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  1. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    Oh well thanks for coming tonight thos that turned up. See ya next week
  2. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    Same time same place
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    1) globey
    2) globey
    3) globey
    4) globey
    5) globey

    = win

    [/ QUOTE ]

    = Nimmer
  4. Knight_Stalker_EU

    LF 5v5-8v8.

    Lets have 3 way tourny! Ret Vs PDs Vs Vinditors? not in the same match ofcourse
  5. Knight_Stalker_EU

    LF 5v5-8v8.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah i just saw him online ingame! He said he'd be on tonight

    [/ QUOTE ]

    bah better get my network working again BAH!!!
  6. Knight_Stalker_EU

    LF 5v5-8v8.

    [ QUOTE ]
    bitter ice is back so i guess retribution could field a pentad btw welcome back bitter!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    for real??? wheres that irish guy lets have a good old KICKING SOME [censored] reunion!!
  7. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Was good fun as always

    My last Monday night for a while as I enjoy Fresher's Fortnight at uni

    Hopefully be back throwing Ice again soon!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hmmmmm young drunk females for everyone! wait im coming with ya!!!!!
  8. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    Patch on Test Btw
  9. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    Patch on Test Btw
  10. cheers for lettng us know kerensky. At lease we know its coming.
  11. I agree, TS isnt gonna be people just shouting its gonna be structured.. Ill explain closer to time. or in team chat.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I have come up with a cunning plan for the next 16 v 16 match anyone have any problems with me taking the lead for this one ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    all we lacked was teamwork and 16man experience imo

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats cool forget i mentioned anything. Leave things as they are.
  13. Sure ill need a hand. also anyone know a TS server we can use for the next match?

    when your next on phill ask about my plan ill fill you in and see what you think.
  14. I have come up with a cunning plan for the next 16 v 16 match anyone have any problems with me taking the lead for this one ?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Ahhh dammit dammit dammit I knew there was something I was supposed to do tonight!

    Dont suppose any of you fancy putting on a repeat performance for me?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its going to be a monthly event so should be more fun and next time union will be better prepared

    And chezza where you been i missed ya ?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm empathing

    [/ QUOTE ]

  17. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PvP Night.

    Test is messed up again.. Copy the toons you want to play with across!
  18. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PVP Scrapper???

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
  19. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PVP Scrapper???

    who invited a balster ? not forgeting a Spines has imobs..
  20. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PVP Scrapper???

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Spines/Regen and never look back...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    except when running from ice/elec

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and a MA doesnt run ??? or another scrapper ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That has yet to be seen, MA fearz nothing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    fear no. he said run hehe.
  21. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PVP Scrapper???

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Spines/Regen and never look back...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    except when running from ice/elec

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and a MA doesnt run ??? or another scrapper ?
  22. Knight_Stalker_EU

    PVP Scrapper???

    Spines/Regen and never look back...