In search of SGs




EDIT: (6/23/2011) Ok folks, search is over.



I hope you find a SG that fits what you are looking for.

That being said, I would suggest you look into events setup here on the forums and join some that are in times that you play. Also check out the in game chat channels listed in the global list at the top of the Freedom Forums. You'll find people using those to setup Task Forces. Join a few of those and you'll probably quickly find people you enjoy teaming with.

A lot of people now days prefer to have their own personal SG's where they can stash enhancements for their own personal use. But a lot of us get together on a regular basis and play with people we have met in game (but who are not part of the same SG). I'm part of the Freedom Horde, and while we don't have a Super Group, we are a "group" of people who tend to play during the same times, and we often team up for events. I have grown very close to the other players in the group and it's better than any "supergroup" full of people who may or may not play at the same time, or have the same interests that I do.

Good luck!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Prophets of Supremacy

you can find a member or I am @Kotchie in game.

I could go on with with the full recruiting spiel, but I will not.

Its an active SG if thats what you are looking for.