3823 -
Quote:Not using the old cohupdater.exe, but using the "cityofheroes.exe -project coh" trick that's always let you bypass the updater- directly launching the game.Does that still work? I remember shortly after the NCLauncher going live that the old CoH Launcher no longer worked.
As always, I could be mistaken...
The command looks like this (64bit windows on top, 32bit on bottom... modify the path if you installed it somewhere else):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe" -project coh
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe" -project coh
(OS X also can bypass the updater, but not sure off the top of my head what exactly what the command is) -
Probably a good idea to not go near NC Launcher again, and just start CoH by using the old bypass trick.
Excellent work, Leandro! I have a feeling the demo folks are going to squee when they see this.
Yup, it's exactly what I love the most about that game. You can just go off and keep on walking forever (literally, you can keep going and you'll die of old age before you hit the world's limits). They've slowly been working to build up the whole 'RPG' part of the world (the additions of villages, villages, and even The End).
Quote:We know there were at least discussions between Paragon's management and NCSoft (for all we know, they're still going on and going well- we don't know). NCSoft didn't publicly announce that. We know TonyV and the guys from the Titan Network are trying to open a dialog with them as well (which likely will include an NDA, at least for when they're in discussion). These sorts of things are rarely done publicly.Negotiations are only possible between equal and interested parties. We are neither equal nor is NCSoft interested. It's been more than a week with no communication.
Hope should not be tempered with delusion.
Civility should not be confused with appeasement. -
The store was still working, just without the ability to buy PPs (at least a couple days ago, I don't think they intend to kill the entire market).
Yeah, this is actually what their practice already was (I've gotten them to transfer unused sub time from one account to another).
I hadn't read Tony's update (not sure if he had added the FAQ then) where he specified that the checksum was indeed to try to detect tampering, so had (incorrectly) presumed it was merely to help detect errors, not malicious modifications. After seeing Tony's follow up post (and then the updates to his OP) I edited that post.
Quote:Paragon Studios had 80+ people (some of which were working on the Sekret Project... but I think that was being funded at least in part by CoH). The common estimate I heard of the number of subscribers was 60,000 (someone already mentioned it in this thread), plus quite a bit more from all the people buying stuff on the market.How many employees were working on the game's development? Fifty? Multiply fifty times fifty thousand (rough annual salary estimate), and you've pretty much erased all that money.
Plus there are doubtlessly multiple signings. I know of at least one person who signed multiple times.
At the same time, each employee generally costs quite a bit more than just their salary- potentially as much as double. So, yeah, while it might seem like they were making many millions of dollars, they were also paying many millions of dollars just to develop the game (that's not even counting the cost of the servers and the people that work on them, which was handled by a NC Austin, I believe, not Paragon). -
Quote:Turning? There's always been disagreement on the forums. That's human.It's crazy how everyone is turning on each other right near the end.
On the other hand, there's been quite a number of well known posters that have some sort of dispute with each other choosing to put it aside and work together. Hell, there's several posters that, always without fail, every post of theirs makes me want to throw a brick at their face... and in the past week, not a single one of their posts have made me want to do that (a first in every case!).
And hey, we also were able to completely fill Virtue, and have 33 Atlas Parks as part of the Unity rally. There were so many people, that we had to overflow to Freedom, and had at least an additional 6 Atlas Parks there. -
Quote:The goal, above all others, is to save the game (for me and most others- maybe you don't care). That is a very lofty goal, and likewise, it requires strong organization, passion, and discipline. Why discipline? Because we can't simply let emotions run wild, doing things for petty reasons, because that will sully the image of the whole movement (as has already been demonstrated).The control freaks were out too. "Turn off all powers and dismiss all pets." came the demand. And what's this ..""nah nah is holding a protest sign blah .. and "nah nah should be holding a torch blah .." Let me remind you control freaks, while you were popping in today for a couple of hours, I and many others have been protesting with the 'Protest' emote for 7 days for long hours. I will continue with that.
It, hilariously enough, will also be totally ineffective. The media quickly grows bored of things... people have done the whole protest thing countless times before, so it's not a new and interesting story. On the other hand, humanizing an event is a wonderful way to keep the media interested (angry about a video game isn't humanizing, it comes off as child-like).
We only have a tiny window if we want to save City of Heroes. This is why effectiveness is so vital. If you want to protest, you've got the whole rest of your life; why not wait the short bit of time for CoH's fate to be written in stone? -
Quote:I noticed that in the zones where it was predominately protests signs, there was also loads of power spamming. Plus, the having the signs often say 'STOP' seemed rather counter productive as wellOh and yea. There were some people who insisted on holding protest signs, not torches.
When I tried to get on to Virtue, it was at 306. When I had been on Freedom for a bit, someone commented that they had just been something like 362 (there were 4 APs on Freedom by then, I believe).
Exactly. The last thing we want is to convey the message that we're just upset that our game has been taken away. Especially if we want attention outside of just the gaming media.
Quote:Because the fate of the game is not yet written in stone. To show how much we've enjoyed the game. To make a stand. Etc.So why is everyone standing around Atlas when they could be having fun doing mission and stuff before the game dies?
Edit: The last time I counted, we were to 6 APs on Freedom. There were also over a hundred people still queued on Virtue at that time. Not sure what we peaked at. -
I would bet it was disabled when they made the change so all the VIPs wouldn't drop down to Premium.
Also, it's possible that any of our subscribed time after the announcement last week will be refunded (AFAIK, in the past they've gone off of the announcement date, not the server shutdown date). -
Quote:The checksum can be trivially recomputed (just going by the length, I bet it's CRC32). It's intended to detect accidental corruption, not deliberate modifications.No real potential for hacking. The file is checksummed, so if there's even one bit modified it'll fail the checksum.
Edit: TonV had updated his original post since I first read it (or I did a bad job reading it the first time), and commented on this later on in the thread. Looks like they aren't using it for error detection, but have actually taken steps to harden it.
Freedom isn't full. It has only 2 yellow dots atm (and 5 APs).
Edit: Now seeing some people in AP 6. -
163 of 306... Not sure how I'm so far along, since I just logged in at that position!
Quote:Don't expect to be able to simply import characters into new servers (if private servers ever come about, some might allow imports). This is more so an archival copy, so you'll have all the info about your characters (build, badges, profile, costume, etc) in one place. It's so you'll have the info for when later tools are developed. Even if all you'll be able to do in the future is just look over your characters again.Er, how does Paragon Studios feel about this program?
And if another pro publisher bought out the IP and PS, I would think they would not allow character imports due to both the potential for hacking and the fact that those who didn't use it would be starting from scratch, which would make for extremely imbalanced new servers both team-wise and economy-wise. Newbies wouldn't stand a chance in the market.
I'd like Zwill's and Positron's/War Witch's/other PS's take on this.
Considering that it never seemed like Paragon had any problem with the prior incarnations of Titan Sentinel (which would already extract your badges and builds), I doubt they'll have even a slight problem with this utility. -