702 -
Slotting of ice fist is really not to be recommended. It's really nothing more than a mediocre attack and for a squishy, I can't see it being used much. Most people go blapping with blasters as some of the attacks in the secondary are so effective(total focus etc)., frozen fists is not one of those.
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It's definitely worth slotting imo. Stick it on auto and not worry about it. It's an extra attack whilst in melee which is where a /ice blaster should be to get the benefit from CE, plus it's an extra 'slow' attack. It also recharges quickly and uses very little endurance. -
Kron' lil explanation could also then explain Freezing Touch and Ice Patch.......
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Nah, thats easy. Thats inaccurate projection of coolant over an area (whether the area is a badguy or the ground).
Kronos is talking about accurately firing coolant into the shape of a sharp(ish) Ice Sword.
Again, that's a little harder to explain away. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
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Not really. If you propel the coolant at a certain speed, and you know how quickly it react with the air, the forming of the sword is just a by product of how it projects. I.e. excess forming at the sides. The projection is done from a thin rectangular slot giving rise to a wideish 'sword' shape, with gravity affecting the shape, hence the curved tip, which you just flip round to have an upward curved tip. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
Oh, and it doesn't have to be 'sharp' as such. You are going to hit someone with a big sword shaped block of ice...it's gonna hurt.
The settings on the device change the shape and projection speed of the coolant! Simple! [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] -
Kron' lil explanation could also then explain Freezing Touch and Ice Patch.......
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Indeed. 3 different setting on the device which at the touch of a button projects the coolant in different ways! [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] -
we could argue all night long, but my opinion is still that the other nukes are better [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] feel free to convince anyone else otherwise [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img].
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See now if you'd said that originally i wouldn't have felt the need to correct you. Just stating that something is **** is an entirely different statement to saying you think blizzard is not as good as teh others. -
That's where tactics (use and run out of sight???!?!?), use of other powers etc comes into play. You gain aggro with all the other nukes too and there is no guarantee that you will one shot everything. And with all but TB you will be right in the middle of an angry mob, who if a few levels higher will ALL still be standing.
Ice sword does way more damage. I'll show you if you're around tonight. And with all the tech available sure it's just an ice sabre? Instant ice sword created by using a hand held propulsion device to shoot said coolant into the air which freezes on contact. Designed just so that it reaches a certain distance before the coolant reacts and freezes. The sword breaks on contact when you've hit something meaning you have a finite (endurance limited!) number of 'shots'.
But it's also good in practice too. Have you used blizzard since it's been buffable? (This is a rhetorical question...i really don't want an answer thanks).
With the right slotting this is THE most damaging nuke. Not only that, with the secondary effects (-spd, -recharge, slow, -acc..have i forgotten any?) it is more useful against levels much higher than you, with the sonic nuke perhaps just pipping due to instant damage, -res and stunning bosses. TB's endurance drain just doesn't work against a higher level difference leaving alot of aggro for you to take.
I could go on, but i won't. -
Ice patch is perma out of the box, just slot the default with 1 recharge - unless you want multi patches. For any mob types without KB res, it will keep happily keep bosses on their backs.
Slotting wise, CE is much nicer with 2end/2slow.
Do you really want to use aid other that much? Perhaps aid self slotted 3heal/2rech/1 interrupt might be better use. You'll need it! :P
I doubt you'll need 2 acc in inferno either. 1 is fine when used with aim and build up. Better to slot a couple of toHit buffs in aim imo.
And same with Blazing Bolt. 1 acc,3dam,1 int,1end, enables you to use it in combat. Has a reasonably high accuracy and again with aim/bu should hit most things.
Combat jumping really does give so little def for those slots. The default 1 slotted for defense is fine. The end use is minimal and really not needed, even in an end heavy build.
And ice sword really is worth taking imo. Even if it doesn't quite fit the concept (how do you explain frozen fists?), i'm sure you can think of summat Mbar! [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] -
cry because it's true. it's a lot worse then the other nukes, and that is a fact.
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I think you should check the actual figures before posting. Perhaps even engage your brain too.
The unslotted damage of blizzard is nearly double that of any other nuke. Now that's a fact.
Check it here. Clicky
It's posts like yours that give the impression of actuality without backing things up that give unfavourable impressions of powers that are infact wildly innacurate. Hopefully though, most people don't actually take any notice. -
you do know the ice nuke is [removed]
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I don't know whether to laugh or cry when i see statements like this. -
Pure human for me on the peacebringer. Taken all the shields, the 3 single target blasts and the 2 melee attacks. So probably not alot different to alot of other Pbs out there.
Light form is great though, albeit it doesn't last long enough and once it drops the turtle does pop it's head a little.
So where i shine...i'm a sub par scrapper, sub par blaster, sub par tank. Not bad in PvP though...especially in Light Form against those all those pesky stalkers. -
Yeah, there's nothing like that on Union...
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Actually, last night on Union was the same. From about 11-2am. About 8-10 villains (mainly stalkers), 8-10 heroes, was good fun. -
And if you want 'burst' damage, unslotted damage at lvl 50 for blaze and blazing bolt are 139.30 and 175.45 repectively. You can do blaze, fire ball and fire blast in the time it takes to do blazing bolt.(total of 3.2 vs bb's 4.67) Which gives a total unslotted burst damage of 275.54.
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I don't think you understand the concept of burst damage.
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Please, enlighten me on the meaning of burst then.
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Doing burst damage should mean doing as much damage as quickly as possible. The animation time of the opening attack is irrelevant, as the important thing is to quickly apply more damage after the initial attack. So saying that a snipe is no good for burst damage is false, seeing that you can easily start of a long range attack chain with a snipe, which applies extreme instant damage, rush in, then follow up with any other attack for the kill.
I've seen Gatling do this plenty of times to great succes. So with your numbers, you could do snipe, rush in, Blaze for over 300+ damage. That's a lot quicker than dropping the 3 power attack chain you mention, especially considering that Blazing Bolt is a bit buggy with applying damage a bit late after being hit. If you're lucky, you can almost instantly hit someone with both Blazing Bolt damage and Blaze damage at the same time.
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Think about what you've written, then read what i wrote, then think again about what you wrote. -
And if you want 'burst' damage, unslotted damage at lvl 50 for blaze and blazing bolt are 139.30 and 175.45 repectively. You can do blaze, fire ball and fire blast in the time it takes to do blazing bolt.(total of 3.2 vs bb's 4.67) Which gives a total unslotted burst damage of 275.54.
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I don't think you understand the concept of burst damage.
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Please, enlighten me on the meaning of burst then. -
And if you want 'burst' damage, unslotted damage at lvl 50 for blaze and blazing bolt are 139.30 and 175.45 repectively. You can do blaze, fire ball and fire blast in the time it takes to do blazing bolt.(total of 3.2 vs bb's 4.67) Which gives a total unslotted burst damage of 275.54.
[censored]? Blazing Bolt scores lower than Blaze?? I think not.
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Damage per second!
It takes blazing bolt 4.67 seconds to activate. Blaze is 1.
Pure damage per second is damage done over time taken to activate. Even if you take recharge into account, blaze is 10s and blazing bolt 12s. The numbers speak for themselves. Blaze has a much higher DPS. Nearly 5 times infact. -
That website is too hard to read, i just wait for the update on the hero builderOutside that nofuture misses alot of info regarding damage.
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The point is that the hero-builder is incorrect, giving values that don't reflect actual numbers. Doing some power analysis from the numbers on nofuture, with fire being given 'averaged' values, the highest non nova attack DPS powers are in order as follows. (fire and ice only).
Bitter Ice Blast
Ice Blast
Fire Ball
Fire Blast
Ice Bolt
Blazing Bolt
Fire Breath
Frost Breath -
As brawl index isn't correct, you might find those numbers change a bit using normalized damage scalars.
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Wrong, that is due AT-based stuff. Within same AT but different set they are equal. (like a ice blaster has higher brawl dmg then a fire one?)
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Wrong. Perhaps i should clarify. The 'numbers' are wrong. In actuality, fire has a chance to do higher damage. Averaged it'll be slightly less. Go check em.
www.nofuture.org.uk. -
As brawl index isn't correct, you might find those numbers change a bit using normalized damage scalars.
All the blasters i've played so far have been fun and powerful in different ways.
Pick a primary (just not AR), pick a secondary, go level and enjoy!
Dreadful Wail has 3 parts to the damage, each one does -Res so the damage is huge against any mobs with high res as each damage portion increases with each hit - and each part has a disorient - so it will disorient bosses too. It has a very quick animation - though not a great animation.
I tried all the sonic and all the electric powers on the way - and as has been said, all the electric ones are useful - at one point i had them all.
As for sonics, i didn't like sirens song one bit. Good for soloing or duoing, but a bit pointless in large teams. Screech is the pick of the sonics (apart from the nuke) - a must have imo. I didn't get on with the cone powers either. It's quite a blappery set really. All the single target powers are good. And combined with the electric melee attacks you can get some really good damage going.
My advice though would be to try them all if you can - then respec to those you like. -
A couple of things.
1. Chilling embrace only really needs 2 end redx.
2. Ice patch only needs the standard slot with a recharge in it to be perma, unless you're going for multiple ice patches. Won't really need the endurance redx though. -
I recently rolled an Illusion/Storm (up at the dizzy heights of lvl 10 atm!), with my highest ever 'troll being a lvl 13 fire/kin i'm a little clueless with any of the troller sets but i'm really enjoying this combo.
I'm looking for some pointers on what powers to take, what not to take, what pool powers, travel powers and what doesn't really need 6 slots?
Currently i have
Spectral Wounds
Superior Invisibility
Snow Storm
Steamy Mist
I am considering going with hasten and superspeed. The fitness pool and hover much later on.
Then taking everything apart from Thunder Clap from the Storm set and taking Phantom Army, Spectral Terror and Phatasm from the Illusion set.
Thoughts, build advice please. Not just a build though, but some explanation on why certain slotting would be good too.
Ta. -
Jesus wept - i thought i lived in the south yet it's a 4 hour drive from Hampshire! I pity the fool from 'Boro!
Anyway, 18-20th if that's the date - i can swing by Bristol if MJ needs picking up if he's gonna be around too..or anyone else along that route/close enough.
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Hopefully I wont be in bristol by then. Aiming to move back up north of the border so i am not sure how available i will be for this.
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In which case it'll still be a 4 hour drive!