702 -
I should have read the descriptions on my other shields last night! Doh. Thanks Brimmy.
oh stop it allready, what is this, like the 10000th thread about how bad the hollows is?
If you dont like it then dont do it, just go and talk to wincott and return to your regular contact....
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If no one says anything, nothing will happen. One day the Devs might get sick of hearing about players being sick of Hollows and install some sort of teleport between the two entrances to the Hollows. Anywhere else and I think the Trolls might destroy it.
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But nothing needs to happen! It's a great zone - so, your mission at level 6 is at the far side of the zone - so you get to Julius and stop the trolls damming the river mission and all the trolls in the river are still +5. What you do get is a great zone with loadsa interesting features - it's not that hard to cross without faceplanting even with +10s about - you get Frostfire and Atta - fantastic missions for xp - you get the cavern of transcedence trial which gives you a nice shiny badge - a very easy to find 'hospital express' when you want to level and can't be arsed to run back to atlas/skyway (+10s ftw!) - and the fun of jumping through the gulch when you finally get your travel power!
Don't change the hollows devs whatever you do! -
Well i got to level 12, couldn't remember quite what my build plan was and took Obsidian shield!
Does anyone know if it protects from Endurance Drain also? Or is that another power in the set or is the hero planner incorrect? -
Cobra strike is excellent - got it - loving it.
Also, you've not included dark regeneration which is one of DA's saving graces.
Oh, and if taking super jump, hurdle is much better as it stacks with sj improving speed.
[/ QUOTE ]seeming as you dont want to has SJ on in battle draining even more end from you i'd go swift so you can move more easily.
i see this as a "rule".
Super Jump + Swift
Super Speed + Hurdle
Having it like this makes up for what you will lack from the travel power....
TP and Fly doesnt matter
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It all depends on how you slot SJ - 2 end, 1 jump and hurdle gives nigh on max jump speed and enables you to leave sj on in pvp zones. Then you toggle CJ on if immobilised as thats the only thing it's good for (and the jump control too)
Personally i'd take swift and hurdle all the time if possible
As for moving more easily - hurdle and combat jumping work better than swift and cj unless you've been 'naded. -
Cobra strike is excellent - got it - loving it.
Also, you've not included dark regeneration which is one of DA's saving graces.
Oh, and if taking super jump, hurdle is much better as it stacks with sj improving speed. -
Apologies for the lateness of posting, but big Gratz to you matey. Glad to be the tank-du-jour for the last 10 levels or so. Randor will need a buddy or two - may I suggest trying some Thrunge?
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I'll be counting on lots of Thrunge! -
PFF: pvp blasters should have tohits in their buffs, hit thru it, stunned/slept/detoggled/held ->dead
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come I7 this isn't gonna be as easy to de-toggle now - but yeah, def 'easy' to hit thru
FoN: a true pain, for 2 minutes, in almost every case i have fought this power it's simply a case of geas/arch mage -> win, btw, all this time, my shields were up, and then afterwards too, for the rest of the time, not just 1/6 of the time.
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This is the point though, for 2 minutes you can dish out damage like a madman on pcp - then retreat - rinse and repeat - which in the 'zones' i have a feeling we'll see alot of. And not everyone has geas or archmage accolades.
body armour, not worth it, not even the fact it cant be dropped, sorry dreamer, but im pretty sure its one attack chain = bye bye still
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the point of body armour is it cannot be dropped, hence the lower resistance - but with the toggle dropping changes whereas before it was handy in a way, now it's nigh on useless. one attack chain with any blaster (current I6 and toggle dropping) will floor another one irrespective of shields - except for Force and FoN!
LRM, zone kinda power, nice in pve, but this post are for teh duelz
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not really - was on about pvp in general and in particular RV - LRM should do some nice damage provided you can 'let one rip'(fnarr fnarr).
fire, well the less we say about fire the better really
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I can't see how fire is any worse than electric - of the 2 powers you'd take for pvp - you get cold/fire res instead of energy and the smashing/lethal is the same, plus the hold is near identical. -
Thanks all.
Gotta say thanks to the 1AT and particularly the Darkwings crew for the last 10 levels.
If anyone wants to know, i've got 3 projects now on the go. Getting the pb up to 50 (currently 38), a scrapper (MA/DA) and the 1AT 2v2 tourny blaster (elec/ice).
However when I7 hits i might just have to pop over to the dark side for some lovely elec/elec brutishness. -
Miss Sparkz dings the hawaii 5-0!
Grats again bud, and great teaming with ya! -
Finally, Maces rule!
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I probably need to get my head examined but I'm very tempted to start a second macer (ice/mace this time) in Issue 7
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If we were living in the time of I4, that combo wouldve spawned a number of men in white labcoats.. Now it might be possible to play. Hey, you could be the lvl 50 first Ice/macer on defiant?
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I don't really see the issue with ice/mace or mace either. Avoid the knockback attacks, avoid the knock up one too as the damage looks pants. Take all the disorient attacks and use CE and taunt to hold the aggro.
I know i'll be carrying on my ice/mace when i can find a decent team to level with. -
Was thinking about mobs with obsidian shields and how many mez before 30 - if i stay away from tsoo and cot, which i do most of the time it might be ok [...]
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As long as you're not planning on doing any PvP in Bloody Bay, it could probably work out alright.
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That too - sirens and up for me. -
Was thinking about mobs with obsidian shields and how many mez before 30 - if i stay away from tsoo and cot, which i do most of the time it might be ok - kb is much more prevalent - but agree with what ur saying and will take acrobatics at 30 then and obsidian shield sometime earlier.
Dark regen i'll def change round - 2 acc, 2 end, 2 rech i think - i'd like it up as much as possible. -
Ok, so this is my build up to the epics - any comments most welcome - hopefully i won't need to do a respec, but it's quite possible i will depending on how things work out
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://home.comcast.net/~SherkSilver/index.html)
Name: Randor
Level: 41
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Dark Armor
01) --> Thunder Kick==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(17)
01) --> Dark Embrace==> DmgRes(1) DmgRes(5) DmgRes(7) EndRdx(7)
02) --> Storm Kick==> Acc(2) Acc(9) Dmg(15) Dmg(17) Dmg(19)
04) --> Cobra Strike==> Acc(4) Acc(9) DisDur(15)
06) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(6)
08) --> Crane Kick==> Acc(8) Acc(11) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(37)
10) --> Murky Cloud==> DmgRes(10) DmgRes(11) DmgRes(13) EndRdx(13)
12) --> Focus Chi==> TH_Buf(12) Rechg(19)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
16) --> Dark Regeneration==> Acc(16) Acc(21) Rechg(21) Rechg(23) Heal(23)
18) --> Hurdle==> Jump(18)
20) --> Health==> Heal(20)
22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22) EndMod(25) EndMod(25)
24) --> Crippling Axe Kick==> Acc(24) Acc(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(29) Dmg(29)
26) --> Cloak Of Darkness==> EndRdx(26) DefBuf(31) DefBuf(31) DefBuf(31)
28) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(28)
30) --> Obsidian Shield==> DmgRes(30) DmgRes(33) DmgRes(33) EndRdx(33)
32) --> Eagle's Claw==> Acc(32) Acc(34) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Dmg(36)
35) --> Cloak Of Fear==> EndRdx(35) EndRdx(37) EndRdx(37) Acc(39) Acc(39) Fear(39)
38) --> Oppressive Gloom==> Acc(38) Acc(40) DisDur(40) EndRdx(40)
01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
--------------------------------------------- -
While FoN is a fantastic power, there are others out there that can best it, i think the resistance on FoN is Mag1, thats 1 blaster hold it can resist (a troller hold is 3 times as powerfuland effective).
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FWIW, neither the long or short description (or any of my experience with the power) say it has any resistance to status effects at all. It's described as providing high resistance to all damage types but Psi and boosting End recovery.
That's why I originally asked about Hero planners. As far as I'm aware, the info in Hero Builder (which was copied from Unstoppable) is the only place mez resistance is mentioned. I can only guess that people keep bringing it up on the boards because far more people have played with Hero Builder than have tried out the power.
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I'm sticking with what i've got anyway - but i still feel that FoN does fit any playstyle - whether ur buffed or not, it doesn't matter so much - and yes, you lose out on a hold and perhaps a snipe (sooo wish the recharge time on LRM was shorter) - but i'm betting the majority of blasters in RV will be either force or elec epic. -
Choice of epic depends on your play style.
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Absolutely - but some choices are perhaps a little more effective than others - and as i say, can improve certain builds exponentially over others.
Choose one of FoN, LRM missile or Hbernate depending on which suits you better.
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Already have - but i like to try different epics. FoN pretty much fits 'all' playstyles though!
Ofcourse, you may want to pick up a hold in your epic in which case you wouldnt want to get Force or Munitions.
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?? Munitions has Cryo Freeze Ray - the drawing of the weapon is a pain but the hold sometimes hits before the animation finishes - it's not 'actually' that bad.
For PvP at 50, RotP and EM Plse offer very little, and it would be silly(imo) to not get one of the 3 powers I listed first.
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I definitely wouldn't get any of those epics for either of those powers for pvp thats for sure.
Saying that, since the start of i5 I've had elec mastery because the S4 tourney was fought at 46 (so no last epic power available), and I've been able to function perfectly well.
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I took elec first time round and have kept on the nrg/nrg blaster - definitely a nice shield and hold - others i didn't, nor would i now bother with. -
Probably - do you run acrobatics too? Mez resist isn't really the point, though it'd be nice to know if it stacks with acrobatics - but as you still have 'huge' resistance to damage, a break free is all you need and you won't be dead before you get to use it!
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Don't get me wrong, it's a great power (and I'm certainly not planning on speccing it out), but I'm pretty sure it doesn't give Mez protection. I do run Acrobatics as well, yes - invaluble for avoiding KB if nothing else.
Incidentally, it's pretty easy for some Blaster builds to have three Holds. Ice/Elec can manage it without even needing an APP, and my Elec/Elec/Elec had three until I respecced into Force, but I tend to find two to be enough.
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Will have to check the description for FoN about mez resistance.
'Some' blasters being the point - don't even get me started on holds and their toggle dropping! It is why certain combinations will do better in pvp than others - which incidentally i found it amusing though the other night in warburg when Sunrod (sonic/elec) got called a cookie cutter build by an ice/elec!!
I'll certainly be sticking with what i've taken on each blaster - and possibly going for ice with my 3rd, or maybe fire, not sure yet - but will ultimately see how blasters are affected in RV with the toggle changes and how well those with FoN do. -
With the mez resists and damage resist FoN gives - you wade in - do tons of damage till it runs out then leg it.
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Are you taking that description from a hero planner by any chance? The resistances of FoN are very nice indeed, but I always get mezzed straight through it so I assumed that the planner descriptions were just a holdover from when Unstoppable was originally put in that slot in the Force APP.
If it does offer Mez protection it's very low Mag indeed (eg. Oppressive Gloom will still Stun me through it), although it's certainly nice that you still keep your resists whilst mezzed.
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Probably - do you run acrobatics too? Mez resist isn't really the point, though it'd be nice to know if it stacks with acrobatics - but as you still have 'huge' resistance to damage, a break free is all you need and you won't be dead before you get to use it! -
You are aware that the ForceMastery Shields come with some drawbacks?
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Quite aware thanks.
Force of Nature is a long recharge Clicky. So yes, you get amazing Resistance.. for 2 Minutes. After that, you need to wait nearly 12 Minutes for it to recharge, 6 if you slot Recharge Redux into it. And you lose all your endurance once it wears off, so yea, it is better than any other toggle shield.. for 2 Minutes
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But the damage and destruction you can do in that 2 minutes is far more than you'd be able to do otherwise - what i'm saying is there will be blasters in RV sitting it out for that 'downtime' - then jumping back in when FoN is back. Team with a kinetics and have hasten and that downtime isn't that long.
Force Mastery has 2 Emergency Buttons, Personal Force Field which stops you from attacking (kinda pointless for a Blaster?) and Force of Nature which is a 2 Minute "Please make sure I can fight that AV or tank a bit longer" clicky with a big endu-drain and long recharge.
You should always look at the entire picture and not just say that it is "better" than the other Epics, for the other epics have a few more attacks, some holds and toggle shields
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It is clearly 'better' for one power which enables a blaster to become a blanker - albeit for 2 minutes. The other epics, all of which i have tried and used do fill in the gaps for certain primary and secondary types - but Force has 1 power that if you have enough attacks/holds already increases the power of your build exponentially more than the other epics.
FYI, to compare the toggles of the other epics with Force Mastery you should only compare them to Temp Invul, which is on par with those.
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Quite aware - only Body Armour is worse, others are slightly better with res to other damage types.
Edit: And seeing the toggle-dropping rate is rapidly decreased some blasters might want to redo their 40-50 PvP Builds to get a few more toggle-droppers rather than Blapping-Shields
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By 40, you have taken most if not all of your toggle droppers as a blaster or blapper - getting more is not much of an option for most -
It does depend on what you're after - but i'd rather not die in the first place to have to use RotF!
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In heated, balanced PvP (or in a situation where the world is against you) dying happens to a blaster far more than it does not. You're squishy and dangerous. It makes you a prime target.
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Don't i know it - but using FoN and for 2 minutes the tables are turned.
I use elec epic on one blaster and munitions on the other and have avoided force like the plague. But now i'm thinking otherwise - if you come up against a blaster with FoN, as a blaster - about the only thing you'll be able to do is run or click the hospital button. -
Righto, went for MA/DA and have to say quite enjoying it at level 5.
Look out for Randor!!
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ZOMG!11! The Rancor!!
/em PrincessLeia "Ruuuun ,Luke! Ruuuuuuun!!!!!"
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Nooooooooooooo....as in Keill Randor...Last Legionary books by Douglas Hill!! -
Is there really any point in having anything other than force epic on a blaster in pvp. I'm slowly coming round to the fact that FoN is 'da uber' power and Force Mastery the epic to take.
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Pyre Mastery, just for Rise of the Phoenix. Of course depends what you're after in PvP, but it helps a damn lot.
Then again, I've never been one going for the über build. Heck, my blasters don't even have acrobatics. :P
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It does depend on what you're after - but i'd rather not die in the first place to have to use RotF! -
Hardly - the epics have very little in the way of extra attack power compared to what a blaster already has.
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LRM Missile.
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Which is ok - i currently have it as i don't have a snipe but it's not fantastic damage - certainly not 'epic' - and it's still very little 'compared' to what blasters already have
Hence the suggestion to nerf force mastery!!
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No argument there
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But if you do that, the rest of the epics will need balancing - they're not 'that' epic.