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  1. Another thing you will find in PvP is this is very endurance heavy unless you slot endurance reductions in attack powers. The electric attacks are pretty endurance intensive and power sink cannot be relied upon to replenish endurance - too risky most of the time.
    PvE however, its the daddy - but you'll still find yourself out of endurance in prolonged AV fights (if no SB etc)
  2. Kronos_EU

    Power Boost

    [ QUOTE ]
    Taken from this thread.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Some Things Power Boost DOES NOT Affect
    Jump Speed/Height

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't think this is right - may have changed but it definitely used to increase both speed and jump height of Super Jump.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    single target stun is awesome on sonic set as acro doesnt protect from disorient, but the set suffers from rooting and range of its heavy attack (20ft) To illustrate the point, sonics best single target attack (shout) has an animation time of 2.7 seconds, a range of 20ft and a BI of 5.89, compared with ices bitter ice blast of 1.07 seconds, 50ft and 6.339 it comes off a poor second.

    Get around the rooting and its a serious AT to play but quite simply you cant beat ice/em for speed of damage

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But the -Res increases that damage, so by the time you get around to letting off shout, it'll do close to, if not more than BIB - with boost range you're not far off doing it from the same distance too! :P

    Alternatively, take things nice and slow and steady with an electric/ice - slowly but surely wins the race! : )
  4. Can we get back to the Spines/* discussion now?

    Imo, Impale is the one power in the spines set that imbalances it, turning a scrapper into a blaster.
    80' range, immobilise, -fly and toxic damage - base of which is comparable to bitter ice blast - ability to crit and that is some serious damage output.
    Wish i had this power on any of my blasters!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Signing up...

    Dismiss (blaster) @Kronos X
    Gravity's Echo (controller) @Okton

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Edited for accuracy.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [True, but TF also takes a long time to activate. You can get frozen fists, ice sword and another attack out in the same time - all whilst stood on the saftey of an ice patch with chilling embrace running - which all give -speed, -recharge and CE gives -DMG.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Altough you could in PvE, chances are you wouldnt in PvP, as it's not standing fighting. With /ener you can run towards your opponent pressing "follow", and with TF pressed, jump in the very last second. The long animation will be done while you jump away to a safe place, enabling you to blast him while you run to him again to repeat the proccess (or bonesmasher if TF is still recharging)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Depends on what kind of team you have for PvP - and i know all about the kiting with TF.(see sig)
    But for the OP they stated they 'didn't pvp much'.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    But then again compare ice sword to total focus :-s. If it's for the mez, all the melee attacks in /ener do stun also

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True, but TF also takes a long time to activate. You can get frozen fists, ice sword and another attack out in the same time - all whilst stood on the saftey of an ice patch with chilling embrace running - which all give -speed, -recharge and CE gives -DMG.
    It's swings and roundabouts - though it would be nice
    to replace frozen aura (which has to be one of the worst tier 9 powers) with a greater ice sword or an ice sword circle or something.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Personally i've found ice secondary to be excellent for blapping. It has so much control you are very safe in melee. More of a blaptroller, but both ice sword and frozen fists do decent damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]See, but decent damage is not what blapping is about, it's about HUGE damage

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, that's your definition of blapping. Blapping is a blaster crossed with a scrapper. Basically a blaster in melee. /ice just makes it safer to do so. And as ice sword does as much damage near enough as bitter ice blast, that's pretty 'huge'.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Ice/Energy or Ice/Elec would be the closest to what you want. The /Ice secondary is downright poor for blapping (I think of it as a blaptroller secondary).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally i've found ice secondary to be excellent for blapping. It has so much control you are very safe in melee. More of a blaptroller, but both ice sword and frozen fists do decent damage.
    I think people also tend to forget you can use your primary attacks in melee range too
  10. Kronos_EU


    Unthing is entirely correct.
    Go to for accurate power listings.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    In this case you can't have been working as a team. In warburg a team of 2 blasters and 3 defenders(empath,kinetic,force field) can take on just about anything. - Kronos

    Yeah but the you are basing this on WARBURG, where you have all your powers. My corruptor does better there as I have my debuffs too. And we were working as a team.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Mmm...shiver, frozen touch and frozen aura. They make a helluva big difference. Apart from a nuke on a blaster, there's not a great deal of difference between 30 and 38.(Total focus aside)
    And, as Scrappers/Stalkers etc have 'all' of their powers, the scaling is the same. In fact it makes it more difficult especially with some of the tier 9 melee AT powers.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Sorry Stalk but I disagree.
    Maybe on Union they are mainly stalkers, I wouldnt know, but on Defiant, I dont often see stalkers now.

    On Defiant the figures are the other way around, hardly any stakers and mainly scrappers on the hero side of late.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Union is definitely stalker heavy.
  12. run out of endurance no matter how many end reductions are slotted in your attacks/shields realise you have to take hasten as no amount of recharge reductions will bring those powers back quickly enough and if you did you wouldn't be able to slot for endurance reduction and if you did both you wouldn't do any damage
  13. Tis really good stuff Jet.
    Now get ur orange underpants back in game and help me get to 50!
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    You can hardly call the old version of toggle drops "balanced" though. I remember fighting any blasters was an excercise in futility, because I'd have one toggle down. As a DA I have running: 3 shields, CoF, Acro, CJ, and FA. Once mez protection or acro was down, I would be holdable, then EVERYTHING goes down.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Try being a blaster when everything goes down anyway as you ran out of breakfrees, could have brought greens/reds/yellows/purples but can't as you need all the break frees as you have no mez protection to drop!


    [ QUOTE ]

    And to the OP: Stalkers are ludicrously powerful in SC. This levels out by RV, since they can't just hit and run a big target like a scrapper or tanker, they can just shrug it off and fight back too easily. Stalkers in RV take more skill to play well than your average SC ganker has no chance of matching.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They can still gank the squishies, and do so with alacrity and regularity.

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I think scrappers are actually killing PvP, in Sirens at least.

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    Try playing a squishie on the hero side then you'll see the same problem can be attributed to stalkers.

    [ QUOTE ]

    I was on a team the other night, we worked together, there were double the villains to heroes, about 8 to 4, but because they were all scrappers we got owned over and over so everyone left through boredom in the end.

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    In this case you can't have been working as a team. In warburg a team of 2 blasters and 3 defenders(empath,kinetic,force field) can take on just about anything.

    [ QUOTE ]

    They are way too powerful, specially the spines, and I cant see how it can be much fun for them either as they are just picking up easy kills all the time. They all have superjump which isnt as easy to lockdown as flight, so they bounce about all the time.

    They need to either cut the range of their ranged attack, or make it non-minus fly, possibly make some powers minus SJ to even it up a bit too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree impale could do with a nerf. I'll re-iterate here. It's got greater range than all blaster primary high damage attacks, does more damage than energy's power burst and sonic's shout and almost as much as ice's bitter ice blast and fires's blaze - combined with the other effects, toxic damage, it's a bit OTT.
    I don't think scrappers are 'overpowered', but since the toggle drop changes, it's very difficult for a blaster to take one out one on one.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Or maybe, just maybe, people could try making something other than scrappers for a change or is that too much like hard work?

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    To be honest, i see alot of other heroes in the zones. In SC especially. Warburg is another matter and any squishy needs more squishy support to be successful.
  16. On nofuture it has VG with an acc of 1. Meaning it isn't auto hit - if that's correct of course, which it seems to be most of the time.
    Not sure what you've been hitting with it if it hits all the time in PvP, but if it's squishies then it's not surprising.
    Also, if it's a duration power that stays for a while, it's going to hit a few times just based on the chances. i.e. 50% unslotted in pvp against someone with no defense.
  17. Kronos_EU


    I'm closing in on the big 5-0, but not sure what to take as my last 2 powers. I have no access to any remaining respecs so will have to wait for the next freebie so these 2 are quite important.
    I'm happy with what i've taken so far and the way it plays. I pvp a fair bit, mainly in the zones but not averse to arena battles.

    Current build contains (no access to hero builder at work)


    Lightning Bolt, Charged Bolts, Ball Lightning, Zapp, Short Circuit, Tesla Cage, Aim, Thunderous Blast
    Chillblain, Frozen Fists, Ice Sword, Ice Patch, Build Up, Chilling Embrace
    Hurdle, Health, Stamina
    Combat Jumping, Super Jump, Acrobatics
    Char, Fire Shield

    So i've got access to Bonfire and Rise of the Pheonix.
    I've previously had Voltaic Sentinel which i wasn't keen on but could be handy.
    There's Frozen Touch as an option for another hold.
    Perhaps getting Swift at 49 too.
    Or i could get TP Foe and Teleport for extra escapability, but these would only be available in RV, which is not as much use had i taken them earlier.
    I'm not a big fan of Shiver as i rarely used it and respecced it out, and Frozen Aura is just pants.

    Any other suggestions most welcome.
  18. Electric/fire is certainly aoe centric. Maxwell's Demon with whom i was on with tonight is elec/fire. It's a nice combo. Electric is great, though for me a little slow on the attacks, but the endurance drain is very nice. 2 short circuits and +1s at the least have no end.
    Lots of nice aoes in the fire secondary and it's a great PvE build which i think could well be very good in PvP too. Fire Sword and FSC, Burn, Blazing Aura. All good stuff.
    Certainly more interesting than ice/energy!
  19. It is just -recharge, -fly and immobilise.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, I'm pretty sure it has to be a fact that Spines is the best Scrapper set. Perhaps even, overpowered.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Overpowered due to one single attack...Impale! Doing as much damage unslotted (in fact slightly more) as Power Burst and Shout from the blaster primaries with a greater range, does toxic, has -fly and immobilise and whatever else secondary effects. Spines is definitely overpowered. Or the blaster primaries are underpowered. One of the two! <img src="/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn right. I wouldn't even mind the damage at range so much but the some of the secondary effects need to go.


    So basically able to force any non teleporting character into melee. To add an insult to injury, my Plant dominator's Impale doesn't get the -jump. Do Spines scrappers need it more?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The damage is almost as much as blaze and bitter ice blast.
    Not only that, it has an endurance cost of 5.2 and a recharge of 8 seconds. Compared to the blaster primary high damage short range attack:
    Power Recharge Endurance
    Shout 11 11.024
    Power Burst 10 10.4
    Bitter Ice Blast 12 13
    Blaze 10 10.4

    With hasten and a couple of recharge slotted, you are talking about a recharge of not much over 3 seconds for an attack that does more damage than any blaster primary attack at that range bar snipes.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Chilling embrace is great also for those that do manage to stand up, especially as it is -dmg aswell as -recharge and -spd.

    [/ QUOTE ]Wasn't the -damage only for the tank version?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If it is then they've got the text wrong on the blaster version. Haven't actually tested it.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, I'm pretty sure it has to be a fact that Spines is the best Scrapper set. Perhaps even, overpowered.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Overpowered due to one single attack...Impale! Doing as much damage unslotted (in fact slightly more) as Power Burst and Shout from the blaster primaries with a greater range, does toxic, has -fly and immobilise and whatever else secondary effects. Spines is definitely overpowered. Or the blaster primaries are underpowered. One of the two! [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
  23. A highly survivable build and one i've enjoyed playing is elec/ice. Highly underrated imo. It offers as much, if not slightly more control than elec/elec.

    Whilst the drains from the elec secondary are good you still have that window between short ciruit and power sink to be mezzed, damaged etc. With /ice it's not a problem.

    Ice patch is perma out of the box, and will knock down most mob types, including bosses, giving you plenty of time to knock out 2 short circuits. Then proceed to mop up with combinations of both primary and secondary attacks. You even have enough time to get a snipe off.

    Chilling embrace is great also for those that do manage to stand up, especially as it is -dmg aswell as -recharge and -spd.

    And it's an endurance light build, which is needed as you don't have access to any end recovery other than stamina.

    Add in Voltaic sentinel (which i haven't as it annoys me) and you are dishing out alot of damage too, without taking a great deal yourself.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    yay i can turn on super jump and basicly escape it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is that too.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    cry because it's true. it's a lot worse then the other nukes, and that is a fact.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you should check the actual figures before posting. Perhaps even engage your brain too.
    The unslotted damage of blizzard is nearly double that of any other nuke. Now that's a fact.
    Check it here. Clicky
    It's posts like yours that give the impression of actuality without backing things up that give unfavourable impressions of powers that are infact wildly innacurate. Hopefully though, most people don't actually take any notice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    he IS right tho..the highest damage doesn't mean the best nuke. For a blapper you need HIGH dps. Not a placable nuke which isn't to hard to dodge if you are fast. In pve I bet its nice. Or in base raids. But arena/zone pvp I would take any nuke over blizzard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He is right that blizzard is a it was put...****??? I think this has been proved otherwise above.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Not a placable nuke which isn't to hard to dodge if you are fast

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is a ludicrous statement to make. How can you tell when or where the blizzard is going to be placed? Are you watching for the blizzard animation 'all' the time??? Unless you have a kin around or are SR you aren't going to excape it. Another throw away statement in this thread. *sigh*