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  1. Kronk_Reborn

    Kheldian Guides

    Well, that's not what you originally asked. However, in my Opinion, Fraktal's human form guide is one of the best.
  2. Kronk_Reborn

    Kheldian Guides

    Look at Fraktal's guide, 4 posts up from here.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    The Fitness pool is by choice only. If you’re going Nova route Stamina will be of little use. I would suggest slotting your Nova form if you have chosen that with an end reducer and then some Stamina building ones. Still you will notice you are an endurance drainer and will have problems in that area.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A note about this: Slotting Nova for End Reduction DOES NOT reduce the END it costs to fire off a Nova attack. It merely reduces the amount of END it costs to activate Nova, which is miniscule to begin with. You would have to put an END reducer into each attack to lower the cost of each one. Slot Nova form with END Recovery and/or ToHit Buffs.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd like to see a Super Group bank where members could deposit influence and enhancements for common use.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think this would only work if you had a 1-for-1 trade-in system, or a log/limit of who took what and how often. I'm all for helping out alts and lowbies, but without checks and balances it would get abused by some people who would just take and take with replinishing the stock. Make the limits customizable by the leader. A SG of 5-10 would probably want higher limits than a SG of 50-60...

    Otherwise I like all of the suggestions so far. Particularly the SG Costume slot and SG specific content.
  5. Don't know if this was asked before, but regarding the Flashback system: Will this apply to TFs as well? Or will you still need an exemplar to to do the lower TFs?
  6. Kronk_Reborn

    Boss Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    As for why we put Bosses in missions at all – in other words, why isn’t everything solo-able – the answer is simple. We want gameplay that encourages the best part of the game: teaming up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think an important fact you're missing, Statesman, is that there is a HUGE difference between "encouraging teaming" and mandatory teaming.

    In the military we call this "Mandatory Fun." This is when someone higher up says something like "You're going to run this 5K and you're going to like it, darn it!" For the 5% of people who actually like to run, that's all well and good. For the rest of us, it sucks.

    I solo my 32 EMP/ELEC Def for 2 reasons: 1) I can't always be on the same time as my team and don't have the time to find a pick-up, and 2) I liked the challenge. Seriously, anyone with a decent build can solo a Scrapper, Tank, or possibly a Blaster. Everyone who thinks that they are the "Uber-soloist" needs to try it with a Def or Controller and see how things change.

    Now, post I3 I can still solo some missions, thanks to Invisibility, and have even taken down 1 or 2 bosses on my own, but a 10-15 minute 1-on-1 fight with a generic boss has got to be the most tedious, boring grind in the game. Despite being a "support" AT, I'm still a Superhero dammit! I want to feel like it again. If the bosses are not rolled back, at the very least up the damage of the Def and Cont secondaries so we stand more of a chance.
  7. Doesn't the PvP have to be consentual? If so, doesn't that mean that there would be no way for Random Villian A to gank Random Hero B without first issuing a challenge of some sort?