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    You overlook the simple fact that some people will ALWAYS exploit. Recipes could be raining down like mana from Heaven and they would still be looking for shortcuts and ways to get more than anyone else.
  2. Yeah, once again the devs identify a problem and haul out a sledgehammer to 'fix' it.

    A minor annoyance, to be sure, but it IS an annoyance and a detriment to many players who have never soft-loaded a mission.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    I thought this dead horse had long since rotted away

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    It isn't dead until fixed. I prefer to think it is still in the hospital.

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    Or perhaps the glue factory....
  4. I tried to make a tank named Piano Mover. It was taken. (I'm not sure if this was on Infinity, though.)
  5. um, if you go and check out the giant monster picture, get a load of that caption:
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    My prediction: The next time you team with Pearl she will say that she did reply in your thread, but won't say which reply.

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    Well, at least that will narrow it down to a couple dozen perhaps.
  7. Anyone with a serious interest in learning better base-building should make a toon on every server. There are frequently cross-server base tours and, now that the base kick bug has been fixed (again), visiting other groups SG's is quite easy.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    There's no way to absolutely prove that the devs didn't intend Empath to require the level of effort it does, short of them actually saying so.

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    They did. Specifically, as I said in an earlier post, Positron said he estimated it would take five years to earn Empath.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    How long for non-farmers?

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    This is a better question. When the developers encourage play the game improves. With a goal of 25 million for Empath, at 90,000 HP healed/day my suggestion would get the badge in 10 months (about 300 days). Given that those with aid other, that would be 2-5 times as long, but still should be doable in about 5 years, rather than the 30-60 it would take now.

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    And this is key. Positron actually said in an interview that he figured Empath would take about 5 years. As we now know, that estimate turned out to be utter fantasy. Since that is apparently what was *INTENDED*, the requirement should be adjusted accordingly.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    for example, the only real way to get the last pillbox badge was to swap. they cut off swapping AND made the badge team-friendly so it could be reachable normally. you can't really do one without the other.

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    False. There was a third option: beat down 4,000 turrets and rack up massive prestige or influence in the process. Numerous people, including myself, did so.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    In fact, several of us have predicted that if someone was going to dedicate themselves to getting the badge with aid other during play, that they would finally get it sometime around 2040. This upsets those classes without heals. On the flip side those with healing powers that are doing it "by the intent" would get the badge sometime between 2-5 years/365 days a year/around 4+ hours/day.

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    I fogot the ONE very, very big difference between myself and those more favorable of a change;

    I dont think that NON-HEALERS SHOULD be able to get the epic heal badge via "normal" game play! Not even extraordinary play! <---- Example

    Well, maybe by 2040! You stated in your first post that the badge could be obtained by "HEALERS" in 2-5 years, 365, 4 hours a day? WOW there is QUITE a difference between 2 and 5 years wouldnt you say? The math would suggest if the worse case is two years at the marks you state then 5 years would be, oh I dunno, maybe "normal" game play? Maybe? For an Epic? And something Posi stated before as you said? Sounds JUST RIGHT to me! Maybe its because some people have non-likely characters that they "WANT" to get these badges on and are just mad that they simply wont?

    My badger will NEVER have the epic heal badges or epic held badges? Why? Because he is a BRUTE! Thats why. And why is that not acceptable to people? You want them on a character that isnt a healer for instance? Well, farm it I guess or stick withit till 2040. Im suppose to support lowering an epic badge so some tank can get the epic heal badge? Um, no.

    Five years..... If THAT is the standard and you think thats what Posi stated at one time? Well then YAY! 5 years it is. Sounds about right for an EPIC badge to me! And whats wrong with that?

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    Someone posted a very detailed analysis of this once, laying out all assumptions and explaining their calculations. They estimated that a dedicated empathy defender could earn Empath in as little as TWENTY-FIVE YEARS.

    Unless I see some details and explanation, I regard the quoted time of 2-5 years as a load of bull.
  12. And, of course, it's unfair to those who were already a high level when the accolade was INTRODUCED. But apparently, that's just tough.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Selection to be included in the closed beta test of Issue 11 is pretty straightforward. We have selected testers who were helpful with previous closed betas and also included accounts who had recently logged into the Training Room.

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    I can has beta tester?

    I am guardedly optimistic. I was in the last one and actually tested and bugged stuff, plus I was on test a couple days ago actually testing something.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm not sure that testing procedure actually proves anything since you only run through the set once.


    Upon further thought, I think a corrected test is actually very simple. Add another Brawl attack at the end of the sequence and time from Brawl to Brawl. If Back Alley Brawler is correct, timing 'Brawl to Brawl' should be the same whether you have a weapon draw or not. And, unless I'm overlooking something, if he is wrong, this would be a conclusive test.

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    I think you misunderstood my test. I had a three-attack sequence, A-B-C, and I was measuring from A to C, not A to B. B contained a redraw in one case but not the other. This is equivalent to your suggestion, I just used another Axe attack rather than Brawl. Since the weapon is already drawn at that point in both cases the second Axe attack should be the same.

    - Protea

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    Yes, I understood that. I still contend the testing method is flawed and does not prove anything.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Quick, someone replicate my drawn weapon timing results with the other drawn weapon sets so I know I'm not insane.

    - Protea

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    I'm not sure that testing procedure actually proves anything since you only run through the set once. I think a proper test would require an attack with the exact duration as brawl that DOES put the weapon away. Then you could run through multiple attack chains, one with repeated redraws and one with no redraws.

    All your test proves is that starting with the weapon undrawn pushes things back by 1 second. A 1 second delay in a five minute fight is completely irrelevant, unless we get hit with that 1 second penalty repeatedly.

    No one was claiming that the weapon draw itself takes zero time - just that the time is included in each attacks duration whether you have to draw or not. If an attack time is fixed, whether it includes a draw or not (as Back Alley Brawler indicated), your test would show exactly the same results. If Gash is set at 2 seconds (to pick a number), it will take 2 seconds regardless of whether the weapon is drawn. By adding a weapon draw at the beginning of your sequence, you obviously push the entire sequence back one second. However, any effect that occurs only once at the beginning of a fight is not having an impact on DPS. It only means that you start swinging one second earlier or later. You need to test with two non-weapon attacks, one of which causes a draw and one which does not, but that have the same duration. Alternatively, if they don't have the same duration, you can adjust accordingly but that introduces another layer of complexity and potential source of error.

    Edit: Two additional comments.

    I'm not saying that a weapon draw does or does not affect DPS, only that the testing method was flawed.

    Upon further thought, I think a corrected test is actually very simple. Add another Brawl attack at the end of the sequence and time from Brawl to Brawl. If Back Alley Brawler is correct, timing 'Brawl to Brawl' should be the same whether you have a weapon draw or not. And, unless I'm overlooking something, if he is wrong, this would be a conclusive test.
  16. You could go to RWZ AFTER you get Portal Jockey. My main was already 50 when we got the new zone and I've been doing the missions there.
  17. Some 'epic' badges are too high, some just right and some too low.

    Healing, influence and damage taken.
    I agree. These are too high and you have gone into sufficient detail regarding the particulars.

    Debt, Mez
    These are about right. My scrapper got the last debt badge at 49 after many levels of tanking (and dying), plus carrying perma-debt from about level 14-34 to get Karsis, Hess and Hannon as contacts. He only had 2 mez badges, but that's due to getting mez protection at level 16. A 'squishy' would have had more of them. When I say "about right", I mean "not off by a multiple factor". The devs may adjust them, but they don't need to be doubled or halved.

    This one is too low. When the requirements were lowered, my scrapper had all of them by, I think, level 32. If the second set of three are the 'epic' ones, then I would think an 'average' player should have the first three some time between level 40 and 50.

    Someone also mentioned the RV pillbox badges. I suppose the last one is kind of epic. Since the heavies have been savagely nerfed, the 3rd pillbox badge should probably be lowered somewhat.
  18. I've had occasional problems with various credit cards and various banks, but never a problem with the Discover Card. I originally got it 'by accident' since I had a Costco membership through work and they only took Discover (then - now they only take Amex).

    When I was building my first computer (the first one I built, not the first one I owned), I had to jump through a few hoops imposed by the vendor (Newegg) since this area was rife with fraud but everything went smoothly. About once a year or so, when I make a particularly large purchase or an out-of-town one, I get a call from Discover's fraud department within the hour to double-check.

    It just seems to me that credit cards issued by big banks tend to have more problems because, generally, the banks don't care. Both Discover and American Express have never given me any problems and both have nice account management tools on their web sites.

    I charge everything I possibly can on the Discover card, including my CoH membership, several other monthly membership fees, my Teamspeak server, my groceries, my gas, etc, etc. The only problem I've EVER had is that some places just don't accept Discover.
  19. Well, nice job.

    Feel free to take an /e bow

  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Besides I think the Devs have far more to worry about balance-wise than an exmeplared level 5 firing off an Eye of the Magus or a Vanguard once every 30 minutes.

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    Really? Are you suggesting that having the Sands of Mu and Nemesis Staff might have more impact on game play than having the Crey Pistol once every 25 minutes?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I didn't want to see this thread hit 100 views with no replies.

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    Well, offhand it didn't seem to need replies. "Oh, cool. Let me do this." BAM! I'm on another site, no time to reply here.

    Actually, though, I have a question. It lists 3 sites (so far). I have an account on ONE of the three. If I . . . .

    Never mind. I was going to ask if it will maintain the existing account and simply tie into it. I went to the site and see that my question is answered right on the first page.

    Instead, I now have a different question. One of the pieces of info it asks for right off is my in-game global handle. Is this required? Will this be shown anywhere? I don't list my global in a sig and maybe I don't want it listed anywhere.
  22. Ironblade

    Ebay Heroes

    Yeah, or you can play, get someone to 50 and not even want a kheld. I got a PB to about level 4 and I don't even recall what server it was on.
  23. Ironblade

    Ebay Heroes

    It sure is. And, if they found an account that had been vended like that, I'm sure they'd ban it.