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  1. just chillin waiting till i can activate my CO account
  2. it better not be because that sg is long dead and im the last original member here
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [*]Removed Mending Mitochondria from Devouring Earth enemy group.

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  4. Koralith

    Hami Raid soon?

    to do a hami raid i need a tank to lead the hami aggro team a tank to lead yellow aggro team and someone to lead green team and blue teams ill lead yellow scrappers as well as the raid

    so that means i need 4 other people to halp me run this in a way that wont get us team wiped
  5. i remember you from old justice >.>
  6. a little OT here but with Granite armour it would be cool to get to shade it diffrent colors like red black blue green or brown. jsuttell me that would not be awesome
  7. I have a Hamidon raid being planned for the 5th so talk to be in game @The Mender and we can fill you in on whats going on
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    vw's are cooler

    [/ QUOTE ]

  9. later this year or next ill be buying a Hyundai gen coop Rpsec OOOOOR a v6 mustang still have nit made my mind up on them

    but gratz on making yours up
  10. everyone knows ME when ever i come to justice and load in i get tells and stuff... mostly "gtfo noob" and go back to freedumb"

    some times it is good so that makes me happy
  11. well ILL always be here soooooo... yeah
  12. OMG thanks peeps now i can run a hammi raid AND still be lazy woooo
  13. what about macros. anyone got some for me that would be awesome and i would be uber happy
  14. i was hoping i could get in touch with someone who has run a hammi raid so i could get some help with what the teams are and do... i have done them with you all more then a lot but im on yellow damage so i jsut kinda target and kill so if you can halp me i would be super uber happy
  15. Koralith

    @global change?

    @koralith is open >.>
  16. Koralith


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    fix it

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  17. Koralith


    YEAH! it is all pvps fault i use to be teh Übers at it
  18. Koralith


    oh i did make a ae stalker because i feel that i should have a 50 stalkor and i did take it to rv to do what stalkers do best but uhh i think i picked a gimp set because everyone was killing it
  19. Koralith


    you killed me? but i dont pvp ?
  20. Koralith


    my beast of a newish computer (6 months) stopped working today sooo im limping around on my old stupid computer. i think it is the powersupply so tomarow im going to go buy a screw driver and rip the 500 watter out of this one and put it in the new one hop...

    wait a min why am i posting this over here in justice >.> i play on freedumb now soo... yeah SHUT UP
  21. Im Kor so i dont have to follow the rules. here is my arc id 19688

    i tryed to make it kinda silly and vary hard so try it

    also i did not test the last 3 missions so meh lets hope they work out alright
  22. Koralith

    i cant publish

    lol ok why not it is not ment for solo play but it can be done and it is kinda silly but the ID is 19688 Cray's Proto Project
  23. ok i got my first arc done i think it is hard so bring a team and keep the diff down unless you think you can hang >.>

    Cray's Proto Project
    Id :19688
  24. Koralith

    i cant publish

    iweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i redid the Description this time and it worked