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  1. Geez! There's always one.

    They fired everyone at Paragon studios and closed the doors.

    Do you think they will hire everyone back?
    Do you think they would go back after being canned with no notice?

    Paragon studios is a non entity now.

    Ncsoft made this decision long ago.
    Deleting all the artwork and creativity with all the man hours involved in creating it and money to pay for it could not have been a decision reached lightly.

    If there were any chance they thought they could turn a profit on any of it they would.
    The game must be miles deep in the red for them not to try downsizing first.

    They went straight for complete shut down.
    The only reason the servers are still up is because people have paid subscriptions and Ncsoft has to make a legal effort to honor the monies paid.

    I love this game! I've played since a month after its release way back in 04.
    I hate to see the game go. There will be none like it.

    But. Say goodbye, because on 11/30/12 it will be no more.

    Write whatever makes you feel good but say goodbye nonetheless.
  2. I would really like to see something different happen at 50 other than just what we get now.
    Once you get your first toon to 50 all the others are meaningless.

    The EATs aren't really all that anyway.
    The WS and AS I don't get at all. They are not fun to play either team or solo.

    I've tried a few times with both but by the time lvl 15 hits I'm done with them.

    I haven't hit 50 yet on my second account so it will be cool to run a PB duo.
  3. Johnny_X

    Duo thug MMs

    Yeah I run 2 thugs MMs as well. They are very fun to play.
    Right now my favorite.
    I took dark on one and storm on the other.
    I think the 2 work VERY well together. IMO of course.
    I just let the 2 fire thugs suicide themselves and all the others are just killers with no mercy.
    I 6 slotted gang war and it's really awesome to hit a AV with.
    There is just too many of them for it to know what to do.
    The AV will hit a few and then stand there for a sec like it's thinking "Crap! This is doing me no good at all!".
    Fun Stuff!
  4. I can't make up my mind which I like better.
    The worthless walk power (the devs really have that much time on their hands) or the never ending Halloween crap.
    Either one the question remains, why?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
    I liked the Halloween events. I really do. The problem is, there is just to damn many of them.

    Trying to complete a Task Force with any hunt mission has pretty much become a gamble. Last night I got stuck waiting around for 45 minutes as a Supernatural Event was followed directly by a Zombie event in Nerva, which meant that my Renault TF had to just sit around before we could do the Hunt missions.

    We don't need the Events to be popping up so much. 1 Event going on at a time per side is just fine. And please ensure that there is a period of time during which a Zone is *exempt* from an Event following one, so issues like Event right after Event in the same zone won't happen.
    At Last! Someone else agrees with me! Cool!
    Now as a special Halloween treat please kill all the events now!
  6. And if you don't have a zillion influe layin' around?
  7. Villains have all the fun! Heroes are glorified janitors!