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Sister Psyche the current one is not the Original Sister Psyche. Heroes can reuse the names after all of their predecessors. Sometimes it is the son or daughter or close relative of the hero that dons the name and a variant of the costume. Othertimes it was someone selected by the hero to carry on the name.
Grandchild actually if I recall. Maiden Justice is the grandmother of Miss Liberty and adventured with States when he began as a hero. -
Well the third and fourth shard tfs are very fast. The big problem for most people is they don't get any sense of the story beause they don't read the clues or mission info or it flashes by them too fast. If we had something the badge expanded into that had all the mission briefings, clues, npc dialog and mission ending then a lot of people will know what they did.
As for not getting souverniers only the issue 3 tfs such as moonfire, ernesto hess and calvin scott didn't give the souverniers. As for other complaints no one has been able to provide any evidence whatsoever the other tfs didn't give souverniers if you were in the last mission. -
Actually unyielding and unstoppable have toxic resistance.
I suspect it may have been easier to put it in the heal powers because of coding issues. It may have been extremly difficult to put it in say Brimstone armor or Permafrost because those codes are so restricted since the armors initially only resisted one or two things trying to put the toxic resistance in was problematic.
I would much rather they had waited to put in toxic dmg till they had gotten all the kinks worked out such as no inherent defense to the dmg type. Fire resist and defense was a passable substitute. -
All escort so far have been limited to four-five people on moderate size maps. Anytime I have to save more then five people they run out on their own and don't have a hp meter making them like street npcs.
Read the metal freaks info. It says the other freakshow have to feed them.
Child you can easily recall what mezs you and using your blast powers take it out before you get mezzed. You don't need to use breakfrees unless facing boss type mobs or a lot of mezzers in the same place. Sappers bah one snipe and boom. Keep out of melee. Most mezzes post 30 only last a few seconds.
In a team you would have status protect from the various defender and controller powers and due to firing off powers when taking dmg defiance would play into that. You would get dmg and fire off defiance enhanced blasts.
Don't need to have the cons and defenders hold off on healing.
A blaster is artillery meaning fire at range and hard at the threat to you and range mezzers are the threat. Lts, most blaster primary and secondarys have stuns, knockbacks, even some holds.
Sheesh I rarely die to mezzers as a blaster. Hell the dual boss pairs were the problem. Dual lt toned down bosses no contest.
Don't like being stunned or having to selectively think for two milliseconds about what to target or how to use terrain and your powers then play a gung ho scrapper.
Edit. Real tired when I wrote this. If you cannot figure out what I wrote then you need English Compositon courses and boost your ability to decipher sentence structures that are inherently complex but appear simple.
If you are being one shotted you are engaging mob groups you shouldn't. Purple minions in melee will one shot you.
Red lts in melee will one shot you. Red bosses in melee will one shot you. Orange bosses that critical in melee will one shot you.
One shot kills are perfectly avoidable use insps. Defiance is very usefull. If you have to run as a blaster you are already doomed. Running away while mobs are blasting doesn't help a blaster on live. On test with defiance kicking in it is wonderfull. I died less then four times past level ten to sixteen fighting vhaz, cot, outcasts. Heck defiance will allow my blasters to solo on invicible once they hit SOs. -
Have the store contacts be new mission contacts. I can see possiblities in their bios already. This goes for the guy in the rikti crash site as well. And can the porter be moved to portal corp to an empty island and put military emplacements there including a chinook or other military transport aircraft instead of a portal? Would give more of a story line feel to the place.
Earth Thorn casters appear at level 30 and up. There are no thorn casters prior to level 30.
If someone would like to disagree with the statement the historical evidence for Jesus is sketchy send me a pm. I am anxious to rip it to shreds with the facts.
There are many reasons not to get angry with the deciption of the red caps, fir bolgs and other creatures in issue 5. Namely it is a game and the devs has so far shown they have a real knack for detail and involved story. I doubt Crotatoa will be the only mission area for these factions. Well at first yes.
Number one reason not to get angry is these are fictional depications of mythical beings.
And I suspect more villian groups to come out and not be fantasy or magical related. The Egyptian group would have some magic involved but not the aquatic factions. -
They'll all be issued six-demon bags, where they will be able to unleash wind, fire, and all that kind of thing.
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Ah a "Big Trouble in Little China" reference if i am not mistaking.
I would much prefer animal style kung fu powers such as those in the "Five Deadly Venoms" -
They can keep throwning boulders though. I enjoy when my tanks gets ten thrown at him. He is only four feet tall so it is quite amusing to see all these boulders smash into him and not scratch him at all.
I was refering to the old religion not the neopagan revival.
And a lot of the books claimed to be magical texts are in fact frauds or works of fiction. The Necronomican exists and is quite a delightfull work of fiction.
And a great number of old texts on magic were destroyed. In most cases we just have the names or books that claim to be unaltered copies. -
Ritual sacrifiace of animals is still legal. Santeria for instance is protected by the Constitution.
Human sacrifiace isn't. A couple years back in India a group of Thugee cultists were arrested after sacrificing a young boy.
And by Occult predating I mean the actual word itself. Satanism is largely a Christian construct out of the Middle Ages. The Satanic religion has no relation to it.
Wicca is very old but extinct. Most of the religious texts, traditions were destroyed by Christians. Like several other religions.
The Roman Empire was a hundred times more tolerant of religions. Christians were considred fruitcakes who were only punished because they were intolerant of other religions.
The Jews the Romans actualy tried to accomdate their religious beliefs. No parades of Roman troops through Jeruselam or executations on Jewish holy days. And the Jews were allowed to punish their people for breaking Jewish holy laws. -
Well books were banned and destroyed mentioning witchcraft unless the book was used against witches or about their history. A lot of the stuff about witches comes from Middle Age misconceptions and outright lies told by the Christian churches. Like it or not witches do have a historial reason to be concerned as well as frightented about fundie Christians.
The statements made by several Christian spirtual leaders concerning the pagan rituals done by witches at Fort Hood show this concern witches have about being persecuted in modern times is well founded.
Nearly every religion is based on earlier religions that have had doctrines refined or corupted and bit made up out of whole cloth. Christianity is no exception to this. -
Actually America was quite facsinted by the occult in the early 20th century. The Ouija boards were particular common in American households.
I used to know the names several reference books that documented the American public's interest in the occult and early 20th century it was of interest. Sadly my memory has gone the way of the dodo.
Ah Gerald Gardner isn't the only European considered responisble for the rise of Wicca.
Charles Leland wrote a book in 1899
titled Aradia: Gospel of the Witches. His book is one of many sources of the modern neopagan movement.
And the Occult means Wicca along with Satanism, Old true Pagan Witchcraft and predates the 1950s. -
but it was the Fifties that have birth to the wife-swapping, feel-good generation, and also the modern revival of Pagan practice.
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Actually that is more the roaring 1920s then 1950s. I always keep in mind to not view history through rose tinted glases and that people who claim certain times are better then others speak out of their [censored].
"The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God, Jesus and Mohammed than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people don't like that statement, but few can argue with it."
-Kenneth V. Lanning, Supervisory Special Agent at the Behavioral Science Institution and Research Unit of the FBI Academy (from Carl Sagan's, The Demon-Haunted World) -
The Satanists of the Church of Satan or Temple of Set have no relation to the common media portrayl.
The Satanists of the Church of Satan only did things like the Black Mass for publicity or to rile up fundie Christians. In reality most of the people who belong to the Satanic religion are in fact Atheists who use Satan as an image of themselves.
The thing about Satanic ritual abuse was that it didn't exist. It was overactive parents planting crap in their children's minds.
99.999% of American children are abused by their parents and those parents are in fact predominatly Christian. Odds are that a fundamentlist household has more child abusers then the most hedonestic.
As for the 50s being hedonistic odd how the one woman one man nuclear family image held by conservatives as the longest standing marriage type origanted back then.
The 1950s were in no way hedonistic. In fact they were the most conservative time in America. The most executitions for criminals, rapes of both children and adults, and illegal abortions (not counting the fact that 99% of abortions were illeagal) were done back then. And the 1950s are what the conservatives and American public say was the happiest time in America. Only if you were white of course. -
Guild Wars a number of the npcs would only move when you told them. Some didn't. Those were the annoying ones.
As long as it means I can hold the agro of an eight person team with the typical mob spawns then it is all right. And i don't mean herding the entire map but what you typically find per spawn group or in an interstion.
Btw I prefer rounding them up or clumping them. -
Also the badge is something to get. Also for the complainers about Lusca and other badge monsters one death is elimanted at the death of lusca. Only morons are responisble for mass debt at giant monsters.
People that are teamed and don't contribute for example. -
You can get around the shard by using the geysers. However most people don't read the damn little pop screens and miss such an important detail.
Like how they miss the notion that the mission is timed, or coop or has an av or could be any of those things so they should be prepared.
Like how players complain about Lead Scorchers summoning fire imps when the mob info says they can do it.
Most of the zones are deserted due to missions. This is natural.
The hazard and trial zones are deserted by heroes due to the story purposes. It's supposed to be overrun by villians because of lack of heroes in those areas.
Also I would like more mission contacts you would have to search and find. This would make more unique content. If you want to find this special content you have to go look for it in the game or look it up on the web.
Kora fruit missions are tasty and always give heroes a shock that such insps exist for easy pickings.
Tough Hide doesn't suck. Trust me when you get defense debuffs piled on you Tough Hide helps to counteract the defense debuffs.
Most reliable testing puts this power at around 5% defense with questionable stacking with Invincibility. That's not worth it compared to any other power in the set or many pool powers you could take (and slot) instead.
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Funny how I have seen inv tanks without tough hide die to stuff that tanks with tough hide surivived because they didn't get hit.
The only difference in these tanks was the prescence of tough hide. With it they survived more.
My entire strategy is not to die (or to let anyone else die). I refuse to spend power slots on a power that is predicated on a condition that all my other powers and slotting are designed to prevent. I could instead take another power that will improve my not dying.
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Guess Knives and Chimera's troops are not done by you or the shadow shard tfs.
Those are so far from the hospital and the battle so hectic a battlefield rez such as Rise of the Phoenix is most accepted.
You obviously don't understand where a regen revive would be of use. If they made it so the regen was unable to be hit and could slap on their toggles revive with MOG would be very usefull for large battles. -
I haven't seen this mission since Issue 1 came out. It used to be part of the bonefire arc.
And trust me I have done every outcast mission since Issue 1 came out and have never seen the mission you describe. -
Defenders who complain about being useless are the ones who sit around waiting for invites. You want to team use the find member to find people teamed your level send them a tell asking what they are doing. If you want to do that then ask room. Most time it takes is five minutes and that is if you take 50 pee breaks.
A defender is supposed to use their blasts as supporting fire in other words fire at mobs that are near death or to be strategtic due to the secondary componet.
My defenders always get complimented on their blasting.
In fact a force field defender often is capable of doing the most blasting. I don't find being a force field defender being boring. I find it the most opportune time to use my blasts to increase the damage output of the team. -
I have played the mission over twenty times. From release to now. Never have the objects been destructable.
You get the ring of pain and scroll of ruin from that mission.
It has Hellions, Tsoo, COT and an outcast boss named Sno-Pac.
I played it when Issue 4 came out as well.