Guardian PvP League
Mission Statement: The Guardian PvP League is a group of dedicated City of Heroes/City of Villains players formed for the purpose of promoting increased PvP interest and participation across the game as a whole. The aim of this group is to provide high quality player verse player content to the game community in such a way as to bring PvP to a greater audience, as well as retaining its current constituency.
The Guardian PvP League has two primary goals:
To retain a currently diminishing population of dedicated PvP players by providing incentive to keep them interested in City of Heroes/City of Villains PvP.
To increase PvP interest in the casual and new player by providing an introduction and educational opportunities on the distinctions between the PvP system and the rest of the game, as well as providing incentive for participating in that portion of the game.
It is expected that all members will uphold the following Code of Conduct, as participating in the Guardian PvP League. Conflicts or concerns should be addressed personally and privately, in a respectful manner, if at all possible. Conflict mediation is also available, if requested or necessary, from the League Founders.
All members are required to follow the EULA.
Extreme griefing or individual harassment of a player participating in the Guardian PvP League is non-tolerable. We do understand there will be playful banter or small "trash talk" will occur between some teams, but extreme instances will not be tolerated.
The Guardian PvP League has an 8 week season were registered teams compete for an end prize, which can include but is not limited to Influence, Infamy, or Recipes.
League Nights are Sunday night at 5 PM (PST), 7 PM (CST), 8 PM (EST) held in the Pocket D Arena.
These will be 10 minute matches with Diminishing Returns left ON, and Travel Suppression turned OFF.
There will be No Repeating ATs on any team during the matches.
Only the Temp Powers and Inspirations that can be purchased at the Pocket D Arena are allowed in the matches. This excludes Tier 2 and 3 Inspirations, along with Super Group Base Buffs.
All matches will be Team 2 vs. 2 fights on Random maps set to Level 50.
If any members of a team are unable to make it for the Sunday match, both teams have until the next league night (7 days) to make up the match. Subs from the Sub Pool can be asked to fill the spot(s), if both teams agree.
Teams will face off against each other in a Round Robin System. Teams will be scored on a Win (2 pts), Tie (1 pt), and Loss (0 pts) basis.
The Guardian PvP League Registration is available to all players of City of Heroes/ City of Villains. The teams are made up of a player's global name, so in an event a player could choose any character associated with that global. This not only makes the league more diverse, but also allows for strategies to be formed for the next week's event.
Teams need to create a Team Name and a list of the Global Name(s) that are apart of that specific team.
o Team Name: Virus
@Kool Virus
The size of a Team will be 2 members. However if a player has more then one account and desires to use both of them, then the player will need to list his main global and their secondary global. (Example: @Kool Virus & @Kool Virus2)
The Guardian PvP League includes a list of City of Heroes/ City of Villain players wish to help other teams out in case they are short players for an league event. Subs can be part of other Guardian PvP League Teams, or SG mates, or players just willing to lend a hand.
Subs need to register with the Guardian PvP League Organizers so they can be put on the available list.
Subs have no obligation to help all the time or participate in any event, nor can the Guardian PvP league guarantee that the Sub's will ever fight in a match.
Subs are not eligible for any of the winning season prizes. This however does not apply if the Sub is a registered member of the winning Team.
Contact me for more info at @Kool Virus
I know it doesn't look good. Sorry