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  1. I wouldn't be surprised if that is what fueled the change from green highlighted to orange highlighted text, since I believe red/green color blindness is the most common type.

    That said, I may be being overly generous, as the devs have still not fixed the colors for patrol xp, which my color blind husband cannot distinguish from the regular xp bar.
  2. I'd love to get some feedback on my arc, I believe it still qualifies under your requirements.

    The Gorgon Maneuver
    Arc Id # 71797
    Faction: Villian
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Koldoon
    Difficulty Level: somewhat difficult (EB in 3rd mission, AV in 5th mission - also custom enemies make the first and fifth missions more difficult)
    Synopsis: When the Snakes find themselves between Arachnos and a strange new menace, they seek out the most capable of villians to resolve the problem. Beset by Ophidians, a strange race of serpents that walk as men, the immortal Euryale summons the Destined Ones into a strikeforce - suitable for all levels.
    Estimated Time to Play: soloed in two and half hours, two teams of 6-7 players playing it this past weekend finished in 3 hours and 4 hours respectively

    I tried to make this arc really feel like a strikeforce, even subtitling it in the mission intros as "The Gorgon Maneuver, Euryale's Strikeforce"

    I'm promoting it with this poster, which I hope doesn't break any rules (posting as link only):
    Link to Image of poster for The Gorgon Maneuver
  3. It's possible that I had started the arc prior to you making the changes... I don't believe any changes made after someone starts an arc affect any players already playing it.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I will say the insert of colored text is nice, I'd personally like to know how to do that myself so I can apply it to future installments of my Arc missions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Highlight the text in the MA and right click, a menu will come up allowing you to apply formatting to the text.
  5. Koldoon


    [ QUOTE ]
    I would advocate removing them as an option from MA missions completely. When I look for MA missions to play, Defeat Alls are pretty much a deal-breaker. If there's just one and the story sounds good I'll try it, but if there are two: forget about it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't really like defeat all missions either... but I have no problem with the familiar idea of "defeat all in final room" which is an available defeat all flag.
  6. I've found that often when a debuff is being stacked to excess that the easiest cure is to actually not remove it, but instead add an additional custom mob at that level to thin the ranks of the debuffers that show up. I expect the same strategy would work for annoying buff mobs.
  7. I've had good luck making my changes in the My Groups tab, then finding all the references to my custom group in a mission, changing them to None, and then adding the custom group back into the mission. Its cumbersome, but it has helped with some similar instances in my missions.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    "The Legend of Medieval Mayhem: Episode 1"
    Arc ID: 3607


    Feedback is appreciated

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You need to review one of the current arcs in the queue before presenting yours for review, per the forum rules.... I appreciate that you are anxious for feedback, but please post a review first.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    Not trying to be a [censored], but my arc is next in line to be reviewed. And with zero plays currently, it could certainly use it.

    Arc Name: The Oblivion Lens
    Arc ID: 91897
    Faction: Heroic
    Time: 45 minutes.
    Synopsis: What starts out as a battle against the Circle of Thorns turns into something far more dire when a mysterious artifact is recovered. (Does contain an arch villain in the last mission.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I played this arc between last night and this evening... first of all, I would say your time estimate is significantly off... over all I think it took a bit over two hours to complete solo on my level 50 defender.

    Mission 1 played fine, my only complaint was that the arcanist ally tended to be overly aggressive, frequently aggroing adjacent mobs. You need to be a little more careful with comma usage in your text, but that's a little thing.

    Mission 2... Okay this was the one I struggled with, for a few reasons: Defeat alls in those damned cargo ships are lousy at the best of times... but some of your custom villains have shadow fall... a stealth power that made finding the ones I missed a royal pain.

    Unlike the other commenter, I did not find the custom mobs balanced... one of the minions, I swear, was tank based and way more trouble than any minion should have been, and the other... well, tar patch gets old when you've got four stacked on you. The problem is that with only a few types of mobs at each level, you end up with way too many who stack the same debuff or buff... I've found that adding one more purely combat oriented mob to the mob level with the debuffs/buffs dilutes this enough to make it more playable - something you might consider. That said, the lieutenants seemed fairly reasonable in terms of difficulty level, it was only the minions that felt overly strong.

    Mission 3 seemed fine to me and I didn't struggle with it at all, though you continue to have a number of frustrating spelling and grammar errors. This is unfair of me... my degree is in language and literature, so they may just jump out at me more, but there are definitely a goodly number of them in there.

    Mission 4 brought the spelling and grammar errors home for me, even though the mission itself was easy and largely stealthable. Throughout this mission (and possibly earlier, this is just where it jumped out) you spelled "Rogue Isles" as "Rouge Isles" - I can't claim to be free of such errors myself... I just found I had misspelled villain in several places in my arc... but no one is truly good at proofing their own text... find someone who can actually go through the text file of your arc and find some of the spelling and grammar issues for you, because you're likely to miss them yourself just because you're too close to the text.

    Mission 5 clearly indicates the need for allies... which is great, because I think most builds will need the help. I was able to solo the EB, though it was a close battle.

    Overall, I think the arc was decent, though I'd definitely recommend giving the power sets and difficulty of the custom mob minions another look. Also there are a number of spelling and grammar errors that really need fixing. I'd also recommend going in and making the titles of each mission intro an alternate color... I believe the devs use the "sky blue" for this... just as a sort of finishing touch.

    The custom mobs killed this one for me... while I survived, being stuck in multiple stacked debuff zones created by the all too plentiful minions made the missions painful. That the mission introducing those custom mobs was a kill all, and that they had a stealth power just made it worse. I think this arc could be good with some changes, so I didn't curse you with a bad rating ... send me a tell if you make the changes and I'll try it again.


    My arc for review:
    The Gorgon Maneuver
    Arc Id # 71797
    Faction: Villian
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Koldoon
    Difficulty Level: somewhat difficult (EB in 3rd mission, AV in 5th mission - also custom enemies make the first and fifth missions more difficult)
    Synopsis: When the Snakes find themselves between Arachnos and a strange new menace, they seek out the most capable of villians to resolve the problem. Beset by Ophidians, a strange race of serpents that walk as men, the immortal Euryale summons the Destined Ones into a strikeforce - suitable for all levels.
    Estimated Time to Play: soloed in two and half hours, two teams of 6-7 players playing it this past weekend finished in 3 hours and 4 hours respectively

    I tried to make this arc really feel like a strikeforce, even subtitling it in the mission intros as "The Gorgon Maneuver, Euryale's Strikeforce"

    I'm promoting it with this poster, which I hope doesn't break any rules (posting as link only):
    Link to Image of poster for The Gorgon Maneuver
  10. Clearly the forums for Open Beta are being setup. Probably we aren't supposed to be able to see them yet, much less access them.

    That doesn't mean Open Beta is coming today - though it still may.
  11. It could of course be an error or the forums acting weird (as if that never happens). So I'm not getting my hopes up.
  12. It looks like the open beta forums are being created (take a look at the Community Digest forum), though they are still locked. It's not a sure sign that it will be today, but it is certainly a good sign.