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  1. One of the reasons I like games is because they can be so many things at once.

    "Games" is a huge word, encompassing everything from tic-tac-toe to Mass Effect 2.

    However, it is certain that some games try to be art, and to engage the player on multiple levels.

    They are stories.
    They are movies.
    They are video art, which often incorporates traditional art, like paintings.
    They are musical compositions.
    They contain unfamiliar perspectives and philosophies and histories.
    They contain people, both real and authored, living and dying and emoting.
    They contain architecture and set design.
    They contain performance and audience participation.

    Most games incorporate a host of arts in various capacities: the best ones become more than the sum of their parts and become a work of art made up of many pieces of art.

    Some theatre presentations incorporate the audience in an improvised, unscripted way.

    This is that on a worldwide scale, and it is not diminished by being electronic.
  2. ...sure hope that broke you out of that stun...

    I can see the objection there.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If we're doing it because we think the entire archetype is underperforming, and this buff is something all blasters should have, are we going to force all existing blasters to respec, and possibly lose one of the powers they already have, in order to get the full benefit of the buff?
    Meh. Respecs are easy to get.

    On the other hand, one way to semantically avoid a problem with jealousy from other classes and also dodge the respeccing problem might be to roll the 'break out of mez' feature into Defiance.

    Add the mez-breaking to every Blaster primary attack with an appropriately lower effect. Only the first two powers would retain the 'blasting in my sleep' effect (which I hate but oh well) and the other powers could still be activated while mezzed, but would have no effect other than a mini-break free.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    My point earlier was that you absolutely HAVE to take Fulcrum Shift, Criticals, Fury, Defiance, Scourge, and Containment into account when you are designing a power. You can't design the power and then look at what those things do to it afterward. If you design a power without taking those abilities into account, there is a very good chance the power will end up too strong when buffed by those abilities.
    Maybe his 'max damage' number means the max damage the power will do after all buffs except for the ones he mentions? For instance, a headsplitter can do 1200 if buffed to the gills by a team full of defenders, 2400 if critical?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IzzySoft View Post
    > But they are certainly not all close to each other in damage output.

    Hmm.. Got an example powerset?
    For example:

    Super Strength (burst damage) vs Claws (dps)
    Energy Melee (stuns) vs Spines (range, debuffs)
  6. The problem is not the ability of steamrolling the content, it's the mentality.

    When people run into content they cannot steamroll for whatever reason, they tend to call whatever prevents the steamrolling a gimmick and get it nerfed or just avoid that content. Not that I necessarily blame them, but it does limit one's own potential enjoyment.

    But it's all just a matter of realizing that once you start in on Incarnates, you are actually playing CoX2 (Praetoria being CoX 1.5).

    In any case I thought Nukes and Shivans were already officially sanctioned?
  7. Yes, you are breaking rules when you say that. It's okay to say "a popular fantasy MMO" or the like, I beleive.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IzzySoft View Post

    Aha!! If these Attacks have a special Value assigned to them, why can that be used to balance out the Attack Chain, from new Attacks from an adjacent powerset?
    I think you are talking about using caps to balance out powersets, which I thought was a good idea back in Beta, but the other players outvoted me

    Caps still exist, but in general are above where the original designers felt was balanced. They are reached on large teams on a casual basis, due to buffs from allies.

    When soloing, most people operate well below most caps, where imbalances become more apparent.

    However, you also realize that the Devs balance around characters using SO enhancements to fight spawns set to 'normal' difficulty: +0 levels, x0 extra foes. If you look at performance against the environment (not other players) at that level, things are fairly balanced.
  9. For instance, there could be a 'pool' of NPCs that you rescue in various missions, which then unlocks them to be 'bought' as temp powers.

    These npcs might have little or no attack ability, but decent support powers like buffs, debuffs, healing, etc.

    Bonus points if you can converse with them to learn lore and alter their dialogue 'attitude' toward you.
  10. ...and it adds more 'minigames' and 'non-combat activities' to the game. I like it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    They absolutely need to do this, otherwise teams will steamroll the "solo path" and it will be glacially slow for soloists to compensate.
    Another choice would be to time gate certain rewards.

    Datamining can tell them the average speed at which rewards are earned in iTrials by the average player in a 20 hour period. They then time gate certain drops in the solo path to a proper percentage of the above.

    Of course, I think the iTrial rewards should be time gated also. Repeating the same content should be rewarding, but not so rewarding that it encourages burnout.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    It looks like it was a response to both together. Adding more gimmicks for more players.
    As far as I know, the tech exists to do that now, although it might be a bit kludgey in execution. They already have tech that scales EBs up to AVs based on team size, and certain foes that only spawn based on your Archetype.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    The more focused the task is on player skill and a gimmick, the less different the experience is on different characters. I'd rather an experience that made my broadsword scrapper feel different than my katana scrapper than one that focused on jumping away from patches that made my tank and blaster play fundamentally the same.
    One way of doing this would be to build climactic encounters around a specific Incarnate ability, while handing each player an emergency substitute for said ability.

    For instance: you have an encounter that "assumes" the player has Judgement. Every time Judgement should be recharged, an ambush of trash mobs arrives at the location of the main foe. Now, if you have enough strong AoE or the right tactics (maybe pulling the main foe out of the encounter area) you can give yourself an advantage. In addition, if you click some glowies elsewhere on the map, you can give yourself a temp version of Judgement with a certain number of charges.

    A player that is built 'wrong' and doesn't figure out the right tactics may hit a wall, but if they explore the mission, they will find the temp power. In addition, they can also just go and redo the 'you only have alpha unlocked' solo content, which should allow them to earn and slot a Judgement power.

    If you for some reason don't want the Judgement power, you go down a different story branch and avoid the Judgement Battle completely.

    The Judgement encounter would feel very different for your Tanker and Blaster, but I'm not sure what kind of encounter differences are going to make Broadsword and Katana feel different. Broadsword and Mace, maybe.

    Another way of working this is to have elements of a given encounter that are random (or which depend on choices made previously by the player). For instance the climactic encounter of a mission could randomly be a blaster version, tanker version, or controller version of the same foe, either randomly or based on what glowies the player activates/destroys before spawning him. For example, maybe you examine wreckage in his wake, and based on the dialogue tree choices you make, you 'discover' that he is a living inferno, a living juggernaut, or a living nightmare.
  14. Actually, isn't the Incarnate System essentially a 'pick and choose what powers you want' system?
  15. As far as I know, the encounter design parameters of the game have not changed in a while.

    Assuming a non-faceroll level of skill, anyone's build should be able to solo the legendary 3 even minions reliably. It's okay if even Bosses require Inspirations, or hands you a defeat or three.

    Once you have all SOs, it is acceptable (but not standard) that you should be able to consistently solo 3 +3 minions. Again, Bosses and up should require Inspirations, and it should require some actual play skill to avoid defeat.

    If you can consistently solo +4s or Bosses with pure SO build and not play skill, you are probably a little OP.

    It should take 6 players to defeat an even AV.

    If you are turning the difficulty above +3 x0, your play experience is not guaranteed. If you are performing as well as the above, your AT is probably fine.

    With all that in mind, it stands to reason that an AT designed around single target burst damage should probably be able to take out an even lieutenant in one hit.

    Beyond that, who knows?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    And when are the other Incarnate slots coming?
    Rough estimate? 2 every couple issues, so average 1 per issue.
  17. A Blaster should not be able to kill off a regular spawn so fast he is never in danger. With the possible exception of the Tanker, all Archetypes should be able to consistently defeat a +0/x0 spawn of Arachnos (3 minions or 1 minion and 1 Lt conning white) while taking some damage (20-40%?) and using some endurance.

    Probably most people actually fight above that, but I don't beleive that fact is taken into consideration in mission design.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Yes. I run one of everything daily on as many characters as I reasonably can, (usually 1-2) plus some stuff more if people keep running them (or I get the gumption to form them myself).
    I wonder because I think it might be something the Devs might want to try to reduce the 'grindiness' of grindy content. The numbers might need to be tweaked, but the idea is that running each trial in succession should be more or as rewarding as rerunning the fastest trial over and over.

    The other solution to grindiness I see would be to use more random elements in trial design (like MoM's random foes in one part), but that of course makes things a bit more difficult to balance.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    People keep repeating this and I think if you look at the emerging pattern it is clearly not the case.
    I think the devs have realized, as many posters have said, that content is going to be farmed no matter what they do. It only makes sense for them to design content that is intended to be farmed.

    It frees up resources (including time) for the story content to be worked on in detail.

    The only problem is players choosing to burn themselves out with the grind before more content can be added, but the AE is the only potential solution to outracing player desire for content that I have seen.

    The AE and potentially, PvP.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    No, I'd just do the BAF once every day until I had what abilities I wanted, and do the rest once or twice for the badges.

    Is that different from now?
  21. On the subject of grindiness...

    Isn't the entire point of the endgame system to give us stuff to do forever?

    Mental Exercise:
    What if each iTrial gave 5x the rewards they do now the first time you did them in a 20-hour period, and 1/5 the rewards the rest of the time. Would that make the Trials feel less grindy by encouraging you to cycle through them rather than rerun the same ones over and over?

    I personally beleive the true endgame system, however, is the AE. It just needs a little fixing.
  22. It's a little schizophrenic.

    Everyone can have whatever combination of Incarnate abilities they want, and it's okay because someone probably has what they need. In fact, the very grindiness of the trials by design steers you away from everyone having every ability.

    However, on the other hand, everyone can have every ability, so they can design trials with the assumption that the League has access to a certain amount of healing, Clarity, etc.

    I think that will be the big challenge in solo Incarnate stuff. Do you design a mission with the assumption that a character has Rebirth-level healing because they can just go get it if they need it? Or do you assume they don't have it and design around that, leading to it possibly being a snoozer if they do?

    What would you do if we had the AE tools to build Incarnate stuff? I think you would assume the player had 'x' ability, and then label the mission appropriately.

    Therefore you'd see missions that were designed for Lore 3+, Judgement 4, or 3+ shifts and what not. The devs may go the same route.

    Ironically, the post-50 game is essentially the Archetype-less free power pick system certain segments of the populace have been clamoring for since day one.
  23. I think Incarnates in this game are supposed to work similarly to the characters in another NCSoft game, where you have access to a huge array of different abilities, but can only 'set' a certain number to be accessible during a mission.

    So before a mission, you can decide who is going to tank, who is dps, who is mezzing, etc.

    Very strategic, and I like it in principle.
  24. That may be how it works, but I am reasonably certain that's not the intent.
  25. Give all Tankers a Miniaturized version of Grant Cover, and a stronger, slower version of KO Blow and I will be a happy fox.

    Yes, I am agreeing with Johnny Butane.