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  1. This has probably been posted a billion times on a billion threads but I want to make my say too lol

    It would be really great if we, as supergroups, could just be given an option to not participate in raids and get rid of the whole pathing stuff.

    I thought I had finally overcome my stacking stairs neatly in my tp chamber, from no floor to two floors, today. I thought it looked absolutely amazing considering this was my first base and first tp chamber. I had floating white bar counters, there were two sets with the higher part in the midde, floating atop one dual layer of counters which i removed. I then placed metal stairs against the counters and it fitted perfectly. This is really hard to explain and I will try and get a screenshot of it shortly. I now plan to bring this right around the room. ERRR, Item blocking clear path to raidable item. *****!!! Excuse my French but I just spent about an hour perfecting my basic base builder design ideas..... I finally come across my perfect solution and this just leaves my whole plan void.
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    Wrangle in Double XP for an Entire Weekend!

    ThatÂ’s right folks, starting on Friday July 18th, 2008 City of Heroes and City of Villains will be giving away double the experience through Sunday July 20th. Check out our Official July Calendar for the listing and other important dates.

    Rally together as super teams and discuss how you will be spending your Double XP Weekend in this topic.

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    Will SGs be getting the nice little 50k (25k?) prestige per character that has happened a few times during these events also?

    *crosses fingers*

    One more question... will the same event be run on test?

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    What's this? Prestige Presents? And I can't get on?
    Damn this living in New Zealand! If I lived in the past with all of you then I could get on for atleast one of those days.
    But no I have to be ahead of you! Oh well I guess I will just have to make up for it with some skiing lol! I love being in Winter in August!
    We should change the standard time to GMT New Zealand time; who cares if it has one of the minority amounts of players! Think of the hobbits!
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    I am just doing a little villainous scheming here.

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    Well seeing as Positron recently mentioned that changes for bases are coming I don't know that doing this makes any sense.

    Of course even if changes weren't coming I don't believe it would make any sense either.

    The devs are going to do what they're going to do. I honestly believe that anything we have to say isn't going to make much of a difference. Think I'm wrong? How many people have asked the devs to buff Invuln? How many years have they ignored bases? How long was the Robo-Surgery broke? How long have people asked for the Cathedral of Pain to be fixed?

    The forums are a great way to comunicate with the devs, they've made that plain. And they are aware of the things that we the players want. But realize that they're going to do what they're going to do. The recent protest against the EM nerfs should have made that clear to anyone who's paying attention.

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    Thanks for this info. I am still relatively new, as of Issue 11, and I had thought that the devs tended to just ignore all base construction posts which is what some people had led me to believe. That comment about Invuln is perfect evidence of what you are saying too as even I in the past few months have seen countless pages on the web related to people pretty much complaining about Invuln. I have also seen where devs have admitted that Invuln could do with some work. I am led to believe from all this that the devs have good reasons from not acting upon this and I guess we can take it for granted as to the work that they do do for us.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Personally I think we're wasting our time even bothering to post in these threads. I mean, how many years have the devs just ignored bases? For how many years did they just pretend that bases didn't exist?

    How about this suggestion that I made months ago: If it exists in the game then I should be able to put one in my base. Everything. Every single thing that appears in missions every thing that appears outside in the zones, if it will fit in a room that is. Ok, no skyscrapers in my base, fine. But everything that exists in game that can fit in a base room should be in the base editor.


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    I am just doing a little villainous scheming here.

    Would it not be possible.......
    if we could have a whole lot of people cancel their subscription and tick the little box that mentions not enough base options. And then people can just reactivate again.
    And then perhaps we could get through to them if they suddenly thought they were losing a few hundred (LOL) players. MWAHAHAHA!
    It's really simple to cancel then reactivate.... I actually accidentally cancelled the other day LoL!!!!
    Whether many people would be willing to do this though......
    And then I am not even sure if the good ole' devs even thought to put in a tick box to do with bases. Although I am almost certain i saw it there.
  5. Hmmmm..... Upstairs and downstairs....technically....can.... be done using magic desks. Good luck!!

    And of course this would be functional.... but.... why can we have doorways but not have any doors?
  6. I don't know if this will help anyone out or not but.......
    If I ever have some spare time I will just go all out on a very rare very expensive recipe, craft it, then leave it on the market for a week or so.
    This works well for me as by 50 I can now afford to do so and as I only play weekends I can stick 2 or 3 of these on Sunday then get the infamy back on Friday.
    However, there is a downside in that the prices can vary greatly in that the price is high anyway. I lost 15mil due to this. This can get bad if you are actually forced to take it off the market which can cost like 10mil sometimes.
    This often is also a slower process than the other methods that have been mentioned.
    I actually got to this stage from doing almost exactly what has been stated. Only I experimented with the items and found different ones that suited me better.
    Keep up the good work!