Jaxson B

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  1. Hi folks,

    Jax here, and I'm currently levelling my first toon, my beloved Robo/FF tech MM. However, I've hit a bit of an annoying snag - I can't pick his third costume! =O It's not so much that I have no ideas; it's more like I have a few, but none I'm happy enough with to put as my third, and I don't want to go with one just for the sake of filling the slot.

    To give some story on the toon, he's a villain that believes in survival of the fittest, and being an intelligent person but having no inherent superpowers, he used tech to transform his intelligence into power. So now he's roaming the Rogue Isles taking whatever he wants, and exerting his influence wherever he pleases.

    His first costume is what you might call a cyber suit - a technology based combat suit; what you might think of when you think of the bat-suit in the recent Batman reprisals. The kind of suit that says "he's an inventive mastermind who's intending to fight". The second costume takes things a step further; it's a robotic costume using most of the clockwork gear. This one was designed to be a kind of 'droid' type costume, where it's not actually my toon fighting, but a robotic substitute to save him from harm. It's almost completely straight up clockwork, with a full helm instead of a clockwork face.

    This third costume has me pretty stumped though. The front runner would be a casual costume - something like a dress shirt, slacks and shoes; mainly to highlight that sometimes he'll need to call on his devices when he's not prepared for it. Another one I considered was an actual mecha style (to be pretty different to the droid, as though he's actually riding the suit somehow), but it felt way too similar to costume 2, and trying to change it too much made it pretty ugly (like changing scales and stuff). He's not the kind of character that would wear spandex or anything. Some sort of jet-pilot kind of costume might be good, to indicate that he's built awesome transports or something.

    Any ideas anyone? I (and my toon) will greatly appreciate any thoughts about what he can wear as his third costume. ^^

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Even just knowing the primary and secondary sets to go is extremely helpful, so thankyou very much. The key abilities are also very useful to know. So thank you very, very much!

    Time to get cracking methinks. =D
  3. Hi folks,

    I'm a new player to the game, and working on getting my beloved main (a MM; zomg I'm in the wrong place! =P) up to 50 ASAP so I can start pimping him out.

    However, I know how important money is, and I've seen a LOT of people talk about some sort of fire brute being an extremely effective way of farming, and doing levelling runs for other players. However, a search of the forums finds plenty of threads with "fire brute farm", but none that imply that's what the thread is actually about (for all I know the three words could just be in there at some point).

    So, my question is - what is the best brute set/secondary to go for on a purely farming toon, and does anyone know where I can go to get more info on it?

    Thanks for any help!

  4. Okie dokie - so if I were to slot a dam/acc io from a knockback set into battle drones, then they use their unupgraded attack, they won't actually get a bonus to acc or dam? That's *very* good to know. =D

    Thanks for all the info though - Soulbound Allegiance is looking a bit better now.
  5. Hi folks,

    Jax once again asking a newbie question, so thanks for your patience with helping me learn. =) Today's question is about the Soulbound Allegiance enhancement set for pets:

    My main is a Robo/FF MM, and I'm planning via the Hero Designer what I might like to do at lv 50. This enhancement set immediately springs up as a potential candidate simply due to the rarity, but I've noticed that 3 of the enhancements have recharge components. For the sake of MM pets, which can't usually be socketed with recharge, does it:

    a) have no effect (I'm leaning towards this one - I recall seeing one of the Blessing of the Zephyr enhancements actually stating that only the applicable parts would have an effect)
    b) enhance the recharge speed of the socketed bot's powers
    c) enhance the recharge speed of the summon bots

    So my inclination is towards a), and that the pet is largely designed for other powersets with pets (such as control summons).

    Beyond this, any enhancement with a component that doesn't match the power (for example, a knockback/recharge enchancement socketed in battle drones) will only affect the part/s that are eligible for that power, correct?

    If there are any guides for this sort of thing, I'd greatly, *greatly* appreciate a link. =)

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  6. Thanks again for all the info - very informative, but of course, being a newbie it raises a couple more questions if you're willing to (please) indulge me. =3

    The first one that comes to mind is super speed - with a few responses along the lines of "super jump and flight, with super jump primarily for melee and flight primarily for ranged", are people choosing these over super speed for any particular reason? Is it for mobility in a PvE/PvP setting? Just the fact that you have greater vertical range, instead of just relying on ground speed? Or are the pre-reqs (I'm guessing people go with Air Superiority and Combat Jumping) just better than Hasten (as a new player coming from a mainly WoW background, this bit I don't get - Hasten seems like a fantastic power for most archetypes, potentially almost doubling dps).

    The second question pertains to Super Jump itself - because I haven't had a chance to test many power pool powers out myself yet (and I'm hesitant to bloat my second tree with it just to test it, as I don't want to throw away respecs unnecessarily), does it actually increase movement speed? Like, am I going to get places significantly faster with Super Jump than with just sprint?

    Thanks in advance (again! ^_^).

  7. Hi folks,

    I'm one badge away from getting the AE accolade, and was hoping I could get some help from the forums. =) Basically, I need the "Recognised" badge, so if at least one person could play and rate my arc, it would be absolutely fantastic.

    The arc is called "Master Jax's Super Training Regime", and while on first glance it could look like it'd take a while (zomg, 5 missions?!?), it's designed to be completed in around 10 minutes with +1 enemies and bosses enabled. Of course, I'm a newbie myself so experienced players can probably do it even quicker. =P I find though at my skill level it's a fantastically fast way to gain exp.

    In any case, if someone could please, please, please play it and rate it, I'd be incredibly grateful.

    Thanks for any help! =)

  8. Thanks, it's great to hear that I don't even need to worry about getting my hands on a constant stream of recipes. =P

    Been planning out my MM, and hated feeling like I had to take Hover just in case, so it's a load off knowing I can give the slot to a more relevant power. =)
  9. Hi folks,

    I couldn't see a 'general' forum, so I'm going to post this here. >.<

    I'm one badge away from getting the AE accolade, and was hoping I could get some help from the forums. =) Basically, I need the "Recognised" badge, so if at least one person could play and rate my arc, it would be absolutely fantastic.

    The arc is called "Master Jax's Super Training Regime", and while on first glance it could look like it'd take a while (zomg, 5 missions?!?), it's designed to be completed in around 10 minutes with +1 enemies and bosses enabled. Of course, I'm a newbie myself so experienced players can probably do it even quicker. =P I find though at my skill level it's a fantastically fast way to gain exp.

    In any case, if someone could please, please, please play it and rate it, I'd be incredibly grateful.

    Thanks for any help! =)

  10. Hi folks,

    I'm a pretty new player here - previously when making chars, for whatever reason (I think I read it in a guide at GameFAQs or something), I was always under the impression that you should get a flight power, even just hover, in case there's a hard to reach/impossible to reach place by super speed.

    However, with the Temporary Power: Jetpack, this isn't even remotely true is it? Of course, permanent hover is... y'know, more permanent than a temporary power. But resources permitting - and they should be given how cheap the recipe is - you can just rely on that for flying, can't you?

    Thanks for any help. ^^

  11. Hey folks,

    Very, very green player here. =) I just had a question on badges I couldn't seem to find an answer to in the wikis. Which badges in particular are there very few chances to obtain, either due to experience or just only having one/two/etc. chances to get it?

    The main one I'm concerned with is the "Punch Drunk" series (work off X exp debt), as being a new player I have no idea if you can even get debt at level 50. =P There were a few others that got me curious though - like, I know from Ouroborous that you can get the villain side tutorial badge at a later point, but is this also true for the hero/praetorian ones?

    Basically, when making characters, are there any badges I should be paying close attention to so that I don't miss them (assuming that I want to get as many as possible on each char)?

    Thanks for all your help. =)
