874 -
Heavyweight is 41-46, Super-heavy is 47-50.
I don't think there is a minimum level though, and so no specific weight will be used for the fights.
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Only if they need to be rated, do they need to be specific weight-class. I dont think we need to do that?
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These arent going to be rated matchs as they wont be on a live server so wont matter there is no lower level. We can once all players are in Set to Super Heavy Wieght Setting and the should equal the levels . -
Seems to be some good possible teams that can be made from the list here would it best for me to place you in teams or would you like to sort out your self ?
Shame. Me and Stalk-obot have an experimental team to test that would have been fun.
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As i said this goes well ill hold another. you can always ask Gat and X to fight against im sure there'll help you out. -
sorry forgot to add to orignal post 1 toon per player.
If this goes well we can have another event where you can bring another toon. -
The matchs are 1 team vs another team in a 5 Man Domination.
Dual Empaths, Dual Kins, What ever you like just 2 different ATs in each team.
theres gonna be loads of good combos but which is gonna prove the best. -
Squished sign up thread.
Please leave your team name and the names of players with global names
Quicksand @Knight Stalker
Purple Hazel @Nimmer
please all discussion to do with the event please post HERE
Looking for a team mate see here -
Post your toons name and global name and AT you would like to put in for the tourny below.
You see anyone you wanna team send them a PM and ask them if there still free
anyone still stuck contact me -
Cool seems this has taken off and people are getting behind it
ill Add 2 more Threads 1 sign thread and 1 Pick and Mix team mates thread watch this space!
Are empaths allowed. who ever is teamed with one has pretty good mez protection. and with fort arent nearly so squishy
Im intresed if im free at the time.
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The idea of this tourny is to see the teams/tatics people bring to the event it should prove very interesting the ways peaople deal with a combo of a empath and any other at don't forget theres many combo the team can go for weather it be a damage team or a more supportive or defensive.
Yes empath is allowed. -
Yes you can or if you dont have one and want to join let me know and ill find you one.
they get a little as do trollers from psi epic... the trick is over coming this
plus does anyone know a Dom that pvps ?
Ladies and Gentleman I would like to bring to youre attention Squished. Squished as the name suggests is for the AT that dont have a inherent Mez protection. This PvP Tournament is just for the.
No other AT will be allowed to enter included Epic ATs. (WS/PB).
The Event will be open to every server and will be held on the Test Server and fights will be at level 50
Each team will consist of 2 Players, a duo.
Each team will have 2 different ATs no 2 the same. (No 2 blasters or any other AT on one team)
The Fights will be in a 5 Man Domination match, who ever kills the fastest and most wins.
This is a knockout tournament, the event will be held on a date yet to be confirmed and I hope to be over in 1 night maybe 2 depending turn out and registration. Every team that registers will get at least 1 fight if there squished there out
winners are the team that manage not to be Squished.
There are no prizes unless anyone has anything to offer! Just the prestige of being known by all squishies as the champ!
Ill post a registry post, after I gauge your response to the proposal.
So what do you think? -
Quite spooky you've done this, as a few of us are currently in the process of making a PvP SG over on Defiant!
Good luck with it all!
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I find the idea of a PvP SG interesting. Very interesting.
Let either myself (@Extremus) or Xanthus (@Xanthus) know when you think you're ready for some PvP action!
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bah we've been trying to get u defiant boys to fight us for agesi seem to remember u agreeing to a 3v3 but havent heard anything since
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Consider this a challenge to a 6v6 on the Test Server in a few weeks.
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Forget that lets have a 3 Way 6v6 with the new PvP SG to help them settle in -
Call me thick i just lost my BG Macro and forgotten the command to recreate it can anyone help me out ?
as well as lower accuracy.
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Plus its a -Perception which is what you need with so much perception in the world of heros! -
I would recommend going for MA/SR should a quick/fast unslowable Ninja
Stuns are great for squisy hunting
plus you get a Immob and -Fly
Aye interested I have a brute or a corr up for it and lvl 40 summit MM and Stalker
Let me know what ya need. -
As this is retributions first event. We would just like to take part so we will Attack or Defend. its your choice max
AoW like to do it the offical way..... I have posted on the their forums and waiting for a response.... I still see no one is willing to challenge us ?
Dunno know if theres still an issue anyone wanna try