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  1. James_Donner


    only thing you showed me was your true colors. crying about getting killed in BB while you were farming there. but hey, anything for more attention.

    go get a job, or a life or at least a new game. I hear Hello Kitty Online is giving a free weekend to its returning vets.
  2. James_Donner


    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    go away
  3. Cash, If you don't have it. Your Shield gets PAWNED
  4. James_Donner


    yes, its an exploit
  5. James_Donner

    Thank you Devs

    The best part of that is what else is for sale and whats sitting in the tray.
  6. James_Donner

    pvp drops

    I remember I'll be there
  7. They new all this before it was implemented and ignored the feedback.

    They should have just moved the store in BB to inside the hospital and left the arena alone. That would have stopped the farming in BB just as effectively. Should have just left the arena folks and let them supply the market. You can't grief an entire zone from inside an arena map.

    Typical Dev over reaction to what really wasn't that big an issue.

    Now nobody but the good, lucky or smart will have them and the rich will get richer and the poor will complain even louder.
  8. I just love how this "bug" was suddenly fixed.


    They are great at making farmers out of casual players
  9. James_Donner

    32 Min Kahn!?!?!

    OMG I agree with a Nite on something.

    I'll be talking about this with my therapist on Thursday.
  10. James_Donner

    PVP Rewards

    I am not asking about the stealth nerf. I am asking why ALL rewards have been removed
  11. James_Donner

    PVP Rewards

    yes, I do PVP in BB and sirens and everywhere else. I also don't get salvage or any other rewards when I pvp now.

    I don't see any mention of any reward changes, recipes or anything, in the patch notes
  12. James_Donner

    PVP Rewards

    Why is PVP back to only giving rep? No Inf, no salvage, no recipies?

    Why have the rewards been removed?
  13. insert troll rant about devs here.
  14. keep it the way you had it. no reason to change it now.
  15. So... who's the favorite?
  16. the correct answer is C.

    No sense of humor.
  17. Freaks are not the new meow. they offer no where near the same of XP/min that you could achieve with the comm officers are any level. The broken or the regular.

    It is not the mobs that are broken its the methods used in building the maps. The same features that give you lots of flexibility with mission design can be used to game the system and maximize reward.

    To be honest they can nerf the mobs all day long but its never going to change that fact that you can level all the way to 50 without ever leaving Atlas or Cap. A huge portion of the time saved and the increased XP/Min is because you never have to travel to a mission, run to a contact or do a leg mission just for mission bonus.

    If your getting XP 95% of the time your logged in instead of 40% you are going to level dramatically faster. At this point running MA is not much faster then grinding out kill all ITFs from 35-50, its just easier to find a team.

    The devs are fighting a loosing battle here. People are figuring out new and better way to build these maps fast enough to make your head spin. They nerf one and you just move along to the next. They'll have to nerf the system into obscurity to stop the farming.

    I don't think NCSoft corporate will keep supporting this itteration of the Dev team if they keep loosing players at the current rate. Issue 15 looks flat at best and the little oops of early news about Going Rogue isn't going to stop a large portion of this player base from at least checking out the coming competition in September.

    The sad thing is that I don't think they really care. They really believe that 5 years of old content is going to overcome the brand new shiney. Sure folks will flock back when GR drops but how many of them are gonna stay after the devs screw that up and the novelty wears off.
  18. Yeah I'd be interested.

    Question: I run 2 accounts, JD&JD2, with toons spread across them both. A limitation on globals would kinda gimp my toon selection options. Can exceptions be made in advance for folks with multiple accounts?
  19. James_Donner

    @Endless (an SG)

    [ QUOTE ]
    I bet he changes his global and continues to play on another server

    [/ QUOTE ]

    good, one less leech