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  1. Naylor watched the scene dubiously with an open mouth.

    ".....'Ay then....." He said slowly. "Fore ya go off to this 'Dimension o Mists' place, why ya all in such a hurry to go there AGAIN? Ya all came by two days ago for tha same thing! Even the same conversation up ta this point!"
  2. "I'll check that..." Ineffable's voice murmered from a non-discernable direction as Lk'Onik came barreling in.

    And so he did just that. The brute, immaterial and invisible, dispersed himself. The area that was now him, or rather, the him that was now the area in general, drifted into the main chamber.
  3. Innefable scowled very slightly as the scene became too social for him to handle, and he vanished into thin air. Presumably to 'Be About.'
  4. Naylor looked up from his Clipboard.

    "Ay mate?"
  5. ((Poe: I deny any and all relations to that pile of outdated scrap. You now have three point twenty six seconds to redeem yourself before I engage in the facilitation of communications in such a way that will bring about an end to hostilities...Meat-sack...

    Me: As you can see, absolutely NO RELATION AT ALL!))
  6. ((...

    HK 48...

    Isn't he from KotOR II? The orange assassain droid you find dismantled in the Ebon Hawk, prototype of the HK 50s?))
  7. And then Dax was assaulted with a Storm Kick from one of the Archons behind him, and with an Eagles Claw technique from the other, with a third Archon dashing forth to bring a stunning cobra strike into play, with another three charging to back them up.

    Something was seriously wrong here, ARCHONS? Since when had Boomtown cells, even the biggest ones, had Archons in them?

    Dusan's hopes were dashed. The Council fire filled every inch of space. Including the space along the floor. An endless torret of fire whizzed through the space he occupied.

    And that's when the bad thing happened. The Zeniths finally got high enough to start firing their rockets. There wern't as many as there were soldiers, but their rockets would still provide ample explosive power to the already deadly hail. Normally, the Rockets would have also been ripped to shreds.

    "HOLD!" Somebody shouted.

    The torrent of bullets stopped to give way to the torrent of rockets.


    And the wall of bullets returned, right behind the rockets.

    The Zenith Hoverbots had superb A.I. They could calculate and predict within microseconds, an to them 'time' was all one very long single moment. They could measure time with their built in interior clocks, but aside from that, 'time' was not a defined thing for them. A microsecond after the wave of bullets had passed the colonel, they targetted all available threats and via cordination, unleashed a torrent of rockets.

    The Vanguard Colonel, being the foremost threat, now had no less then twenty rockets heading for her, with a fresh wave of bullets right behind those.

    Bad news for Klaus, additionally. He had five rockets heading for his ice wall. It could probably take a few of them, seeing as he could regenerate ice fast enough to stop that many bullets, but could it truly stop that much force?

    "How long until we receive more supplies and reinforcements?" Shouted an Archon near the back who had arrived not a day ago.

    "Twenty Minutes!" Shouted an Adjuntant. "The Center promised another group via mass teleport soon!"

    "Well go to the mass teleport chamber and make sure everything goes smoothly! We'll hold the fort here, but just in case..."

    The Adjuntant nodded and ran.


    "Well." Said the Ascendant Archon as Salvatore opened the final door. "Somebody has some dirty secrets."

    "This dirty secret may just save our necks." Salvatore said as he entered the code for the security field. "Not even the center knows we have these...Was a complete stroke of luck."

    "Where did you obtain them?" The Archon mused.

    "Two weeks ago, we found this hero sap by the name of Cohen. One of the higher level heroes. He mopped most of the patrol, but when he started scavenging their bodies for salvage...One of the troopers who had been playing dead stuck a grenade down his throat. And as luck would have it..."

    Salvatore pulled an item of extreme interest out of the field.

    "His medi-port failed."

    "And he had H-Boosters on him...That's more than luck..." The Ascendant murmered. "That's a miracle."

    "Amen to that." Salvatore said.


    The Watcher found nothing when he looked at the intersection where they had found Karl.

    When he looked at the Council Cells...

    Brighid Moreiras read as being in cell No. 5, loud and clear. The Watcher couldn't SEE her, but he could definately sense that she was in that particular cell.

    Which was odd, because there were no guards in the room, and all the security locks for each cell for disengaged...


    Archon Auswitch swore as his foot caught on a jagged rod in the air vent.

    Somebody was going to pay for all this...!
  8. ((Only one door into that room. >.&gt)
  9. ((Well I was waiting for others to post. Like Devious and a few others...But I suppose I can put this in now.))

    The door blew outward.

    And was immediately shredded into infinitely tiny fragments by a solid wall of bullets.

    Council soldiers from almost every nook and cranny of the room, behind barricades, inside miniature stone bunkers, behind fortified shields, in trenches, on catwalks, and in organized rows, let loose a stream of bullets so thick that they could have filled five jumbo jets with the casings in the first two seconds. Chain guns, assault rifles, cryo and incinderary rounds, explosive tipped ammo...It filled almost every available bit of space.

    And, as mentioned, this storm completely obliterated the door which had just been blown in, breezed past it, and was now heading for a few key destinations: The wall, and the corridor.

    If anybody felt like charging in, they were absolutely free to do so. If they were bullet-proof.

    The few Council soldiers that were confused were immediately singled out and restrained by the massive throng of soldiers in the back. Likewise, soldiers who became terrified just kept on shooting out of fear.

    Now there was a bit of a problem. There was enough ammo being pumped at them to scare one of the surviving eight at this point. Charging into THAT or even staying within line of sight was most likely going to be extremely lethal. The fire also didn't stop. The soldiers would not stop. It seemed the entire back rows of the throng were determined in getting more ammo to the front lines. The Council troops could keep this up for a VERY long time.


    If the Soul Hound was still active, it would have sensed the City Representative down below by about fifty meters, where the Council Cells were located...
  10. First piece of art I've actually seen through. Done on one layer in a little less than three hours on Photoshop. I don't like how the top of the hood turned out, and I screwed up a little with the eye, but I do like how the streams coming out of its head worked out. It's a character concept for CoV, mainly for RP purposes. still havn't decided on a name yet. Please leave comments.

    The thing with no name. Yet. Seriously.
  11. "DAMN DAMN DAMN!" Salvatore shouted as the monitor for blast door thirteen went haywire.


    Salvatore looked at the screen miserably. At this point, his orders were irrelevant. Auswitch could probably give better ones-If only because his insane ramblings sometimes contained a spark potential in some situations.


    "Withdraw all troops to section U, have them establish a barricade aimed for the door. If the heroes can get through a solid wall of bullets, well..."

    The assistant merely nodded and relayed his orders.

    "You." Salvatore suddenly snarled.

    The Ascendant Archon, still clad in his silver armor, looked at him from the shadows.

    "Come with me, I have a plan. A last stand, of sorts..."

    Archon Auswitch fumed as he heard all of this from his office-turned-prison.

    He wouldn't have it. These bumblers were ruining his base and his glorious work. He was going to rectify this situation-He was going to escape...


    After forcing their way through the last door, the heroes came upon only two more Council squads.

    Then they didn't see any Council at all, anywhere. All of the rooms they came upon were empty. Either they had gotten all of the soldiers or they were all bunched up in a single room somewhere...
  12. "An Etat weapon could have done it, but again, the suit wouldn't still be here..." Ineffable mused. "It could be the victims were teleported out of their suits before-hand, but that I doubt...It could have been some form of negative energy absorbtional ability, but that would have left residue...It could have been an unbound Nictus who sucked them dry, but again, that would leave tell-tale signs...What about Osh'kan weaponry? They do have several adaptive acids that will only destroy bio-matter but will ignore non-organics, at least from my limited experiences with them back on Earth. It would also explain the doctored holes."
  13. "I dissolve everything I touch. Yes. As these are Rikti, I hardly see why this should be a big deal...But in the interest of self defense, had it been me, the armor would be gone as well. I am not that subtle." Ineffable said. He was wearing a mildly annoyed look on his face now, and the deactivated bomb in his hand was suddenly vaporised. "Besides, if I heard you correctly when you said you were here before us, how could I have done this before I even joined the task force and entered the portal...?"
  14. If the Soulhound was still active, it would have been blasted with another sense.

    The City Representative was close by. VERY close by.

    As a matter of fact, she was only fifty meters below its current location...

    But Karl had TOLD them he had seen her heading into the Council base, and he had been telling the truth.

    What was...


    ".....going on here?!?!?" Roared Archon Auswitch from behind his locked and barricaded door.

    "No time...Status report!" Salvatore snapped.

    "Intruders are ripping through defenses and troops in sections 6 through 8, suspected stealthed intruders throughout, fifteen core breaches, water facility has been wiped, fort room has been demolished, the generator room collapsed, (although thankfully the machinery is still apparently active beneath the rubble) and we've lost video and audio to the intell room."

    After thinking for a moment, Salvatore asked, "What about the cells?"

    "What do you mean? There's nobody there."

    "Yes yes, but do we have anybody IN THERE right now? Anybody important that would have provoked an attack? As far as I know this base hasn't even engaged in any quote 'illegal' unquote activites, so unless we have somebody in the cells, I see no reason WHY we are being attacked."

    "No sir. There is nobody in the cells. Prisoners, guards, or intruders, to my knowledge or anyone elses'."

    "Damnit. Ok, seal off sectors 9 and 12..."
  15. Ineffable was suddenly there besides Grey, seemingly perfectly calm with the knowledge that Acid was suddenly there.

    "We have another problem." He said. "While I was about I found this."

    He pulled what looked, simply put, like a brass bomb out of his jacket. It wasn't melting to ashes in his hands, although a certain pipe looked like it had been turned into fine powder. A single screen with several digits on tiles presented itself.


    "I'm not an expert when it comes to WMDs, but this thing has a nuclear core and a few other things within that make it quite potent and lethal over a larger area of space. I disabled it, as you can see, but what is the golden rule of making bombs...?"
  16. And then Dax and Bladwing's killing spree was cut off when a solid two meter reinforced titanium door with braces and hydralic pressure directional locks slammed down between them and the next corridor.

    That wouldn't stop them for long, thankfully. All they needed to do was turn around and go down a different corridor and find a way around the door. Then again, they were perfectly free to simply blast the door down and go through the corridor.

    .....[u]IF[u] they could blast it down.
  17. All throughout the Council base, alarm klaxons blared.

    Salvatore, double checking to make sure the Archon's door WAS locked and barricaded, started shouting orders.

    "Seal off sections one through five, position squads A through L at the centra complex, send killing sqauds into the corridors, seal off sections ten and eleven and send squads M through P to the mud room between..."

    The Council soldier, still at the Cargo Container, heard the alarm klaxons, but remained at his post.

    His orders were simple. If he saw anybody coming, alert the base via the Walkie Talkie. Easy. They had even given him a nifty pair of IR goggles so he could see cloaked enemies approaching. Now though, his head was turned back towards the container in surprise as the klaxons rang, although the Walkie Talkie was still pressed to his ear...
  18. *shrugs*

    I'm not going to complain then. That's what I am. I deserve the title.
  19. So stating a perception followed by description of that perception followed by denial of said perception ending with a condescending comment of disbelief towards reactions from others directed at aformentioned perception makes you a [butt]hole?

    That completely makes sense.

    *Support Mr. Grey, Champion of Common Sense and Champion of the Righteous!*
  20. I am 100% offended 10% of the time.
  21. ((Don't worries, I'm not gonna wring you.

    I'm am curious though.

    WHICH Council are you attacking?

    The base with the City Rep in it has a camoflaged entrance disguised like a cargo container and has a single soldier with a walkie talkie outside of it.

    Schwarzherz and his gang are in the old Freedom Phalanx H.Q. That has reinforced doors.

    So WHICH Council base are we all at? Because at the present moment it looks to me like you're chasing after smarmy the dark uber-German Ing-thing rather than your main objective. Not that that's bad, it's just somewhat confusing as to WHY you're doing it.))
  22. The air at the Docks smelled like static, if only for a moment.


    "Incoming." Xabu said.

    "Right then, Noitpeced, magic time." Poe said.

    Motnahp nodded dully and hid. Xabu and Poe both left to prepare.
  23. Sorry.

    *Time Shear*

    Not happening.


    *Leaves Duhullan behind.*

    *With a remote control.*
  24. *Appears*


    *Tosses in the Speaking Gun*

    HINT: Don't aim it at yourself!

  25. Shhh, shhh...That's not an answer.