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  1. No i wouldnt get the time off. So someone can get married that weekend
  2. Whens the DXP weekend im trying to book it off work but cant find the dates
  3. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Dear Devs,

    Too many long replys in this thread for me to read everything! I feel that the "New" team behind CoX has a better design on CoX and a better idea of where CoX is heading and what is needed to improve things. I
    believe given time CoX PvP may improve..

    They could start with a new lvl 50 PvP Zone everyone vs everyone and able to team with heros or villians. Void of NPCs and Heavys.

    I also feel the PvP Rep system needs revamping or changing. I personally never look at someones rep to see if there good at PvP.
  4. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night 2008.

    Thanks for the fun tonight.

    That was the last PvP Night for a while. Im away next monday. Then i suspect that i12 will be close by the following monday if not already arrived.

    So untill further notice PvP Night has been suspended.

    Ill be reintroducing PvP Night once i12 has worn thin and people look for PvP again.
  5. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Wait till the VEATs. Then the true epic battle begins!
  6. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Well anything goes in a PvP Zone hehe
  7. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Good to see you relax
  8. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Chill man! its only a game

    And i was only asking.
  9. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Indeed,to quote a friend.

    So who was first Gatling or You ?
  10. Knight_Stalker_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't forget mine I made PB's FoTM for PvP back in the day, crusing round Sirens with 400 PvP Rep. And TG will win with his, he ain't playing to loose.

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    he aint playing to loose

    I dont think hes playing to lose either

    I thought gatling was the first PB to own in PvP.
  11. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night 2008.

    Due to it being Bank Holiday and it is a lovely day! Tonights PvP Night will be cancelled.

    Enjoy your evenings.

    back next monday!
  12. Knight_Stalker_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
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    whats actually sad is if PBs had a form of human form mez protection they would actually be pretty decent in PvP, good damage ranged and melee, really good resistences, dull pain and heals.....

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    Yeah is true that stalko.I am still gonna go in RV with one just for the "different" factor even if i get perma creamed

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    Good to see one someone not playing FOTM toon for a change and not too bothered about winning!

    Best of luck to you.
  13. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Awsome Fun!

    [ QUOTE ]
    i have never been to rv before so i dont know what it is like, but i play in siren call and i have heard about the vindicate, does this play here? i use a controller gravity radiation, i get moaned at because i use inspiration but why are they there if they are not used right? i beat most people, do you think i could beat spag bol because in siren they say he is good at 1 v1 also why have you globey commented on me at the end of your messages? i am sorry if i sound dumb i am new to this pvp and i am having so much fun i am trying to learn. thankyou

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    Spag is good at 1v1s and any other PvP event i wouldnt worry about fighting him as hes not around at the moment when he comes back maybe he will show you the art of blasting! I sugguest if you are wanting to learn more about PvP you attend monday nights PvP Nights at 8pm where we meet to PvP and have fun at lvl 50.

    Also you may want to try a higher level PvP zone to gain a little more PvP experience
  14. Seri great idea mate but i must agree i cant see this working. I do think CoX needs some PvP zones like capture the flag or other things.
  15. Knight_Stalker_EU

    5vs5 league?


    The problem is as stated. Too many good PvP'ers under one roof. And tbh no-one could stand a chance atm there are more than 1 PvP SG out there.Just not active.

    Since the days that PvP began there has always been one SG that has ruled the rest is started with Retribution then when PvP went really quiet and the PvP'ers from Ret began to lose interest and leave or play vastly less the rule went on to Vindicate. The problem has been always the same people hate losing and dont lile playing agaisnt a unseemingly unbeatable team. With IOs this makes the situation some what harder. As some teams will not be as purpled up as another.

    I have tried to think away around this. I do have a league or tournament in mind that would stop the worrys of people of a superteam or all the best PvP'ers together i have just not got around to laying it down. I was waiting for a response from someone on prizess for the winners. I Will now have another look into it.

    The event will be weekly but will need a minimum of about 25 players to start. think we have enough players out there ?
  16. Knight_Stalker_EU

    5vs5 league?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I wish it wasnt up to us to save PvP if only the dev's/support staff did something

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    You not realise this is what i have been doing since PvP began....
  17. Knight_Stalker_EU

    5vs5 league?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    yup, always up for some 5vs5, ideally pentad..

    Will need a team mind lol.

    That reminds me phil...I would love some build advice for my ice/kin fella!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    On other business any combo of heroes and villains???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No only the one you play should be deleted, as it is certainly not the Ice Kin-g and should therefore be deleted as some sort of breach of the EULA.

    Phil wins Ice/Kin by a landslide of 100% to 0 to 0 to 0 tbh

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lol you think Ice King is me

    Nevermind hehe
  18. Knight_Stalker_EU

    5vs5 league?

    [ QUOTE ]

    yup, always up for some 5vs5, ideally pentad..

    Will need a team mind lol.

    That reminds me phil...I would love some build advice for my ice/kin fella!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    On other business any combo of heroes and villains???
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks guys!I am getting dangerously close to 30 now...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Happy Bday mate. Know the feeling
  20. Acro does give too much protection agaisnt KB with the planned balance makes PvP a different ball game and brings other power sets that maybe once found it harder to PvP than others into the game. I think it opens more opoturnitys with the balancing planned.

    After all if Squishy were meant to have KB protection they would have it part of the set???

    In the theme of the game i think whats planned is fair.

    As for TK something does need to change with that. It can be used in a pinning tatic.
  21. I personally hope this is just the start to a improved PvP i like the changes and can see the benefits it will bring to PvP.

    Lets hope for more from the future