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  1. Knight_Stalker_EU

    C4 - The New S4!

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    also with the system of only listing 2 core players and picking any 2 subs each week will lead to every person that wants to enter being in a 2 man team as im guessing its just that 2 man team that will get the credit of winning. therefore there really isnt gonna be many ppl willing and available to sub...which for me was the problem of s4, being asked to sub but getting no credit for it at all

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    An Empath and Blaster duo will probably get used alot more than anything else. The other two players will just be along so the empath and blaster can enter. All 4 players get the titles and prizes and 2 might not do anything.

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    i really dont think, even if its a consistent 4 man team that all 4 will get the rewards. its a 2 man sign up with any 2 being subs to help. most teams will at least try to use different subs, altho im guessing nobody who enters (because they want to win) will be willing to sub regularly when they can just enter as a 2 man team themselves

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    Are there any rules about entering two teams? 4 same players, 8 different characters. Then when they come to fight each other in the final, they all win anyway as they are all on both teams.

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    or enter 2 teams with 4 players in total ... 2 players on each team the other are subs for the other team so everyweek one each of the players plays..
  2. Knight_Stalker_EU


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    But that's taking place Mon-Sat and this was meant to take place on Sunday, surely we can have two arena matches a week?

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    If enough people are up for it i will continue i just didnt think people would give as much time to both events.. i dont want to hinder C4 with this event... But can all leaders of teams pm me with their vote to continue or delay
  3. Knight_Stalker_EU

    C4 - The New S4!

    they never seen the s4 videos... there the best ones so far.
  4. Knight_Stalker_EU

    C4 - The New S4!

    Im not sure how they will manage the enhancement situation...
  5. Knight_Stalker_EU


    I have just seen thats theres another S4 style tourny kicking off soon so rather than compete with it. Im going to cancel this for the time being.
  6. Knight_Stalker_EU


    I've had a couple of PM's with people being unable to attend this week. So im gonna put it back another week and it will start Next sunday at 8.30pm
  7. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Ok we will run the Event slightly differently... The fights will be arranged between the team leaders. The league formated will be posted on Sunday and can be held at anytime during the week before Saturday night the following week. Fights times and dates must agreed with both team leaders and PM to myself and X ok?
  8. Knight_Stalker_EU


    The Evening or the time ?
  9. You can set the levels by what wieght you fight at. You will get a level Range and you pick which one suits you and the team that are playing.
  10. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Yes kick off at 8pm Sunday all entries in by saturday night.
  11. Ill allow 3 defenders in a team if only 2 play per match
  12. I think it be fun if it randomly drops you in the zone no safe areas just entrance and ext.
  13. I think theres a fair amount for PvP'ers to do. Other than the Arena needs a revamp and to look at the bugs and add more maps and a choice of maps

    I would like to see a [u]NONE PvE PvP Zone [u]

    My Idea....

    The Crater.

    Once where a city stood. now destroyed after large meteor fell between Paragon City and the Rogue isles.
    In the dead city that is devoid of life.
    There are still hidden treasures left to find after the deverstasting natural disaster( Temps powers ? Insps ? Prestige/Infamy? any ideas ?)
    Heroes and Villains fight it out for control of these treasures.

    Lvl 50 Zone Heroe vs Villains.

    What ya think ?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    Team: Psydoc and the evil midgets of doom.
    Team Leader: Psydock @Psydock
    Thrusty @globefighter
    jarred @spag bol
    transonic @enervator
    neo @neoarc

    dont know which toons spag and neo use

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    u need 6 and u need to say which toons b4 saturday otherwise u cud change them every week

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    Teams and players names must be in by Saturday night.

    and Team Yet to be named will not be accepted as a valid team name as its been used in other tournys.
  15. Knight_Stalker_EU


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    Any limits on builds? If its a long tournie seems unfair to stop respecing and hard to monitor . .

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    Indeed respec away.
  16. Knight_Stalker_EU


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    Probably doing a mixed team doesnt make much sense that 2 blasters 2 defenders 1 controller i allowed but 3 corruptors isnt rules are rules and I guess villains will never have an even chance against heroes.

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    I completely understand thats why i say you can have 3 in the entire team.

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    just to clarify thats only if its an all villain team yea? i.e. u cant have a team of 3corruptors and 2defenders

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    6 players per team 5 play each match no more than 2 of the same AT in each team is the rule. 3 cors i will allow in this team but will not allow all 3 to play at the same time. Only 2
  17. Knight_Stalker_EU


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    are the teams hero/villain only or are mixed teams allowed?

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    not 100% sure of answer as havent chatted to ks yet but i wud have thought mixed teams are allowed. especially as mixed teams worked wonders and was gr8 fun last wednesday

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    As X said
  18. Knight_Stalker_EU


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    Probably doing a mixed team doesnt make much sense that 2 blasters 2 defenders 1 controller i allowed but 3 corruptors isnt rules are rules and I guess villains will never have an even chance against heroes.

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    I completely understand thats why i say you can have 3 in the entire team.
  19. Knight_Stalker_EU


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    I'm doing it with members from my VG would we be able to use 3 corruptors but no heroes?

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    As long as only 2 play each match.
  20. Welcome to the Boards first of all tim.

    In PvP most people will tell you what ever you build how good you are in PvP is down to the person rather than the AT or Power sets.

    PvP has a lot to do with what you know about the game and the powers you use and the powers being used against you.

    Once you have this knowledge you begin to understand why cetain AT's and Powersets are so called FOTM (flavor of the month) and are better in PvP than other sets.

    Ill/Rad is a good PvP set to have. i would sugguest you look up a guy called Imaginary on the boards here he has a ill/rad and would be able to give you a good idea of the best build for that powerset.

    If you still looking to gain more knowledge about PvP and PvP sets you should come along to the PvP night i hold on a monday night at 8pm on the test server and you can see the more serious PvP'ers and the sets and ATs they use.

    I hope that helps you a little feel free to ask anymore questions im sure myself or the other PvP'ers will help you out best we can.
  21. Please Post your teams here. please only use this page for registration. All other conversation please use the Omnipotent thread.

    Team: Nimmers Go Large
    Team Leader: Knight Stalker @Knight Stalker
    X3 @ X-treme
    Gatling @ Gatling
    Bitter Ice @Lady White
    Purple Hazel @Biggest Nimmer
    Cherry Fusion @Cherry Fusion.
  22. Knight_Stalker_EU



    After a increasing call for larger team PvP

    X and myself will be putting together a test run of a League format for a 5 Man team.

    At this point its hard to say how long the Event will take or last since I have no idea of how many teams will enter.

    Will take place on the Test Server. Fighting at Level 50

    At the moment the plan is to hold a couple of match’s a week till every team has fought each team 2 times.

    I plan to hold the every Sunday. But if there is a problem one week the match can be rearranged for another day or time after contacting myself or X.

    Each 5 man team will consist of 6 players. Any AT but no more than 2 of 1 AT.
    At each match you will field 5 man team. The 6th will be a substitute

    The Substitute.

    The Sub cannot not replace a player mid match if someone was DC and not return the Sub can replace a team player once a match is over and you are readying your team for your next match. You can do this without any contact with Myself or X.

    The Sub can be used to a tactical advantage if used correctly so think about it.

    Sub can field as many times as you like or not played at all. Its at the teams discretion


    If a player is to DC’s in the middle of the match the team must continue with the players remaining unless decided with the other team agrees for a restart.

    Temp powers inspirations are allowed.

    10 minute match’s.

    The team cannot change from the team sheet.

    To enter I require a team sheet. with your Toons name and your global name with all 6 players. Registered on the Entry page yet to be posted.

    Team: Nimmers Go Large
    Team Leader: Knight Stalker @Knight Stalker
    X3 @ X-treme
    Gatling @ Gatling
    Bitter Ice @Lady White
    Purple Hazel @Biggest Nimmer
    Cherry Fusion @Cherry Fusion.
    More Information will be posted as it becomes available because this could take a while to run I would like to have the team entries in by 31st of March and start fights on the 1st of April.

    Please post any questions or PM me or X
  23. Knight_Stalker_EU


    Omnipotent coming to a Arena near you soon...