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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Meh, stone tank here. You're all amateurs!?!

    In all seriousness, given the views and opinion expressed on the forums I get the impression I'm talking to the upper ranks in the skill stakes.
    There's few people who come on advocating a Leroy Jenkins as a valid tactic (other than for the sheer humour of it). But out there in PuGland it seems that Leroy Jenkins is the favoured strategy by many blasters and I'm afraid those buggers are giving you lot a bad name.

    Just as the scranker fraternity are giving tanks a bad name.

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    I'm sure that is the case tbh. First time through as a blaster i had loads of debt...not only cos it was my first time at CoH...i didn't favour the Leeroy approach either...just a case of not really knowing what powers to use when and having picked most of the wrong ones too.

    Luckily the Precision Rangers has instilled a modicum of respectibility to blasters...although i know quite a few are debt magnets, but not because they don't know what they're doing, but sometimes it's far more fun to 'give it a go'!

    In all seriousness, blasters can't compare to tanking like a true tank...i.e. taking the alpha and holding the aggro of 14 enemies at +4/5. But then a tank can't take down the lot in one fell swoop!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Oh I'd say a good 75% of blasters have delusions of tankerdom

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    Yeah but the other 25% don't have the delusionary part!

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    Ah, said like a true 75%er.

    Now repeat after me; Blasters can't tank!!

    Say 20 times before logging onto CoH and who knows, after a few months you might be out of debt

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    I wish i had some debt!

    Try a /ice blaster...they can tank quite easily...take on 8 minions couple of lts and a boss no problem.
    /elec can herd no problem, find a corner, hide, aim,bu, nuke = dead herd - sod tanking - blanking ftw!
  3. Kronos_EU

    Ice/Dev for PVP

    Maybe up the slotting on web grenade (extra accuracy). Such a useful and nasty power in pvp.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    I really, really, liked the use of the word 'tanking' there, I thought I was the only one, sniff \o/

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    Oh I'd say a good 75% of blasters have delusions of tankerdom

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    Yeah but the other 25% don't have the delusionary part!
  5. Kronos_EU

    Ice/Dev for PVP

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    I havent seen another Ice/Dev in my time in the game. Sounds like you could be unique. Be interested to know what PvP strategy you come up with!

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    If LadyWhite is still around i'd give him a shout. Dooms Day is his ice/dev blaster and was pretty successful by all accounts in PvP - i think built mainly as a squishy killer - slows, holds etc.

    I don't think there are many but it seems they are becoming FotM now!

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    Dooms Day was good in 1v1 pvp but LW always chose Bitter Ice for team pvp over dooms day.

    and on a side note who gives a monkeys about fotm? its how u use the toon that counts

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    Actually quite a few people give a monkeys...a minority like to be in a minority, to not be a sheep and not follow what's currently regarded to be 'da uber' build.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    I remeber seeing (this is quite a long time ago) someone saying that elec/ice was one the best archtypes you could have together on a blaster. I would like to know if it is really ?

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    It's great if you like not having much damage. I think you got confused and switched around the primary and secondary. Ice/Elec is a much stronger combo than Elec/Ice

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    Stronger in secondary 'damage' perhaps. But /ice has alot more control than /elec.
    Elec gets a very nice snipe too and greater range.

    With ice/elec its all about taking down the mobs asap. With elec/ice you can take ur time.
  7. Kronos_EU

    Ice/Dev for PVP

    [ QUOTE ]
    I havent seen another Ice/Dev in my time in the game. Sounds like you could be unique. Be interested to know what PvP strategy you come up with!

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    If LadyWhite is still around i'd give him a shout. Dooms Day is his ice/dev blaster and was pretty successful by all accounts in PvP - i think built mainly as a squishy killer - slows, holds etc.

    I don't think there are many but it seems they are becoming FotM now!
  8. Elec/Ice is a very nice combo.
    I have an nrg/nrg and sonic/elec both at 50, and my elec/ice is now 33 and i'm probably enjoying the elec/ice the most.
    As has been said above, it does depends on ur playstyle.
    There is no best, just how you use it.
  9. Spines/Regen - Scrapper
    Fire/Kinetics - Troll
    Empathy/Electric - Defender
    Electric/Ice - Blaster
    Stone/EM - tank
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, so nobody seems to be able to make the 2nd!

    Lets change it to the 3rd, and move it later to 19:00 British Time.

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    But that's not the first Sunday of the month? Are you going to change the whole schedule to the first Monday of the month now?

    Btw, will be there with Dismiss...need the badge and i haven't had calamari in ages.
  11. if you need a stalker to join in Chap i rolled a lvl 1 dark/ninja the other day. 8 man stalker team should be quite reasonable.
    Everyone picks a different minion if there are enough to go round. Each takes his own minion.
    Then all congregate on the boss/lts.
  12. Okton, if Idris can't make it dya wanna sub back in with us? Make it 3 blasters??
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    As i said when i joined up i work till 8 pm sorry i wont be there till 8.30

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    Well may i suggest that we dont all go in at once this week? Due to the fact there is only one round being played, could we spread the matches out a little? It would give any late comers a little time to show, and the rest of us a chance to watch the others play. There are a lot of matches i really want to see here

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    That said, can teams 3 v 7 kick off early then. I'm doing Manticore at 8.15 so would like to be done by 8 at the latest.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    3 vs 7

    two spines regen and illusion/empathy Vs Broadsword/regen, Sonic/energy and ice/ice blaster. waa gonna be nasty

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    Not really. Its fairly easy to see who is gonna win - given players of equal talents.

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    Who do you reckon will win then Night?

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    2 spines + emp is by far the best team.

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    Too right. Still, we'll give it our best shot.
  15. Not a clue about the ice part of things but from elec side.

    Thunderstrike. I personally find it too slow, although the damage is considerable, and the added aoe is nice in PvE too. I think it's a personal thing this one. I've had some discussions re: this on another thread. Still, if you can spare the power and slots it's probably worth taking.

    Again with Epics. Elec epic is really nice. ST hold is good, i think you can even slot this for damage rather than hold duration/recharge, especially when you have other ranged holds. Armour is good. Force, meh. Just run for 2 minutes till it drops then 1 shot the squishy! You shouldn't really be standing still anyhow against brutes etc(though i tend to as i can't help myself).

    Lightning clap i love - great PvE power - PvP though against most villains is pretty useless. And most heroes tbh. I couldn't even get it to stack with Screech, or if i did the combined mag wasn't high enough - i will be respeccing it out come the free respec. Just not useful enough.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Don't slot Power Thrust with damage, 2 accuracy's is all you need..

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    Got to disagree.

    I highly recommend slotting power thrust for damage. It doesn't do that much less than energy punch. Slot it and see.

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    I did. Energy Punch does more than twice the damage of Power Thrust. Power Thrust does less damage than Shriek. You shouldn't slot a melee attack that does so little damage.

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    Not when i use it it doesn't.
    As for shouldn't. That's highly debatable. The more damage the better as a blaster, blapper, blaptroller, blaptrank etc.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't slot Power Thrust with damage, 2 accuracy's is all you need..

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    Got to disagree.

    I highly recommend slotting power thrust for damage. It doesn't do that much less than energy punch. Slot it and see.
  18. Well if everything goes well on Hess, Citadel is likely to start around 10.30-11.
    If we decide to complete this evening though i will have to go afk for an hour at 00.30-01.30 - but the plan was to complete on Sunday sometime anyway. But we can make a judgement call at the time.
  19. A few observations.

    If ur going to PvP, you'll want more than 1 accuracy in attacks. Sonics aren't that accurate. You may find you're not hitting in PvE either.
    Absolutely no point putting a damage in Screech. Same with Sirens Song.
    Likewise with Dreadful wail. I use 1acc 3 dmg. Disorient duration is very long anyway (for those that it doesn't drop). It will disorient bosses as it is due to the 3fold attack. If you can spare the slots then recharge is probably better.
    Put a couple of toHit buffs in Amplify.
    Any reason for recall friend? Boost range with Sonics would be much more useful, especially if ur staying a 'blaster' as the attacks are quite short range.
    Shriek is actually quite a nice attack - recharge is very quick.
    Powerthrust is very handy on auto - but you want it to hit.
    If you're using it for damage to, which i highly recommend, use 2acc/3dmg/1rech or 1 knockback.
    Other slotting for this is 2acc/2rech/2kb - see those minions fly!
  20. Moonfire done. Good job everyone.

    Hess tomorrow is looking more likely not to take us to 30. So Citadel is looking like it's on the cards.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    Would it be an idea to find out who is going to be on teamspeak for the TF's as well? I for one would find it helpful...

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    This is a good point and one i was going to mention.
    If everyone that is joining could at least have teamspeak installed or something, so they can listen even if you don't have a mic to talk back. It does make things go so much more smoothly and you won't miss out on the fun!

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    which TS server we using? I can hear but not speak I need to go to maplin tomo to get some jumpers so I can reconfigure my motherboard for mic use.

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  22. Update

    Dismiss (blaster)
    Sarah Jenkins (defender)
    Thrunge (scrapper)
    Halo (either defender or troll)
    Harps (scrapper)
    Stand'ard (peacebringer)
    Artillery Bombastic (tank or blaster)
    Shining Torch (peacebringer)

    Dismiss (blaster)
    Sarah Jenkins (defender)
    Thrunge (scrapper)
    Halo (defender or troll)
    Duckdee (defender)
    Stand'ard (pb)
    Shining Torch (pb)
    Holy Shnyet (ws)
    Neo (put you down for this Neo as Duckdee is not a definite)

    Citadel or Manticore:
    Sarah Jenkins
    Holy Shnyet

    Meeting will be 20.15 BST with a 20.30 start.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Would it be an idea to find out who is going to be on teamspeak for the TF's as well? I for one would find it helpful...

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    This is a good point and one i was going to mention.
    If everyone that is joining could at least have teamspeak installed or something, so they can listen even if you don't have a mic to talk back. It does make things go so much more smoothly and you won't miss out on the fun!