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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    When the well is in effect you get super versions of heroes running around, so you get a manticore instead of Robin Hood and so on.
    Which brings us back to the second part of the OP: How would Manticore compare to Robin Hood, if you brought Robin to the modern world, acclimated him, and gave him modern tech to work with?

    What level thugs/archery would such a version of Robin Hood be? In Atlas Park, struggling with Hellions, or in Peregrine City, struggling with Malta?

    Would he have Weapon or Body Mastery? Would his Legendary Status allow him to be an Incarnate?
  2. A good rephrase of the OP might be "what characters from history would work as super heroes in Paragon?"

    Sun Tzu
    Xerxes (perhaps the version from 300, anyway) get the idea.

    Heck, Hitler probably IS running the 5th Column.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    You say "The net result is that the majority of the party feels that the two more active/talkative/theatrical players are sucking up all of the playtime." is this something stated or just an impression you get?
    3/7 players mentioned it to me unsolicited.

    Conversely, one of the players being complained about specifically asked the Puss in Boots player during the game why he wasn't being more proactive.

    The Puss in Boots player told me seperately that he is intentionally playing a more sedate, quiet and intellectual version of the character.
  4. I think I will work on both ends of the problem at once.

    Since the players are students and have a former teacher NPC tagging along as an observer, I think I will have that NPC take a more active role to moderate things:

    - advising the crazy ninja (Cheshire Cat) and gregarious bear (Ursa Minor)to hold back a little
    - suggesting a couple alternative courses of action to the rest of the group when they seem particularly hesitant

    ...does that make sense to you guys?

    One would think that (Prince Charming/He-Man) or (Puss in Boots) would be rocking the leadership role, but I think the prince is holding back because that player as the acknowledged rules lawyer of the team tends to end up as leader and actually prefers the troublemaker role. The Puss in Boots player I think may be holding back because he is the default teasing victim of the group.
  5. No new rules questions; just a general GMing one.

    I have a couple players who tend to leap at every chance to take an action during the game, whereas the majority of the group tends to react to the question, "what do you do?" with a long pause, followed by several probing questions, and then a cautious tentative action.

    The net result is that the majority of the party feels that the two more active/talkative/theatrical players are sucking up all of the playtime.

    I am in a bit of a quandary. Should I:

    - Let it work itself out?
    - Tell the more active players to slow down?
    - Push the majority to make decisions more quickly/actively?
    - Give you guys more details on the situation?

    I have been a GM for years, and my default go-to on the situation is to insert more personal story elements for the less acrtive members, but i wanted to get some other perspectives.
  6. Thanks for the advice, guys. Next game is tonight, I'll post after with any new questions.
  7. Made it through the first game session with no problems; level 2, lots of roleplaying, no combat, some exploration. Future plot hooks established.

    Interpretation question: what has been established in games you have played as the maximum that can be accomplished with a high Diplomacy check?

    "He-Prince Charming-Man" has a Diplomacy of +20. Yes, at second level. So far, all he has done with it is sell off some armor he got for free at nearly market price.

    As far as how far this is intended to go? Theoretically, all the way to epic levels.
  8. I am running a Pathfinder campaign for some friends.

    The world is original, and the whole thing is somewhat fairy-tale themed (not my idea, the genius of one of my players!). We are starting at 2nd level.

    So far, the party consists of expies of:

    Prince Charming (with a lot of He-Man thrown in): Summoner [Fusion]/Cavalier [Beast Rider]
    Sleeping Beauty: Oracle
    Maleficent: Sorcerer, I beleive <don't have my notes>
    Puss in Boots: Rogue/Fighter
    Snow White: Necromancer Oracle
    Cheshire Cat: Ninja/[Dreamcast] Sorcerer
    Ursa Minor: [Bear] Druid

    I have a basic world and storyline put together; as you might guess, a mishmashed fractured version of all the above tales, with a fair amount of Grimm horror thrown in.

    Just wondering if this is a good place to fish for general ideas and previous rules calls? I am not a fan of the Paizo site for general chat and rules questions, but that may just be me not being used to it.
  9. "The Aristocrats!"

    "If I fall off of the roof, shoot the dog."

    "But honey, don't you want to have children?"

    ...and GO! No explanations, please.
  10. Cheshire Crossing

    Wendy Darling, Dorothy Gale, and Alice Liddell team up!
    Mary Poppins shows up!
    The Wicked Witch of the West and Captain Hook...hook up?

    Hasn't updated in a while, but is a great read!
  11. Currently on hiatus, but awesome in style and concept:

    Ow! My Sanity

    Magical Girlfriend genre + Harem genre + Cthulhu Mythos
  12. What the generic 'you' may want to consider is requesting new Enhancements be created that have the functionality you want.
  13. Heh, I follow Spinnerette also. I think Ben Franklin has shown off the most nudity But it's a good, fun, fan-servicey comic.
  14. In my case: Gunnerkrigg Court

    Character Development
    British-style Boarding School
    Creepy and Cute
    The Best Stuffed Toy Ever
    Individual stories feeding into a mysterious overarc
    Cyberpunkish high tech vs wild forest magic
    Mythological Figures

    ...and Jones
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    A Blaster plodding along at base difficulty with no ambushes or unexpected aggro will make a steady pace, but if that Blaster attempts to push out of that comfort zone like a Scrapper easily could, things cascade into catastrophe very, very fast.
    This is a bit of the point. Are we balancing around the 'comfort zone' or not? To what extent should ramping up your difficulty be counted or discounted, let alone IOs and Incarnation?

    I seem to remember that at one time, these sorts of things were supposed to be discounted entirely in terms of balance.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Blasters are matched perfectly against the content, but the devs don't mind if everyone else sails above it, so much so they don't mind buffing things that are already too strong compared to the content.
    I am slightly worried that this is the case.

    RE: Blasters dying more or less than everyone else in Incarnate content, it seems just barely possible that since there are a lot of effects that "one shot" tankers, it is just barely possible that everyone else is dying enought to keep constant Blaster deaths from standing out.


    So let's assume that Defiance 2 did not buff Blasters up to 'acceptably low' standards of performance relative to other archetypes, many of which have been buffed since.

    It all comes back to the basic scenario: you have a Blaster (let's say a fire/fire blaster) who encounters 3 +0 minions, 2 of which can mez (rikti, I suppose), while on an SO build.

    What should happen?
    How would the scenario be different if we switch out the Blaster for a fire/fire scrapper?
    How should the scenario be different if we switch out the Blaster for a fire/fire scrapper?

    My thought is that the Blaster is at much greater risk, will use more resources, and not get much extra kill speed out of the deal. My next thought is to wonder if giving the Blaster enough damage to one shot all 3 minions with single target attacks is too much.
  17. Here is another perspective:

    What if Blasters are already balanced against the npcs, but not relative to other players?

    There is a certain minimum awards earning rate for players. Let's assume Blasters hit that, even accounting for debt, when you datamine average/mean players with SOs taking on +0 x0 content.

    Now lets assume that in terms of earning rates, Blasters are at the bottom of all the Archetypes.

    Now somebody has to be at the bottom; that's not an issue in and of itself.

    - What is the ceiling for the top end earner? Twice the average Blaster? Three times?

    - If the top end earner is below the ceiling relative to Blasters, are we done balancing? What's our target?

    - What if the formula goes crazy once you add in IOs and Incarnating? The game isn't balanced around that, so relative earning rates in those environments don't matter, do they?

    ...which makes me have a crazy conspiracy theory about Incarnate content. Could it be that it is all league-based to conceal archetype imbalances?
  18. For those who are all tl/dr, IMHO the core issue is this:

    - In the specific case of the TPN, the graphics don't make the ability of the Telepathists to enable the citizens to defeat Incarnate characters clear enough, and it feels to some like their Incarnate is being defeated in a way that breaks suspension of disbeleif and dispels drama.

    - In the more general case, it is distasteful to some for their Incarnate to be defeated by something that is presented as a minor or non-threat regardless; they would like their Incarnates to face threats that appear to be and are presented as legitimate threats to demigods in the future.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    A competent villain would assure there couldn't be a second attempt, especially one that can make rocks thrown by pedestrians take down demigods when there are people with anti-tank missiles just around the corner.
    If villains were allowed to be competent, there would be no heroes and probably no world
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    I think I already said, that I got the general gist of the plot. I just happen to think that it's incredibly weak and stupid. It cannot exist in isolation because if six seers and some pedestrians with rocks take down a superteam of the Avengers, X-Men & JLA combined, then Cole suddenly doesn't have a single damned thing to worry about. Atlas Park is toast!
    I can handwave the Telepathists as being a type of enemy that is brand new to the setting (and possibly connected with Mother Mayhem's mental domination of Penny).

    However, someone really should have caught the internal inconsistency within the same mission with the fact that the Telepathists can convince us to be defeated by a thrown rock, but not by a plasma rifle.

    Pacification should either be:

    - Removed upon zoning into the buildings or
    - Be a visible radius effect around the Seers, or
    - Be linked in strength to PR

    ...any of those would provide a reason that Telepathists can't rock our world elsewhere (blocked by line of sight, limited radius, won't work on Primal Earth period), while giving players a tactic to deal with it, AND a reason it doesn't enable the IDF to rock our world.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    What is surprising to me is the possibility that the Devs may truly not understand that "the little foxes spoil the vineyards." Getting two-shotted in the trials is like a Yellow Dawn with Hamidon: the playerbase will figure a way around it in time. But if what is two-shotting you is, in the player's estimation, ridiculous, then you just honk the player off. A sniper, say, with XYZ bullets shooting you from a tower is one thing, a "numpty with a rock" offing your Incarnate self is quite another. Do they not understand that?
    I think it's a perspective thing.

    From the Dev's perspective (I imagine), it's not a 'numpty with a rock' doing the, er, heavy lifting. It's the Telepathists psychically convincing you that you can be defeated by a thrown rock, which is arguably comic-book-sensible.

    Since they designed the trial, and this element makes total sense to them, they thought it would be self-evident to the players as well, and did not make the Telepathists' effect on the situation graphically and dramatically convincing enough to counter our own perspective on how powerful our characters should be in the narrative.

    If you see Superman in the comics get hurt by a thrown rock due to telepathic interference, you think, "Someone came up with an interesting way around Superman's invulnerability! Golly gee, how will he get out of this one?"

    But when it happens to YOU, that's not going to be your first reaction. Like Superman himself, you are going to think, "HAX!"

    Welll maybe Superman wouldn't think exactly that but you get the idea.

    It's something that often happens to writers; since they are looking at their story from the 'backstage side', they occaisionally have to be reminded that some story elements are not as obvious or convincing before you know the dark secret behind it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    If my data is mined I want it to show I *was* interested in incarnates, ran them under the shards system and stopped dead on iTrials.
    Or you could just tell them directly, rather than waiting for them to get that info by other means.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    This thread is pretty much only good for letting off steam that's been building for some people since this time last year. If you want to actually change anything and be productive, things have to be taken up a couple notches.
    I suggest people use this thread to vet very specific, bulleted lists of things they would like to see going forward with the playerbase.

    If the playerbase doesn't reveal gaping problems with the idea, shoot it over to Zwillinger and Avatea.

    They may not agree, but we can try to make sure they know and understand. Even if we fail to do that, it's better than not trying.

    After all, apparently the Devs are getting ready to look at Tankers, therefore anything is possible, right?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    Why the hell would any sane being want to be the servant of a mad, all-powerful god?
    Of my hundreds of characters, the only ones that will Incarnate are the ones for whom it makes sense. Same deal as the Patron arcs.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
    What's the standard performance of a blaster, Elecric/Devices or Fire/Mental? I honestly don't know.
    What the standard performance of a Blaster currently is, is something that might be calculable.

    The real question is what the standard performance of a Blaster ought to be compared to the other archetypes; particularly Scrappers (and therefore Stalkers and Brutes).