11 -
Wish there was still some exclusivity between AT's. Brutes getting Claws and Katana is weird enough as is, goes against the concept by adding 'finesse'.
hey thanks alot guys! this community is awesome
wow thanks for that reply. Yeah, I left right when the IO's came out. I knew of them, but I didn't really know anything about them. It seems like the set IO's aren't really worth pursuing until late game, but the generics are so we don't have to replace every 5 levels (unless I'm wrong). I could use some help with a leveling build. Nothing fancy, but just things like: should I put 3 or 4 slots in a toggle? Should I slot an end reduction in them? I guess just a cookie cutter build for SR at least. For katana, I saw someone say "once you get x amount of defense, drop divine avalanche" I forgot the number, but you probably know it. Also, since I got 3 free abilities from dropping fitness I took gambler's cut, cause I like the animation and it's nice to use on someone with a sliver of health to not waste endurance on. Do people still skip this? If they do, am I wasting slots slotting it?
I'll dl that mids designer, maybe it'll answer some questions I have -
Just hit 35 on my katana/SR scrapper. Currently have all lvl 35 SO's, toggles slotted with 3x defense, passives slotted with 1x defense. With combat jumping, I'm at about 30% melee/ranged defense. I've seen people say they have like 50% defense from SR, and I'm wondering how? obviously i'm lower level but where is that extra coming from? The passives don't seem to benefit when slotted, so that can't be it. Slotting more than 3 in a power hits DR, so that can't it.
Also, i'm running out of endurance practically every fight with just the two toggles and CJ running. My character rapes, he just is exhausted after each pull or two which shouldn't be happening. Difficulty is on +1/x3. -
So I pull up the CoH launcher and there is an update for a new patch that I need to download, so I click update and it starts to update to the 2060.201108050059.1.2 version and everything looks fine. But every time it reaches 70% an error pops up saying it cannot create a file when it already exists, then asks if it can repair it for me and I click YES. And then it starts loading the 2060.20118050059.1.0 and it stops at 34% every time saying Error- the access path is denied, repairing may help the issue, but it doesn't.
Can anyone help me out? -
I have vista and just went to download the client off the website, it downloaded then I opened it and it asks for permission, I said yes, then it starts to "open" yet nothing happens. Help?
great addon. just a nitpick i found though, archery's blazing arrow should not have the "extreme" dmg icon. I would think it should share the same icon as Bitter Ice Blast, as I don't think its short range like blaze or power burst.
I've also been away, about 4 years. last thing I remember was when they normalized the first two blaster powers of every set i.e. changed my baby ice's animations to feel really weird. It's been so long i feel like a complete retard at this. First off, i started the 7 day trial on a second account. What the hell is this praetorian ****? Is it like heroes/villains can team up in this reality? Also, I noticed the fitness pool is passive now, FINALLY. gd, I absolutely hated levels 10-22 because those were completely dedicated towards the fitness pool lol, good move there.
Do buffs still stack indefinately? I remember if there were like 2-3 kinetic defenders on a team it was basically godmode. Haha I remember Fire/kinetics controllers were all the rage back when I last played. Boost all the imps and farm group missions solo. Also, i noticed psychic wail's icon is still unfixed, nice.
So my brother and I want to start up a leveling duo, what archetypes would mesh well (heroes and villains)? I know usually anything works, but I figured I'd ask here. -
You're wrong about Freeze Ray. It is a great power. Just because it's not great in PvP doesn't mean it's that bad. Even w/o BFR it's still a great power. You can easily take a Lt. out of the fight which is huge. Great for soloing and teaming
Great guide, this made me realize what IO's can do. I've got a couple questions though.
First, do you mainly solo/pvp? My Ice/Ice has alot of control/aoe powers but I'm thinking of respec'ing into pure single target and Crushing Impact is making me want to take and 6 slot Frozen Fists, Ice Sword, and Freezing Touch purely for the bonuses, although they actually aren't that bad of attacks. Would this be a good move?
Second, I've been looking at your 4 devastation/2 thunderstrikes for the blasts, but then I came across Entropic Chaos, which is capped at lvl 35 but it gets +10% Regen and 6.25% Recharge in the set which is looking very nice to me, do you think that could work well?
One more, I noticed you didn't take Acrobatics. Does CJ + FA cover you well enough without it? -
*sigh* I will be out of town that weekend. Oh well, not the end of the world. At least I made it the other 2 times.