1574 -
Thanks to:
I R Brute, Coldly Logical Kara, Spirals, LifeGuard, Geadonna, One Liberty Plaza, Matsu Tsukiyama, Iron Mistress, Vickers Man, and TitanWarrior. -
Recruiting for iTrials on Beta in RWZ. Can help you get levels, inf and stuff. Please send tell.
Quote:I disagree.But I will restate what I've argued elsewhere, that players are not entitled to a say in developing the writing, no matter how invested in the game they. That is the province of artists (developers, in this case). The reader/consumer's province is to accept or to reject the final product. If people are really as angered by the incarnate backstory as they claim to be, perhaps they should begin voting with their feet.
If NCSoft announces their intention to do something to the game, it is my duty to myself as a consumer to give feedback because I want the game to continue to exist and to continue to be a game I enjoy.
If NCSoft says they are going to do X, and I think X will hurt or kill the game, and I do nothing and say nothing, and they do X and I 'vote with my feet' and walk away, I lose. I lose whether they survive or not, by not acting to preserve something I enjoy.
To illustrate via hyperbole:
Cook: "I am going to add peanuts to your meal."
Allergic Diner: "..."
Cook: "Voila! The peanuts have made your meal better!"
Allergic Diner: "Goodbye. You have ruined my meal by adding peanuts."
Cook: "???"
I am not entitled to dictate policy. I am not employed by them as a writer or designer.
But I am certainly going to vote a thousand times with my mouth in order to avoid ever needing or even wanting to vote with my feet. -
Quote:In a single player game, sure.Well, since not many would, shouldn't it be more difficult to form teams? Isn't a less popular feature supposed to be used less?
In an MMO, the current design philosophy is that at default you want people to team. I think that is somewhat of a fallacy, but that isn't the point. If teaming is flagging it has to be shored up; it's the core.
Soloable stuff is what is supposed to be there as an extra for those who want it.
I think that in the minds of many designers, teaming = community. I personally don't think that is necessarily the case, but I can see why they think and implement that. -
Quote:Hey, if they want me to write the darn thing, I am definitely available.At this point, I suspect they think we'd rather they pad out an arc with talk-tos and cutscenes than with generic encounters, because somehow "we don't like defeat-alls on a four-story office maps full of enemies standing around pounding their fists" translates in the devs' mind to "every encounter must be unique and significant." Of course, this means you run the two-hour arc full of fed-exes and walls of text and a convoluted story that your character is a secondary participant in, and then have to spend another half hour running papers to actually get some XP. (Or running repeatable missions to get some iXP and threads, in the case of DA).
I have several million inf I have been given specifically to give to others to test with. Also, Devs on Beta will gladly fill your pockets with cash in return for testing.
Quote:Blasters and Stalkers seem to be in an Uncanny Valley of game design. It would seem that at higher levels, being able to one-shot a Lieutenant 'out of the box' is verboten, and yet it seems to be what they need to be able to do.After bringing three Blasters to 50 through blood, sweat and tears, that's precisely what I ended up learning the hard way. In theory, a Blaster can kill stuff so fast he's never in danger. In practice, a Blaster dies LONG before he has the time to pump out even a fraction of his damage.
I can understand how being able to burn down a whole spawn in one power activation is a bad thing, but single target?
I honestly don't see why Stalkers being overpowered if they were coded to one shot instant kill critters of Lt and lesser rank with Assassin Strike, with that same attack doing 20% more damage than anybody else can manage with equivalent buffing and slotting against Bosses and higher.
It all comes down to the post-alpha (not Alpha) fight. After taking on a +4 spawn of 2 minions and 1 Lt at level 50, how hurt should a Stalker be compared to a Blaster or Scrapper? How long should that fight take compared to a Tanker or Brute? -
Quote:What I am hoping for in this regard is at least 3 paths per 'side' through the storyline, similar to what was done in Praetoria. That way you can go all the way through the story multiple times and between the different base paths and branches, have a different experience most times.This sounds great for a first run through, but if we're to repeat it multiple times for i-progress, then they need to bear in mind that even soloists like to avoid repetition of long dialogue sections/zone runarounds/cutscenes.
Like one path that is all about the backstory of the Astoria neighborhood and what happened to it, along with a path that is all about the Banished Pantheon and their efforts to serve Lughebu, and yet another path that is all about Mot the Hoo...er, the sleeper.
"My name is Mot. Thanks alot. I am the power Sodom used on Lot..." -
Quote:It's nothing without the fog and ghosts and mysterious backstory and atmosphere because that is all they put in there.And to be honest, if DA is nothing without the fog, then maybe the zone does need a total revamp.
In any case, this is a computer game, and with resources, anything can be programmed. It is possible to completely revamp the zone into Death Metal Hell, and at the same time keep our creepy expy of Silent Hill.
And that is what I am asking for.
Just one neighborhood-sized area with fog, vanishing ghosts, empty playgrounds, the unstaffed yet functional hospital, and fog. At the hero-side entrance. That will make the rest of the zone aesthetic even more dramatic by comparison. -
Well, the Incarnate Trials do belong to all of us...
At 5pm PST (4pm MST/3pm CST/2pm EST) TODAY (11/23/11) I will be recruiting on the regular Beta server in the RWZ for tests of the new Trials, Minds of Mayhem and the TPN.
There should be ample EMerits and inf provided. The Auction has been stocked, so you should be able to get enhancements and Incarnate Abilities fairly quickly.
The copy tool is down, so you may need to get level bumped, which you can do by posting in the appropriate thread and bothering any Devs that are present, which is usually Chillgore1 and or Alpha Wolf. In fact, get a couple of characters bumped so that we can have a variety of abilities available: we seem to have proven that a League full of Titan Weapon users is not going to, er, cut it
Do you trust the Devs to make changes to the trials without your input? I thought not!
See you there and then -
I'll be testing again at 5pm pst/4pm mst/3pm cst/2pm est
Hope to see you there! -
Okay, there was not much to do there besides admire the atmosphere. Better?
I want the fog back, but not necessarily in the previous form.
A zone-wide particle effect is impractical and probably undesirable, but what about an area surrounding the entrances? That way you get a low-visibility eerieness, and then emerge from a spooky fog (with the abandoned landscape and wandering, vanishing ghosts) into Death Metal Hell. Still very Silent Hill, still very cool.
Another thought: I know there is a critter somewhere in the game that takes the form of a debuffing, mobile, fog that actually patrols and follows you. Maybe a very BIG one of those. -
I was thinking a permacomic that was consumable in that you would buy a new issue every month or so. Not really consumable, but still an indefinitely repeating purchase.
Quote:Nothing has changed in the trials yet. I figure the Devs need more info before they can make a sensible and useful change.I didn't see any updates to the TPN or MOM trials in the patch notes...what was changed from the last patch?
What changes would you like to see? -
An alternative to that could be time-gating zone and trial rewards differently.
Well, that's all for today! I'll be testing again tomorrow, and I hope to see you all then!
Quote:This!My half-way between losing the fog and keeping it: have the zone normally be all foggy and give the zone pretty much NO street spawns. Have playgrounds with swings that swing on their own with an eerie creaking.
Then, a zone event kicks in, an air raid siren sounds, and the fog lifts revealing the true, twisted form Astoria has fallen into. Zombies are bursting out of doors, rising out of the ground in the cemetery, and everything has gone from simply abandoned looking to nightmarish.
Except with the street spawns being the usual ghosts that vanish when you get near. Maybe with tech similar to the Shadowed Paths in First Ward? -