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  1. Good Bye! All the best and thanks for all the time you devoted to creating posters for me for PvP events i hope to see you again some time maybe in another MMO!

    See ya and take care!

  2. minimise! theres no one left in pvp!
  3. You know its a shame a real shame. I could play PvP for hours. of real Enjoyment. I made toons to PvP with i earned Prestige to make my toons the best i could. It Kept me in the game. As soon as they decided to make the PvP so bad compared to have it used to be. Thats when you lost this vetrans interest.

    You know all things considered i wish that they just kept to no content PvP style rather than mess around thinking they could get people interested by making it different.

    I did everything in my power b4 the changes to make people interested PvP Nights , PvP Events. Funny thats all they had to do too. Not keep on nerfing it.

    Balanced!? how the hell is it balanced? As far as i see these days you play either a Stalker and a Blaster.

    If you play a melee toon its kinda a joke cos the mez protection you have does jack. Spend time on your [censored]. so you struggle to keep up to do any killing. The Suppression is a real joke. Why do you get suppressed for taking a inspiration !?!? The guys that used to say that using a Insp was cheating have taken over the game! Suppression is everything now.
    I heard it said b4 the fast pace of the game made it a appealing. Its true it was. Being able to move into combat range and make a kill in a group full of villains/heroes and make it out with your life was exhilarating.
    As well as being able to survive in a zone full of a opponents on your own. NO CHANCE these days. I struggle against 2 now.

    What the Dev's failed to understand it takes time to learn to be as good as some of the players got. Time and Experience. Dev's thought well that's just not chips! but if we spend the time and cash getting that good why not!?

    I'm moaning now because i didn't bother at the time. I thought id wait and see what happens as the games changed so many times b4. But now its clear that the Dev's are only gonna make it worse. If the PvP hadn't changed i probably be still playing now. And as often as i used to. Despite all the bad PvE additions. But since CO is coming out and looks awesome and seeing as they seem to be listening to players i am going to go play that hopefully get the PvP bug as bad as i got here and pray they don't make stupid mistakes there too.

    my 2 cent anyhow.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed

    [/ QUOTE ]

    better word PvP has been supressed!
  5. in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
  6. Knight_Stalker_EU


    I have to say that PvP is not good. I dont understand why the got rid of mez protection and KB protection. Deminished returns !? Travel Suppression when i use a inspiration !? Heavys that can perma mez you...

    Let me think when i like PvP most... before i14 for sure.

    Personally for me its when Blasters need to detoggle a melee toon to kill him. Detoggling was brill imo and made some fantastically skilled blasters. Or a controller needed to build up holds. Thoses were the days for me cant remember what issue it was. But if we had those days now i think those zones would still be brimming and you may even still have some vetrans about...

    And i could also survive being outnumbered in a zone. I cant these days..
  7. Knight_Stalker_EU


    at what harse words since pvp is as dead a dodo
  8. Knight_Stalker_EU

    Looking for map

    Im looking for the grandville map anyone seen it?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Its a change and all the older players could see it as a "killer" but thats to the PvP they know.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey - I'm just about the oldest player here and I have stated that I don't see it as a killer.

    Retract that statement!

    [/ QUOTE ]
  10. Whilst im waiting to see the Patch Notes. I certainly believe this is not the end for PvP. Yeah i know im not meant to be here... I popped on in amoungst the crashes and played some PvP. I was pleasantly surprised.

    Its a change and all the older players could see it as a "killer" but thats to the PvP they know.

    Its gives the ability to previous unkillable situations to a possible way through. I can see this change fairing much better for team fights.

    I was pleasently surprised to find a stalker using Hibernation. As well as shocked at first. But its clear that the devs are balancing and not nerfing.As well as giving scrappers alternative to using the Body Mastery you can use other epics which give you the +acc and +perception.
    Duel builds speak for themselfs although means you gotta work harder to build your toon twice and pay twice over(well since i looked on test anyhow)..

    Im not sure about the KB situation i kept falling on my [censored]
    with all my toons.

    Theres alot of changes in i13 designed to change PvP for the better. IMO its good,

    Vetrans may be put of at first. but the teams that you were once unable to even get a kill against should see a better chance of at least one player being able to kill something.

    I see this being a much less soul destroying PvP as its has less god powers!

    Keep your chins up guys PvP has only just started!
  11. Knight_Stalker_EU

    The Dark Path

    Thanks guys for all the kind words. I hope to return one day and look forward to seeing you all again some time
  12. Knight_Stalker_EU

    The Dark Path

    Hey Guys,

    I thought I’d let you know the time for me to well take a long break. Maybe even a permanent one. I’ve been here since the start and every issue has come and kept me interested till now. PvP has been a big driver for me from the start. I enjoyed it and tried to encourage it. PvP grew and everyone enjoyed it and PvP kept me playing during the dull times of CoX we had a thriving community and had some fun battles, International battles on the test servers too. Held some PvP events and made the CoX game come to life in many ways. I learnt more things about the game than I ever wanted to as a casual player.

    As time goes on things change as is life and PvP suffered and people left and the community wavered. The change to IO’s even though was a good thing made the game 10 times better also made it 10 times as hard for casual players who like to enjoy PvP. I personally found the only way to carry on with the PvP I had come to enjoy and to compete at the level I like to compete at required too much of my time to gain the money required and led me to farming which lead to my eventual boredom of the game,. Im not a farmer and cant deal with the boredom of running the same map continually

    I think most people playing at the moment know there is a real lack of experience PvP’ers about. I have lost interest in PvP and as such lost interest in the game. When I learned of what the next 2 issues, and what they had to offer and I realised that the time frame for these 2 issues could be at least 6 months to play through until some new content appears that I would find interesting and want to play with no interest in PvP these days I need to take some time out to reflect on the game to redefine how I would like to play the game or if.

    What would have been 4 years subscription in feb 09 will be funny enough when my current sub runs out.

    I would just like to pay homage to all the fallen heroes that have fallen before me and may fall after me. It’s been a very fun 4 years I had many friends and a few enemies.
    Thanks to all the people that may of teamed with me in one of my many forms of alts.
    Everyone that has ever taken part in one of my PvP Events or Nights. Thanks to all my supporters, Everyone in Retribution, Knight Walkers,. EVIL, Max, Roastie , Kimmy, Galv, Seri, Sat, Cherry Fusion, Ghost Rapter. Too many people to mention but those are a few.

    I will be keeping in touch with all my close friends. I will just not be staying in touch with my first MMO. City Of Heroes/City Of Villains

    I’m not parting with my belongings you never know when from shadows a fallen hero may arise

    Just think of me every time you stand still in a PvP zone!

    Good Bye My Friends
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    The main gap in PvP between 1st timers and vets is skill/experience. As X4 pointed out, all the free purples in the world (hooray for test anyone?), and the most experienced people ended up winning while the casuals and first timers ended up dropping out of the first two rounds, despite massing large numbers of those purpley things.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As your team had the most experienced team players playing the event you were expected to win X4. Test server was to give the newcomers a better chance as well as giving a casual player a better chance. People dont always join to win. I knew my team wouldnt win but still played along.

    Remember no one had to step up there game to play but if they wanted to they could with minimal effort.
  14. Whilst the PvP Changes are a bold move. I think with the changes plan it does iron out certain issues that do arise in a PvP Zones. I look forward to being able to test these changes and see how it spams out. Personally i can see this planned changed bring more options to a team makeup.

    I just wish i could test them now!!
  15. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    Any press is good press. People still talking about it proves it was a success. Mess maybe. I know i enjoyed it and i know others did too...
  16. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    [ QUOTE ]
    It's certainly been a learning experience for all of those involved with running the event, and I have a few rules-related areas I can see need to be tightened up and a few thoughts on better methods. One of the ideas I had during the event, to help with both scheduling and smaller rules breaches, was to implement a handicap penalty. Initially the idea arose simply to ensure matches ran smoothly. We had several cases where matches were started with incorrect settings. For a similar event in future I would suggest that if a team leader incorrectly lists a game and the game needs a restart as a result, the team that made the mistake be issued a 5 kill handicap. A similar system could be used for teams that arrive late for scheduled matches (5 kill handicap added for every 10 minutes, or part thereof, late). We could even have done this for teams requiring subs: 5 kill handicap for the first sub, 10 kill for the second (cumulative with the first, so 15 total).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I definately learnt alot from X4. Things i can take forwards and use next time i plan to run another simular stlye event. But not for a while yet i want to see how the Devs are going to develope PvP first and see what happens. As well as taking a long deserved break from the game.

    Never fear tho i shall return.
  17. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lets face it one is as perfect as me so you are all going to have to accept your flaws and move on. don't keep comparing yourselves or others to me because you will only be disappointed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lol we're not worthy!!!!

    funiest thing I have read in ages.
  18. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    Congrates to PvP iz SRS BZN on the EU title of X4 Champions!

    So that’s it for X4. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. It certainly was a rollercoaster of emotions and dramas.

    I saw some good potential from all the teams and some good strategies used. Groups certainly did there homework on the teams that were fighting and were prepared to give it there all.

    It was good to see the newer PvP teams that came to take part. The players that new that this was just a starter to their PvP Careers in CoX . I hope we gave you a good demonstration of how much fun PvP can be and how good it feels to be making your build as tight as you can and working as a team to overcome a challenge. For me that’s what PvP is all about. Don’t forget without a challenge everything goes mundane and colourless . I hope everyone has been introduced to the PvP community and has meet at least 1 new friend. I know i have

    Thanks to all the teams that took part. In both the Cruiserweight and Featherweight events. The event in my own opinion was very successful thanks to all you guys for putting yourselves out there to see what you can do! Well played and hope you watch out for other things I may do in the future! Please if you have any constructive comments please let me know so I can bear them in mind next time. I can tell you ill never take part in my own events again and it became too much of a stress.

    I do plan to restart my PvP Nights again soon but with a shift from Arena to Zones so watch this space!

    I wish to thank Ghost Raptor for all his support and independent Judging. Giving us his spare time and working with us whilst he was ill from work. Especially for providing the prizes for this event.

    I would also like to thank Cherry Fusion for her continued support with all the PvP events I have done previously and this. Could never ask for a better dependable friend... Thanks.

    Also to Galv and Roastie who helped out with the judging.

    And to all those people that gave me support throughout the event you shall remain nameless but you know who you are.

    Guess that’s it for now.

    Congrates to PvP iz SRS BZN again

    See ya around!

    Edit: Thanks to Coin and his wonder camera man skills keep up the good work mate
  19. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    Just a reminder. Test has a updated build since we played last. Can you please update your test servers before 7.30 if at all possible.

    And see you tonight and Good Luck to all
  20. Oh dear.. sad times. Thanks Rocky for everything all the best for the future
  21. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    [u]The Grand Final Fight Night Sunday 21st [u]

    After a good fight night on Thursday. I've have been able to keep to my predicted schedule. Sunday the 21st will be the last fight night. There are 9 or 10 matches depending on if the loser’s bracket wins the first match against the winner’s bracket.

    I have plenty of judges coming so we should be able to get the event sorted fairly quickly.

    Could I ask because we have 10 matches to get through, all team captains please make sure you have all your team ready to fight on time for 7.30. Matches will begin as soon as possible. If you have possible subbing issues please make sure you have done your upmost to sort this before the night.

    Fights we will be stating with will be

    Generic Jousters Vs PPK
    The Mighty Mighty Echelon Vs Not Team Pyroz
    FoTM vs PvP iz SRS BZNS

    When teams have arrived and are ready to fight please check in with Cherry Fusion.

    See you there and bring a friend!
  22. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: Results

    [u]Thursday 18th Fight Night [u]
    Round 3 Losers Bracet

    Might Morphin Flower Arrangers Vs Supernation
    MMFA win 27 - 8

    The College Of War Vs LNMX
    LNMX win 34 - 1

    Round 4 Losers Bracket
    Might Morphin Flower Arrangers Vs LNMX
    LNMX wins 35 - 0

    College Of War
    Might Morphin Flower Arrangers

    Have been knocked out of the event!

    Thanks for taking part and i hope you will watch the grand finals on sunday!
  23. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    its still on mate more matchs hurry!
  24. Knight_Stalker_EU

    X4: The draws

    nope. Only 2 teams can make it. So there will be one match at 8pm