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  1. Congrats guys!!!!

    Now we won't see Leo anymore in pocket D , now that he has his shiny
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
    Quick question, can anyone confirm at what HP Antimatter freezes time?
    From observation..as Leo put it..its just like the Hami blooms, 75%, 50%, 25%.

    Although I will say, it has some kind of Leeway. I have seen him freeze time at 90%, 70%, 30%. So the timing of it all is some kind of factor. I will say it helps immensely to have someone make a bind that says to watch out for when the beam hits, and have that person monitor both AM's health and the Obliteration timer, and regulate to some degree, the damage being done so no one gets "caught" in the beam at an AM time freeze.

    And to Leo..I will still run after work at 2pm EST
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
    Hrm, I wonder what exactly the conditions are for that (ridiculous) auto-fail. My second live Keyes run started with 15, but by the final stage we'd lost a few and only had 11. It still let us play through to completion.

    (I'm not 100% sure if we had 11 at the start of the final stage, or if that last player dropped during the final stage)
    Random conditions are random...hence they should not Auto Fail if you go under the minimum start conditions. INCONSISTENCY
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    I really don't want to get involved in this thread, but I feel I have a point to make here.

    If the developers set the precedent that the Players themselves can dictate how many or how few players are needed for any particular task or event, the player base will immediately respond by demanding that every other particular task or event with a specific-number-of-players-required-limitation have that specific-number-of-players-required-limitation removed.

    Whether or not you, or Leandro likes it, the developers have to stick to their guns when it comes to minimum players in a task or event.

    If that means shutting down a in-progress trial that has dropped to 11 players from 12? Well, sorry, them's the breaks.
    I could totally see your point je_saint if it happens instantly as soon as the disconnects/quit hits...sadly what Leo is refering to is when we start..lose someone quickly..then are able to continue on with the trial until a random point where it says we can not continue.

    I have been in leagues that have had just 10 players finish the ENTIRE trial with just 10, after starting with 12, 2 either decide to quit or dc before the first phase is over (although I have also been in leagues where they quit 2nd or 3 rd reactor in, bring the total from 12 to 11 and we are still able to finish.

    "Them may be the breaks" je_saint, but if they want them to be the breaks, they need to be consistent.
  5. Alrighty folks..... MoKeyes achieved......that is all.
  6. Sorry for your loss...let me know when you get back if you want to work on Keyes with me.
  7. Already posted in the general Keyes Island Reactor badge thread...but thought I would share here as well...We got it MoKeyes!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Well folks....we got it...MASTER OF KEYES ISLAND REACTOR!!!!!

    Thanks to all in the league-

    Artic Polaris
    Destiny Morna
    Psalm 23
    Gem Illusionist
    Scotch Brite
    Lucy Cannon
    Bruiser Banks (and he was brand new to the trial)
    Space Guardian

    Thanks again to everyone who helped!!!

    *edited to include Dawun..who was fantastic
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    as of now i dont think so, the most i have heard is 2/4 badges being gotten (anti antimatter and bunker buster)

    i have not heard of anyone getting the last 2 yet
    I know of at least 3 people (myself included) who have Anti-Anti Matter, Bunker Buster, and Loves a Challenge...and should have Avoids the Green Stuff.
  10. Upon thinking more about it...would not awarding the badge based on pets being hit kinda discriminate against Masterminds...thats their WHOLE deal. How would a Controller or Corrupter feel if they could not use any buff/debuffs against Anti and just had to stand there. I know apples and oranges....

    While I do not badge hunt with a Mastermind, if I did I would be very upset that my Primary way of contributing conflicts with a badge requirement.

    All I can say is its got to be a bug...even the GM who responded said that he hopes that pets do not count against the badge.

    When talking with Leo, he is right, I am sure that the Beam just checks to see if it hits anything, not just players, and that is how the badge is awarded. That would totally negate a League heavy on Masterminds going for the badge, even though the pets dont take any damage it seems, although they do get "held".

    I am sure I am thinking way to much into it..and what will be, will be..but it just seems that they make thing frustrating..not to be clever..but just to be frustrating.

    On a totally different note, a League I was in got "Loves a Challenge". We may have stacked the decks in our favor a bit, which btw I do not think you should have to do for a badge, we had 4 Empaths and a Pain Corruptor. In a League of 12 ...a quarter of it was dedicated to healing.....
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
    your certain of this, we've had people whose momentum carried them out of the green, they looked clear, but still got held.
    It was indeed a perfect run no players were held just the pets. GM's are looking into it...but we are still trying with no pets...just in case.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yat Man View Post
    What did they say? We get the badge anyways?
    Got the standard we are escalating to a Senior GM...

    Just a blow off, so the GM that responds doesnt have to say NO IMO
  13. Turns out the new wrinkle may be not only the player, but any pets may not be hit by the Obliteration beam in order to get this badge. O.O NO lore pets, no controller "pets", No MM pets.....Unless its bugged.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yat Man View Post
    In the same boat. 2 of 4, bunker buster and anti- Anti matter. The other two will be a pain. Wondering if we can just wear him down with range attacks and pets....
    Thats a kind a strategy I want to try...Lore pets/Ill pets/MM pets..and knock him out.
  15. I got a new strategy to try tonight. Tried it this morning and it sort of worked (and I have a definite feeling it will work swimmingly), but the team was a little unfamiliar with exactly what we were doing in the trial itself..let alone a detailed plan of action for a badge. Still got a complete out of it, so wasnt a total loss.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Serpentin View Post
    Does the time freeze stops as soon as Anti-Matter reach the mini-reactors ?

    If so, the trick to minimise the time freeze effects would be to fight him directly over the mini-reactors. That would certainly make the "Avoid the Green Stuff" badge more manageable.
    In running this..i have found the "time freeze" happens at certain health points during the final Anti matter Fight. So you may be partially right. To minimize the freeze, it would be more effective to fight him near the regen points. But I feel you would still need to time out the Obilteration pulse with that fight.

    We are toying with the premise of smaller league sizes running this to increase control. The past 3 Keyes I have run have been with 12-14 people and been a success.
  17. Resident X - Today I will be trying to run this with the minimum..12 people. Smaller league may be more co-ordination. We will see how it goes.

    This trial isnt not hard just to finish, just tedious. Going to try for any badge that pops up. Bunker buster, Avoids the Green Stuff, And Loves a Challenge we will try for any and all just to see if the smaller league is the key.

    Regardless of todays or tommorrows outcome, Friday evening will still be the "Golden Day" for a strong run. The days leading up to are just practice/tweaking/shaking out the cobwebs runs to see what works and what does not.
  18. I found that the freezing happens when he moves to a "terminal Spot" to regen. And the Obliteration pulse is timed..just have to time it out well is the trick.

    Having run a few Keyes so far, I feel the optimum way for these "harder" badges may be a smaller size league. Its not as if AM is hard, its the co-ordiantion that is killing the chances. With a smaller league it puts everyone more on point to accomplish the task at hand, instead of running around, gives the Empaths more of a chance to keep a Disintegration target healed...etc (Also less visual things to get in the way during the final fight, so you can SEE the recticle). Will be trying this out this afternoon to see if it works out.
  19. Ok first set of trials..got Anti-Anti Matter badge..one piece to the puzzle complete.

    I do agree that the trial will get easier with time and practice and a sound strategy is developed. To much new right now I think.

    For those who did not join us, I am trying again tommorrow..same times.

    Thanks to everyone who did join...second one was a touch rough...but stuff will get smoothed out.

    Friday is still the "Run for the Gold" run where we try all at once....Hope to see you guys there. (If time is a big conflict PLEASE let me know)
  20. I am POSITIVE there are going to be multiple tries at these badges, with different badges being the focus.

    The no deaths badge will be challenging, but thats what its all about ;P

    Once people are more comfortable with the trial, I am positive it will become easy. Look at BAF for an example. When it first came out everyone thought it was impossible, stopping the escapees was to hard. Now if you miss just one everyone gets upset. People routinely run it with 16 or less and do a great job.

    It will all come together.
  21. Well its that time again.....

    You knew it would be coming with the drop of new badges.....

    I will be running this trial everyday starting at about 2 pm EST until 5-6 pm EST, to get the new shinies. If you would like to join me please do so. Any AT is welcome.

    In addition to the PuG's, I will be doing a scheduled run on Friday 7/1 at about 7-8 EST to try for all of them at once, whether I have them yet or not.

    You can find me @Kotchie in global's.
  22. Well....the badge to bring AM down to 10 percent IS do-able...albeit harderer than typical. First reactor you just have to bring him down while the others power the terminals, you dont need to drag Anti-matter around for the first one.

    The others, if you are fast enough, can also be done WITHOUT Anti-matter. You just have to be very fast (read well co-ordinated). Its only when he appears that you have to drag him around. You have roughly three minutes to get those terminals down, which is hard, but you can get a healthy dent so AM isn't out so long. In addition, I found the pulse hits harder with him out, but it may be just me.

    He doesnt regen, which is troublesome if you get on a PuG trial that is going for these badges. I can foresee once this trial is more common place, and more people have a "feel" that this could be a pretty quick trial. It's just the level of coordination is pretty intense in my opinion.

    I will be trying to get these badges, piecemeal if need be, from about 2 pm EST until 5-6 pm EST everyday on Freedom server if anyoen is interested in joining. I will be posting on the Freedom boards as well.
  23. Kotchie

    In search of SGs

    Prophets of Supremacy

    you can find a member or I am @Kotchie in game.

    I could go on with with the full recruiting spiel, but I will not.

    Its an active SG if thats what you are looking for.