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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kjell_NA View Post
    I think I can say with some confidence that there will be very little content you can do if it has to make sense from the point of view of a being incapable of communication outside of, perhaps, sign language or writing notes.
    Pretty much. I have a mute character, Ragdoll, who is basically a cloth golem. "She" is sentient but has no method of, or interest in, speaking or using sign language/notes/mime/etc. I treated her forced dialogue like I treat "you run your fingers through your hair" -- retcon it in my own mind to my satisfaction and ignore the "reality" in favor of enjoying the rest of the game.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
    I just got Eagleman.
  3. Warner Brothers, I believe. I read an article before about how they're making bank off all the drones purchasing and wearing the mask to show how counter-establishment they are

    Unless WB is owned by Disney. Who can keep track these days.
  4. Released:


    Needed the slots for other names
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    I never really took that line to be a literal sort of thing. More like if the Tsoo got all the other gangs under their boot, they'd be free to do whatever they'd be free to treat the law in the city however they liked. Think a situation like Batman: Year One, where the gangs run the city. The "mayor" in that sense.
    (1) Who on earth would use "mayor" for that rather than "king" or "emperor" or "lord" or anything else?
    (2) The Tsoo are pretty low on the Paragon City totem pole, even back when the game capped at 40. This isn't Nemesis we're talking about. This leaves us with the question of why Founders Falls, for example, will be under the Tsoo boot (sandal?) just because they push the Warriors around.
    (3) They already treat the law however they'd like.
  6. Acacia - Spines/Ninja Stalker

  7. The Tsoo Coup is absolutely horrible. The plot is completely asinine -- the Tsoo are going to take over the "other gangs" (meaning the other lvl 20ish gangs) and leverage this awesome power into... being elected mayor. Because I guess mayor of Paragon City is like the pope or something rather than some tattooed guy in a conical hat arguing with the city council about the firefighters' pension fund and pothole repair. Which I guess explains why no group in Paragon City over level 20 gives a poop about these dorks trying to usurp the local city government.

    Nemesis Lancer: Hey! Did you hear Tub Ci took over the Warriors and this somehow made him mayor?
    Malta Engineer: Well, I hope he can do something about these parking meters!

    I'm not even sure how taking over the Warriors, Outcast and Family gets one elected mayor unless those gangs have a lot more registered voters making up their numbers than I gave them credit for. And I'm not making this up:
    See if you can get some more heroes to help you with this one. I am afraid that if the Tsoo are successful, Tub Ci will be mayor of Paragon City tomorrow.
    But setting aside that stupidness, the arc itself is boring. Street hunts, FedEx missions and then a string of "Bust Leader & his Crew" missions where you wouldn't even guess there's anything special about them except there's a couple guys doing the fighting animation. No special text, no NPC dialogue beyond the stock "You suck!", "No YOU suck!" from the fighters... just beat up the boss and move on to the next one. The last mission inexplicably has hostages in it after your contact told you that the buildings are "empty right now, which makes them perfect meeting places for the Warriors." When you rescue the hostages, they just say "Wow, those guys are crazy!" are run off. Haha, don't you know it, Mr. Guy Who Wasn't Supposed To Be Here Anyway! Say what you want about Roy Cooling, at least the arc has some interesting mechanics. Tsoo Coup is vanilla even by launch standards. Oh, and when you finally finish, you're told that a hit's been put on you by Tub Ci but everyone is too afraid to take it. So that was rewarding closure.

    It's not just a bad arc, it's a painfully bad arc that goes out of its way to insult your intelligence and mock you for wasting your time on it.
  8. Carousel was free. Now it's not. Maybe I'll try a Carnival themed character.
  9. I've nothing against the adjective-noun thing, especially where the adjective is a color or some other standard comics thing. "The Yellow Iguana!", "The Golden Bullet!", "Hurricane Girl!" etc. I just don't go there as my first choice.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    I'm not Trying to start anything, but what's with all the one-word names? I didn't count, but of the names across these VIP threads, probably 75% of them are single-word names.
    I have an easier time imagining single-word iconic names splashed across a comics cover than other ones. You won't need to point out any examples of the latter, it's just a personal preference. Even on Virtue, almost all of my names were of the "single image-provoking noun" variety. I just had to bust out the thesaurus to find those nouns.

    I found it interesting because the common conceit in "name wipe" threads is that there's no consensus on what's a good name. Since "good" is subjective, I'll agree there but I think there's evidence on what style of name is the most immediately popular. Not just in this thread but having sat around AP on launch day and spent time watching the swarm of gray spandexed men popping in and out.

    Also, picked up Chicago Fire showing that there's exceptions to every rule
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    Wonder how we'd feel if we didn't even have the option to buy it NAO. If it was attached to the old Vet Rewards, as the 90 month reward. Then it would truly be out of reach for most.
    At over $300, it's just as out of reach for me as it would be otherwise. I guess what bothers me most is the whole "VIP" thing. I'm paying the VIP premium now but I'm not VIP enough unless I drop hundreds of dollars whereas before I could pay my monthly and buy boosters for ten bucks? This is supposed to be the new and better CoH with more options? I've gone from skeptical to just plain deciding to quit the game when my six month runs out because "VIP" isn't really and I feel like my monthly subscription is worth less than it was prior to "Freedom". I didn't want to play for free or premium or whatever, I wanted to be able to pay my $15 and have my experience remain as it was and that isn't an option any longer with $300 gates between me and my supposed "VIP" content.

    If we saw the Celestial set running around as much as we're seeing Rocket Boards, it would kind of deflate the significance of the set.
    The only "significance" it has is to say "I have a lot of spare cash to drop on a costume set". And I don't begrudge anyone for having or spending that cash but that's the only thing it says. It's not as though you have to save a baby or wrestle a gorilla for it, you just need to open your wallet wide enough.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Agreed. I'm just still not impressed that it was Tier 9 VIP locked. Surely something so cool should be available for everyone to make good use of. Not the 'Oh, we think it's disingenuous to the artists, and you have to be this cool to use it' BS that was used on the Incarnate armour...
    Agreed. It's cool but not a couple hundred dollars worth of cool (man, I can't even type that with a straight face). I miss buying stuff as boosters rather than having it dangled in front of me. "VIP? Yes, but not VIP enough!"
  13. Man, when I was a kid, Barbie was just an airline stewardess and an astronaut and stuff.
  14. I think you'll see more 50s as time goes on. I started characters there for both the name-grabs and because there's new sets and revamped zones and I figured where better to try a new set in a "new" zone with a new character than on a new server? But that means they're all level 1-10 right now.
  15. Last night I picked up:


    I'm pretty happy about Kobold. I had a concept for it once before on another server but it was unavailable.

    I think I might go some sort of patriotic plant/earth assault dominator for Yellowstone
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Erm, they knew it goes off when the fridge is closed, right?
    If I gave a list of every insane OCD thing they did to save money, I'd be here all day. Apparently, the three pennies every two years in saved electricity costs was worth it to them.

    Kind of like humping across Steel Canyon to sell my magic/natural DOs
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    While we're at it, can we remove the origin requirement from SOs as well, so any origin character can use any SO enhancement?
    Well, then they wouldn't be SOs, now would they? They'd just be... "Os"

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Does anyone still worry about the fact they could run 1.5 miles to the Mutant Shop in order to sell those two SOs for slightly more?
    I still do, memories of days when I was scraping for every influence and a costume contest win was 10k still in my mind. These days I have billions of influence but I'm like my grandparents who lived through the Depression and spent the rest of their days with the refrigerator light bulb unscrewed to save money.
  18. Currently you can only check if a name is free from character creation. This means you need to have a free character slot to even see if you can get the name you'd like. Previously, you could check for this from the character select screen so you knew if Fire-Boy was open before you deleted Ice-Girl to make room.

    Please reinstate this function as it once was. No name "reservation" by using it from character select, but you shouldn't have to keep an empty character slot just to check names.
  19. Hanging around Exalted Atlas Park on Day One people-watching and looking at the lists here is an interesting study in what people consider a "good name" versus counter-examples in various thread. Admittedly a tiny sample size but we're not doing hard science here, either.
  20. Jophiel

    Barbarian Set

    I'm delighted to see them making more upper arm bands. I dream of them one day making arm bands with pouches or knife sheathes or little glass vials or other modern-style tactical/science elements.

    Agreed with the comments about making the shoulder/wrist stuff for all body types but I wanted to get the praise out there.
  21. Used my stocked points for Beam Weapon & Barbarian costume set. Not planning on buying any new slots since I figure I've gotten this far without so I can deal with what I've got. I'll pick up new power sets or costumes as they become available using either my stored allotments or else even bought points since I figure that's not different from buying boosters.
  22. I wound up actually re-using some names of alts that I never really got started and thought a new server would be a good place to give them a spin. And, of course, a few brand new names.

    Brontosaur (To be Titanic Weapons)
    Javelin (Beam Rifle)
    Mane (To be Street Justice)
    Prairie Blaze
    Ragtime (Sonic/Time, naturally)
    Tally Ho

    Edit: I understand a Staff Fighting set is under development (per the General Archetypes forum)? Looks like I'll be saving Gazelle for that one.
  23. Jophiel

    News from PAX

    I don't have an issue with the Barbarian stuff. I'd like it a little different but I really think part of the problem with the woman's gear is that they made her (and the clothes) blue which gave the ice/Santa vibe. If it was brown and tan or gray, it'd look different.

    Leather 'armor' skirts would be nice except we already have several with the Roman armor set. The multi-panel fur trimmed skirt is more unique. Now if you hand around a petition to make the Roman armor a global unlock or something, I'll be the first to sign it.

    The boots are silly from a "barbarian" thing (them using high heels didn't help) but lower fur lined boots would just be either the Santa boots or the Rough Leather using the pattern. Again, nothing we don't already have.
  24. The best way to avoid getting kicked is not to dance/emote throughout the cut scenes.

    This has the added benefit of making you look less like a tool.