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  1. Kronos_EU


    Righto, went for MA/DA and have to say quite enjoying it at level 5.
    Look out for Randor!!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    It's the whole of Force Mastery that's insanely good/overpowered.

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    Is there really any point to these other epic shields if FoN is soo good?

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    You're trading attack power for defence.

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    Hardly - the epics have very little in the way of extra attack power compared to what a blaster already has.

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    Don't get me wrong - the other pools have some good powers - especially the holds - but in PvP these are largely irrelevant against most melee toons.

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    Given that APP holds are mag3 - same as controllers, it doesn't take much to overcome a melee AT basic mez resist, 3 holds for a stalker, 4 for a brute so I don't think the holds are irrelevant.

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    Try getting 3 of those holds out - not many blasters have 3 holds even.

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    With the 'balancing' that I7 brings for villains - isn't it about time that blaster epics got a bit of a lift (why not resistance to ALL types??) - even if FoN has to take a nerf!

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    Sure...and why not increase all Patron Power armours so they are the same. You realise there is nothing in Patron Powers that comes close to Force Mastery?

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    Hence the suggestion to nerf force mastery!!
  3. Would love to be there with Sunrod for both if that's ok
  4. Is there really any point in having anything other than force epic on a blaster in pvp.
    I'm slowly coming round to the fact that FoN is 'da uber' power and Force Mastery the epic to take.

    With the mez resists and damage resist FoN gives - you wade in - do tons of damage till it runs out then leg it.
    With the toggle dropping changes it's hard enough to do sustained damage against scrappers or tanks even without being clobbered, so is this going to be the 'only' viable option for blasters who PvP.

    (For 3 slotted shields)

    Munitions mastery
    'Epic' shield gives ~13% resist to smashing/lethal - something that 'tough' also gives, albeit in toggle form.

    Pyre mastery
    ~30% resist to smashing/lethal and some resistance to fire and cold

    Electric mastery
    ~30 resist to smashing/lethal and some resistance to energy

    Is there really any point to these other epic shields if FoN is soo good?

    Don't get me wrong - the other pools have some good powers - especially the holds - but in PvP these are largely irrelevant against most melee toons.

    With the 'balancing' that I7 brings for villains - isn't it about time that blaster epics got a bit of a lift (why not resistance to ALL types??) - even if FoN has to take a nerf!
  5. Kronos_EU


    I'll definitely be taking murky cloud - death shroud probably not - i do like it, having taken it previously on a /da, but doing a build that is already going to be very endurance hungry it's going to be of little help i feel.
  6. Kronos_EU


    MA/DA was the second ever toon i made - got to level 10 and eventually deleted. Was a bit underwhelmed by MA though due to animation times - didn't feel good - though i know now at later levels it improves.
    Might go for that....still would like to do BS/DA just for kicks(or slashes tho)
  7. Kronos_EU


    Well i am - but the only other option is MA/DA!
    I know it's a borked combo, i know it's gonna take some effort - i know i'm gonna wanna give up at lvl 10 (like i do with all scrappers), but damned if i'm not gonna make it work!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    What is this pvp of which you speak?

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    I believe it's an acronym or abbreviation that is used to identify polyvinylpyrrolidone which is a water-soluble chemically inert solid polymer (−CH2CHC4H6NO&#8722n used chiefly in medicine as a vehicle for drugs (as iodine) and especially formerly as a plasma expander called also povidone

    What did you think it was?
  9. Kronos_EU


    My next project is gonna be a scrapper and i need some advice.
    I'd like something i can PvE and PvP with, but i don't want to go with the cookies.
    So, i'm thinking of doing something a little different and going with...
    How can i make this work. Endurance is going to be a massive problem. Are there powers in either/both sets i can miss out on. Has anyone got any experience of using this particular combo?
    I'm fairly sure this is going to need a respec at every opportunity and planned fairly meticulously, so 3 builds are what will be needed.
    Answers on a postcard please to:
    You're nuts

    Or just post below.
    Failing lack of posts, info, encouragement, i'll carry on with the ice/mace tank.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    And one fire blaster with 3 IDs on him to completely ruin your team. Even more so if he has the fire epic.

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    Not if he doesn't have
    1) any endurance to use any powers
    2) with stacked ff's will need some boosting to hit and when it does, the sonic shields should give a reasonable reduction

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    You're assuming the other team won't have buffed their own players at all. Besides which, if he flew above you and dropped down using the arena temp power there'd be nothing you could do about it.

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    Not assuming no - just replying about a 'lone' blaster. And just because he was in the middle, it still doesn't mean he'll hit or do much damage.

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    Everything you're talking about is PbAoE pretty much. It's very easy to split a team up.

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    You mean in your experience it's very easy to split a team up - as i said it would be tough to co-ordinate - but a determined organised bunch would stay together.
    And anyway it's just a thought - there are going to be counters to any team of 8 - team work and co-ordination will win - not a lone buffed blaster.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    as max said, only take the epic shields, they are something like 6x more effective at resing more types of damage.

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    Except for body armour which has about the same resistance as tough - only difference is that it's not a toggle.
    Hardly an 'epic' shield really.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Would take some co-ordination for everyone to stay together tho.

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    And one fire blaster with 3 IDs on him to completely ruin your team. Even more so if he has the fire epic.

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    Not if he doesn't have
    1) any endurance to use any powers
    2) with stacked ff's will need some boosting to hit and when it does, the sonic shields should give a reasonable reduction
  13. Had another thought on the bubble of doom

    1 kinetic/electric defender
    1 sonic/electric defender
    2 ice/force field trolls
    1 stone/ice tank
    2 sonic/ice blasters
    1 elec/elec blaster

    Slows, drains, defense, resistance, speed.

    Would take some co-ordination for everyone to stay together tho.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    ... have you ever seen a tanker with 2 taunts from the presence pool and taunt from their secondary?

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    Yep - Hawaiin Punch
  15. 1 stone/em tank
    1 ill/sonic controller
    1 ice/ff controller
    1 kinetics/elec defender
    1 rad/rad defender
    2 elec/elec blaster - both slotted for endurance drain
    1 spines/regen scrapper

    Huddle monster of doom
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    The other reason is I have been teaming regularly with more than 7 people and if they are all on I would like to get them all into the final mission if possible...

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    Well, if we're pulling that sort of trick I might have to bring Late and Monkey...

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    Show off @)
  17. I'm so there - not even the missus is gonna stop me!
  18. Totally forgot i'd signed up to do a Katie TF tonight with some coalition peeps.
    Hope you manage to get the badge
  19. Got the time, just name the place.
    Don't have a problem with Sk'ing if i use the 47 - kind of prefer playing this toon also and the xp would just be a bonus - + the sonic nova is far more useful than the energy one.
  20. I'm up for this either with a lvl 50 or 47 blaster.
    I've got the contact for the carnie arc on the 47 - not started it yet though.
  21. Stalker kill tactics? Roll a blaster. Jobs a good'un.
  22. Anyone totted up the total defense you could possibly get on a blaster using all the power pool defense/resists along with an epic shield?
    i.e. combat jumping, tough, weave, hover, stealth, maneuvers and any others i've missed?
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    That's right a nice, new, unused HO is on offer for someone with this contact.

    I'm looking for mission number 9 in the arc which is 'Stop all Wildflower agents' and is in Founders Fall.

    Some patience will be required as the reason I am after this mission is so we can spawn the AV ambush in a PvP zone, allowing villains to get the badge.

    I'm also willing to chuck in some inf on Union CoH and if we do get the badge, I'm sure the villains I bring along for it will pool some inf for CoV in order to get this very hard badge.

    The contact is a lvl 45+ one so if you are in that range, can get him and are willing to be a little patient while I arrange it, it will be VERY appreciated.

    Post here or PM if you think you can help

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    Im quite far into this Arc (not sure on the count of mission. But so far ive never seen Kronos or anything like it, so next time you see me on hook me up.

    Btw, Crimson has 2 arcs i thought, 1 for 45+ and one for the 50's?

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    Not sure about the 2 arcs. I know it spawns the titan though - done this twice, once on DK Jrs arc and one on mine, neither of us were 50 at the time.