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  1. Global - @Leroy
    Toons on Freedom - claws/regen scrapper, BS/shields scrapper, energy/energy blaster, fort/NW, spines/wp stalker, earth/thorn dom few in the 40s and i can send a few more from justice to freedom if need be.
    willing to spec into pvp - sure just looking for some more pvp fun
    willing to roll a new toon - above answer works here aswell
    pvp expierence - mostly zones for the last 3 years or so with some 1v1 arena, some KB and a few dozen pvp events but willing to learn anything really
  2. My main blaster is an energy/energy blaster that is dressed like clown and is named Mr Looney Toons,his battle cry is Burgers and Fries Baby, Burgers and Fries. Does that count?
  3. Just_Leroy

    Beat this II....

    I knew I shouldn't have drank that bottle of tequila, this always happens when I swollow the worm.

    The new poster child for the morning after pill.

    Sometimes life throws you way more than a curve ball so at times like that
    just hold your head high and walk with a strut.

    "Real men of Genius" To all you football helmet wearing, speedo strutting in, Dorthy red ruby slipper wearing genius...we salute you, Party on you real genius.

    I'm bored and think I got more but I'll end there, LOL
  4. Just_Leroy

    Beat this II....

    How the heck did photos of me in my new roll as Rod Farvo in Super Troopers II: Troopers gone wild leak out.
  5. There's no one else in the game that gives me more pleasure trying to kill than you Philly, LOL. Your one of the best cause live or die you always roll the same with a happy look on your face, so to speak. <3
  6. Yeah Jamison (@creepaziod) was a great stalker back in the day, katana/ninjutsu hung around zen a lot when he was on his brute Drool. Man so many great pvpers back then and lots of just really cool people. Glad atleast some of them are still around in whatever form that might be, I'm happy to be part of such a great server full of awesome people.
  7. If it's the mucus I'm thinking of which a lot of his toons now are JR-somthing then yeah I see him in RV now and then.
  8. Actually it was Angry Cheerleader=Faery Princess=Solitair, Deadly=Azure Flame. And I did forget Bada, din and Dave and they are on my global too, good friend now I feel like Con forgetting strato, LOL.
  9. Tony and Karen, both were good peeps, snap has Karens account and shin had/has Tonys
  10. Oh wait can I name an honorary celeb? I'd give that award to jeff, whereever he is, LOL
  11. Just finished all the pages and names a d pretty much my list so fat with a few I don't know. Only a few I have to offer and most are more from PvP than anything. First would be Zen Shadow, very helpful guy in PvP and pve one of the first I came across in the zones. Either in the zone or on the forums he always loved a debate but allin all a really great guy. Speaking of PvP zones can't forget the cheerleaders, angry, deadly and lethal, celebs in Their own way atleast in the zones. Also how can I mention PvP and not add Admiral Frost, what a character, if you pvped in sirens you know the name so enough said. Lastly I add a few I came across here and there in PvP and pve, maybe they been mentioned already I don't know but they are, twist of fate, strato, exit (aka to me froggeh), dalantor, tens and the whole remnant group, ere dros, immortal hunter( aka snap), sid, cleo, so many many more why don't I just say the biggest celeb of all to me is the justice server as a hole, you all rock in your own way so keep the good times rolling.
  12. NOOOOOO! My most favorite and almost longest known PvP friend ( next to Zen/Philly) you make me sad now Merc, if you don't comeback I willhunt you down :P
  13. OMG you even infected my spelling, no=now and mad=made :-(
  14. Philly!!!! Aww no look you mad me post number 9, you forum poeple are contagious :-O
  15. I'd be mad with you flea but I'm laughing to hard right now to do anything but hold my ribs. Well that's like the 8th time in 3 years someone got me to post in the forums. GG
  16. Global Name: @Leroy
    Home Server: Justice

    1. 9
    2. L
    3. 9 for arena 7 for zones
    4. D
    5. 8
    6. 9
    7. I don't pvp for incentives i do it for the fun and thrills (also for the great community of pvpers on justice, U all rock)
    8. True all the way, JJ u rock, #1 pvpec rep in my book. Keep up the awesome work <3
    9. C
    10. I've enjoyed pvp from my first time, even though i was getting killed over and over it was still fun. I learned, i got taught, i adapted and i got better. Even with I13 changes i keep pvping becuase I enjoy it so much so I adapt more and play on. I'm glad the PvPec have done the same and continue to put out new and awesome ideas for pvp, so Great work all those involved and keep up the awesome job U all Rock <3