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  1. Nice Selection of Shields.

    Pain Domination looks like it is almost identical to Empathy in functionality, it appears to have an PBAoE debuff in it, based on the use on the group of The Family
  2. Hopefully it will allow me to make my own Marshall Blitz Story Arc, if the Devs aren't making one, I might as well make one myself, the rogue arachnos in Warberg keep saying that "Marshall Blitz defends what is his", but where is the *******, he's a bit hypocritical with his inaction if he accused Lord Recluse of it
  3. That is one way to work around it, prevent the colours from being selectable, but allow the shape of the elemental weapons to be selectable (e.g. Fire Katana for those that want their character to weild what the oni weilds)
  4. The principle is no different to being able to select different types of sword, guns, mace or even claws, the basic attack capability is intact (e.g. an impervium katana does the same as a different weapon), it just appears different.

    They've already got the model for the fire katana in the Oni.
  5. 1 - Phalanx Fighting - Auto Self +Res (Smashing,Lethal)
    2 -
    3 -
    4 -
    5 - Energized Shield - Self +Def(All but Psi), +Res(DefDebuff), +Prot(Stun, Sleep, Hold, Knockback/up, Repel, Immobilize
    6 -
    7 -
    8 -
    9 -

    I've decided to make a start on the shield defence set speculation, one of the powers of it are with the cimeroran traitors, however, the Ascendant Archons have a shield and might be using a varient of the 9th power of that set:

    9 - Seige Stance - Toggle Invulnerable, +Regeneration, +Recovery

    I don't think so, too much like Hibernate under a different name (which i've made up), then again Elude and Kuji-in Retsu are virtually identical with theeir buff. just the name and visual effects appear to be different.
  6. Well, whatever the name of the set, the powers inside of it seems to be fine overall.
  7. Equanimity is the opposite of Empathy, instead of sharing the emotional pain of others, it is deflected back at them.

    Usury means "Interest" in Latin, which doesn't seem to fit what the basic theme of this set idea is.

    As for Heroes getting poison power set, Defenders certainly, controllers...depends on how it does when the devs test it.
  8. 1 - Propaganda - PBAoE Heal, PBAoE enemy HP Drain -regen
    2 - Demoralise - Single Heal Self, Single enemy HP Drain, -regen
    3 - Share Damage - Single Enemy Target Toggle, whatever damage the target causes, 1/4 of the damage of the enemy's attack is given to them.
    4 - Motivation - Single Allied Target, Rez, +Damage +Accuracy buff, -Damage, -Defence, -End after
    5 - Mental Block - Single Enemy Target, -Effect Resist(All except knockback) -Perception.
    6 - Faint Heart - Single Target, -Def(All), -Acc, -Dam
    7 - Despair Aura - PBAoE Ally +Regen, PBAoE enemy -Regen
    8 - Apathy Aura - PBAoE Ally +Recovery, PBAoE enemy -recovery
    9 - Beserker Rage - Single ally +regen +recovery +resist(slow) +Damage

    Beserker rage is almost identical to Adrenaline Boost, except it doesn't speed up the rechange of attacks, it makes them stronger as the ally is worked up into a "Beserker Rage".

    Demoralise is the "Heal Other" equivilent, in this case, only the user is healed, while the enemy is drained and has a minor regen debuff.

    "Share Damage" should have a high end cost (similar to TK) as it uses an enemy's attacks against them.

    Equanimity reverses the polarity of the emotion flow...i can't believe I said it like that! compared with Empathy, the Auras require enemys to drain from within the PBAoE, so no enemys, no buff/heal, it is the price of a larger benefit with more drained from.

    With this idea, i've had to take balance into consideration as well as the concept of it, something that deflects the emotional suffering of others back at them, rather than sharing the emotional problems, it would sole the villain "empathy" problem discussed in an interview of future content.
  9. 7 - Despair Aura - PBAoE ally +Regen, PBAoE enemy -Regen

    Despair Aura as in "come on, get your hanging rope now while there's still some left!"

    9 - Beserker Rage - Single Ally +recovery +regen +damage +res(slow)

    A minor variation of Adrenaline Boost, in this case the user works an ally up into a Berserker rage, making them hit harder for 90 seconds. only difference is that the one who has it hits harder rather than faster.

    Any thoughts on what the equivilant of "Heal Other" should be?
  10. 1 - Propaganda - PBAoE Heal, PBAoE enemy HP Drain -regen
    2 -
    3 - Share Damage - Single Enemy Target Toggle, whatever damage the target causes, 1/4 of the damage of the enemy's attack is given to them.
    4 - Motivation - Single Allied Target, Rez, +Damage +Accuracy buff, -Damage, -Defence, -End after
    5 - Mental Block - Single Enemy Target, -Effect Resist(All except knockback) -Perception.
    6 - Faint Heart - Single Target, -Def(All), -Acc, -Dam
    7 -
    8 -
    9 -

    I have an idea for the equivilent of the Recovery Aura power, while Recovery Aura is constantly effective on all allied targets it is used on, the power that I have the idea is only as effective as the number of enemies it is used on and how many allies are in range of it:

    8 - Apathy Aura - PBAoE Ally +Recovery, PBAoE enemy -recovery

    I thought apathy aura is a good name, as in a lack of motivation to carry on with the task.
  11. "Propaganda" that's a better name for the Healing Aura equivilant.

    Fortitude is courage in the face of danger, Faint Heartedness is the closest opposite term I could think of.

    Clear Mind as in clear of obstructing thoughts, Mental Block as in trapping them in the mind.
  12. I have an idea for the Healing Aura equivilent capability for level 1, it is a cross between Rise to the Challenge, Transfusion and Dark Regeneration, what do you thik of "Health Leech" as it exchanges some of the damage of the user to the enemy to restore theirs and any in range:

    It is a PBAoE heal, It requires at least one enemy in the Area of Effect (like Dark Heals in general), but the more enemies within the AoE, the more potent the heal for the user and any allied targets near them (like the Rise to the Challenge Toggle, but isn't a toggle), the affected have a reduced regeneration for a time (like transfusion).

    It would require a slightly higher recharge and/or endurance cost compared with most healing capabilities as it drains from more than one target (also slightly less potent than other auras as it debuffs regen).
  13. Tasteless Outfit - those near the one who activates this shall be incapacitated with laughter, holding them in place.

    Absinthe - Blinds the one who uses it and confuses them due to a loss of rational thought, which can cause them to attack allied targets.

    Steroids - can increase resistance and damage, at the cost of decreasing their accuracy and defence.
  14. Here's an updated list of Equanimity powers:

    1 -
    2 -
    3 - Share Damage - Single Enemy Target Toggle, whatever damage the target causes, 1/4 of the damage of the enemy's attack is given to them.
    4 - Motivation - Single Allied Target, Rez, +Damage +Accuracy buff, -Damage, -Defence, -End after
    5 - Mental Block - Single Enemy Target, -Effect Resist(All except knockback) -Perception.
    6 - Faint Heart - Single Target, -Def(All), -Acc, -Dam
    7 -
    8 -
    9 -

    * Motivation is the opposite of Ressurect, while Ressurect provides max HP and End and some Debt Protection and is based on benign use of power, Motivation is based on using an ally's anger to get them back to the fight, it is similar to Mutation is some aspects, an buff to the revived which wear off and they go back to normal, but in this case, it has Super Strength - Rage type buff, damage and accuracy buff to the revived, when it wears off, they get a debuff to defence, some end taken from them and have the damage capacity of a hippy who has had an lethal overdose of a narcotic substance.

    A good name idea from Evil Rent for the Rez ability.
  15. Yes, "empathy" wouldn't work for Villains as it involves sharing emotional pain with allies, the devs are planning an buff/debuff set that works around that problem, here is my idea for it...

    Equanimity (Buff/Debuff for Corrupters, not sure about Masterminds, depends how it goes with testing), the exact opposite of Empathy as it deflects the pain of others instead of sharing them, here are my ideas for the nine powers of that set (using empathy as a guide):

    1 -
    2 -
    3 - Share Damage - Single Enemy Target Toggle, whatever damage the target causes, 1/4 of the damage of the enemy's attack is given to them.
    4 -
    5 - Mental Block - Single Enemy Target, -Effect Resist(All except knockback) -Perception.
    6 - Faint Heart - Single Target, -Def(All), -Acc, -Dam
    7 -
    8 -
    9 -

    I haven't figured it all out yet, but I think I have the right idea, while Empathy strengthens and augments an ally's abilities, Equanimity should weaken the enemy. Any Ideas for what should be in the others?

    * Share Damage is Opposite of Absorb Pain as instead of healing a target at the expense of your own health, it shares some of the enemies damage with them.

    * Mental Block is Opposite of Clear Mind as instead of strenthening an ally's resist to status effect and perception, it weakens an enemy target for a time against status effects and makes them less able to see stealthed enemies.

    * Faint Heart is the Opposite of Fortitude as instead of strengthening an ally's defence, accuracy and damage (Courage in the face of danger) it weakens their defence, accuracy and damage (cowardice in the face of danger).
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm confused...

    What you're saying is: Jonin Ooi is a nazi and TG wants to whip out his Nazi B-GoneĀ™ spray?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was attempting to send a message that I consider attacking a full team alone suicidal, if that was my mentality, I'd have strapped a nuclear warhead to my head and NUTTED Statesman's officers to oblivion!
  17. you have got the roles the wrong way round.

    you seem to get the basic idea of it though, war, pest control, to me there is little difference between them when spandex are concerned.
  18. Do you honestly think that I will fight alone?! it's the equivilant of the Germans in World War 2 trying to bomb Britain into submission with just ONE conventional bomb, complete insanity. You terrorists have hacked into this transmission, no matter, You should know that I AM UNDYING, killing me is only a minor setback to me, I know you spandex are without mercy, we shall respond in kind!

    You believe that you can defy us with impunity, IT STOPS HERE! You believe that we will submit to Statesman's rule as his slaves, THINK AGAIN! You think that we cannot withstand a direct assault, WE SHALL SOON TEST THAT THEORY!

    Lt Feedaman! Gather my attack forces! cry havoc and let slip the dogs of PEST CONTROL!!!
  19. Greetings Warriors of Arachnos, Spandex terrorist attacks have increased this month, this serves to encourage other terror cells to do the same, Lord Recluse is not pleased with this, he wants something done about this before it inspires a civilian uprising against Arachnos, he has ordered me to gather a group of Arachnos Affiliates to travel to Terrorist Hot-Zones and make an example of them with agonising vengence of varying kinds (burning vengance is limited imagination) the counter-strike will start at 7PM GMT on each day it is in effect:

    16th May - Sirens Call - Where better to start our counter-strike against the spandex terrorists than in the only Arachnos foothold in their "safe-haven".
    17th May - Recluses Victory - Battle will commence across time, their blood shall spill on the ever-changing landscape (those that have blood).
    18th May - Warberg - Filled with Spandex Terrorists, Arachnos operatives eager to test each other and the REBEL SCUM UNDER MARSHALL BLITZ!

    If you wish to join us in this conflict, contact the Arachnos Marshall below:

    Jonin Ooi - Weilder of the power of darkness and summoner of death in the form of steel and fire, soldier of the Ghost Widow.
  20. 10:35 PM is when it came out on 27th April, a few minutes and 13 of us, Flyer was destroyed!

    It shall be used for a youtube video, Prikti and Biscuits Part 6 - Jonin Ooi and the Deranged Dozen (unless I can think of a better tilte)
  21. 8:11 PM is another sighting, so it can appear 5 minutes earlier than the lights go on as well.
  22. Joninooi

    Arachnos Names!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I may call my wolfspider Ensign Redshirt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ENSIGN REDSHIRT?!? you might as well go for ensign expendable! You've been watching the original series of Star Trek a but too much haven't you?
  23. Joninooi

    Arachnos Names!

    With the Wolf Spider, i'm thinking of Arbiter Krackenfacht to bring Arachnos Judgement to it's enemies! Not sure which path to go for yet, I will need more on this "Omega Manuever" and full list of Bane attacks.
  24. It is not dusk that the flyer appears out of the tower, it is dawn as I have seem it coming out at 8:27 PM GMT, so when the lights are about to go off, the flyer could appear.

    This will aid in flyer window calculation.
  25. 7:27 PM (lights off)
    7:46 PM (kights on)
    7:57 PM (lights off)
    8:16 PM (lights on)
    8:27 PM (lights off)
    8:46 PM (lights on)
    8:57 PM (lights off)
    9:16 PM (lights on)

    It appears that the cycle is based on these numbers:

    16 (night)
    27 (day)
    46 (night)
    57 (day)