more for a corr than for a blaster. No logic, and clearly not based on a general AT modifier. Seems to be more of an individual value for each power.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you basing that on actual in-game numbers or on Mid's numbers? Because I've found Mids' PvP numbers to be wrong in several occasions.

    EDIT: yup, I just double checked this, and Mids is wrong on this one too. The blaster version of Howl does more damage than the corr version, as it should be.
  11. I'm pretty sure there is, how else would you explain blasters doing more damage than corruptors with identical attacks? Or how doms, after the modifier change, now do more PvP damage with attacks that were left untouched?
  12. Range range range. A good Psi/EM will fire off 3 attacks before the average ranged squishy can even get in range of his powers.
  13. Sonic/EM is mostly hype, Psi will wreck Sonic real good in a 1vs1.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sonic/Therm >>>> Sonic/Pain, neither of them play like blasters though.

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    All well and good and I agree, but he already said he isn't feeling therm. And pain dom is pretty fricking underrated. I know its debuff is a joke but man are they hard to take down if the person playing them has any clue whatsoever what they are doing. The therm will get more kills, the pain dom will die less.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I missed the part where he said he wasn't interested in Therm. Personally I haven't found pain to be particularly harder to take down than therm, or at least definitely not enough to make up for the loss in debuffs.

    Like I said before though, neither of them play like blasters. Doms are more like blasters, Mind/Elec is a good combo, but you need to be in melee to take full advantage of it. I personally prefer Mind/Fire or Mind/Psi.
  15. Definitely take Conserve Power. Psi has the highest endurance costs as far as single target attacks go so even with an IOed build you can bottom out very quickly. Conserve Power will make a HUGE difference in prolonged fights or against drainers.

    As far as how much recharge, I generally shoot for around 50% more or less, I feel that with DR anything more than that isn't really worth the trade off. My main focus with IOs is getting to the HP cap and then focusing on +dmg and +acc, although with the incoming dom buffs I'd definitely recommend getting at least 36+ (preferably 46) KB protection, otherwise doms with KBs will eat you alive.
  16. Sonic/Therm >>>> Sonic/Pain, neither of them play like blasters though.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    A Mind/Therm PvP build is tight (when building for teaming anyways - a dueling build would have plenty of open slots). In order to fit in Speed, Leaping, Fitness, Phase, and PB (need 3 picks out of Primal) I was only able to fit in Dominate and Levitate from the primary.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    IMO Primal isn't as necessary for a Thermal as it is for an Emp/FF. As a therm PB will only have a noticeable effect in your heals and thats about it. I'd recommend going with Hiber/Leadership instead because having no perception sucks. That should also save you 2-3 power choices compared to Phase/PB, allowing you to pick up TK (who doesn't love an autohit hold that lets you debuff with impunity?), the soon to be awesome Confuse and even a placate-loaded Mesmerize.

    If you're going for full team support then re-roll as Emp, which is much better than Therm for that role. Mind/Therm is better suited for an offensive play style with buffing/heals on the side.
  18. Personally I wouldn't play a Psi blaster without it. With DR on and your other 3 attacks recharging in 8, 10 and 20 secs respectively, it'd be impossible to have a complete attack chain without it.

    As far as what to slot in it, I'd say go with the standard 4 devastations and 2 javelins. Leave the purple set for TK which is your 2nd best attack (your 1st one being Will Dom but you want a placate proc on that one). Psi Dart will do decent enough damage with the Javelin proc for a filler attack.
  19. Personally I think elec is over hyped the same way sonic is for blasters. People just go crazy when they see the big numbers, not taking into consideration a lot of other stuff. IMO psi (in both blasters and doms) is better than the slower, harder hitting counterparts.

    As far as the buffs, well, take my word for it and roll a dom now. They are gonna be pretty OPed when i15 goes live. As it stands right my dom has no problem taking down most of anything I've dueled, insanity will ensue when they increase its base damage by 30-40% across the board.
  20. Only if you think sonics are the top blasters
  21. Doms play more like blasters than corrs. I'd say the closest to a blaster is a Mind/Fire.
  22. I'm pretty sure SS will be nerfed somewhere down the line. Hell, a nerf even made it to test once, although the outcry was so big Castle ended up actually buffing SS.
  23. Isn't there a nerf in the works for SS too?