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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh please. getting a 50 fast doesnt automatically make you an idiot. Dumb people rarely, if ever, learn. And if AE hadnt been available they would have quickly found their way to PI

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That still sounds tons better than never leaving Atlas.
  2. "ANYBODY GOT A TP??? WILL PAY INF!!!!!111!!1!"
  3. Check my sig.... I have 2 ready!

    #1 -"Cube-A-Mart Check" - Help find Samuel's last paycheck after being fired from his last job. A lot of "Post Office" memories in this one.
    1 mission arc
    1 Elite Boss


    #2 - "Jamaican Bloom" - Help the Jamaican Police Department find the man who creted the new "substance". And yes, the in-map dialog is in pure jamaican patois.
    1 mission arc
    1 Boss
    2 Elite Bosses

  4. I wouldn't be mad at all! I would love to see where the PL N00B AE Babies will run to next. Possibly..... King's Row?? **GASP**

    Keep your eyes on the forums guys..... and get a B-I-G tub of popcorn!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    AE buildings out of Atlas, Galaxy and King's Row, yesterday.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  6. Thanks Meltdown and Squirrel. :-) Your feedback is valuable to me.
  7. Just sticking my neck out here. I made this video over the weekend after running around filming and hitting everyone off with millions of influence. LOL

    Iscilla's Summertime
  8. Well...... lol

    Ok...... I have had this policy of only having the elite few to see who I am. Now since seeing this thread..... I said "Hey, what the heck!" LOL

    This is a small shot of me.... at 2:30 in the morning. lol