1204 -
Heyas Blue
I will prolly be on this weekend - got no plans so will definitely look you up. And WOW - talk about a collection
I am the anti-pack rat I don't keep stuff around LOL. It used to drive my Ex Husband crazy (He was a pack rat and thought every box had to be saved).
I lost some globals somehow - no idea. So if I am not showing up on your globals send me an invite @I Burnt The Toast.
Quote:Wait just a damn minute.... I Burnt The Toast ?!?!?! HEY!! It's me, Blue Alpha! aka Will Blade!! Freedom server. (We're Global Friends.)
Sorry I will no longer be able to run Incarnate Trials anymore. We sure had fun while it lasted though. Just wanted to officially say Thanks for the good times. Friends like you are the reason the shutdown is so difficult. You can reach me at the email address in original post. I will do my best to be on as much as I can between now and D-Day. Hopefully we can run some more over the next few weeks.
Also, if anyone needs iTrials run on Freedom server, I would be happy to help get them up and running.
Oh and just found out, my best friend's birthday is the 29th of Nov... Guess when they are having the party... Yep, evening of the 30th. Son of a... If I have to take my laptop, or dip out of the party early to get home for the sunset, then so be it. If it wasn't his 30th B-day it would be easier... but I am sure he will understand... hopefully. :-/ -
I have no fears they would intentionally mess up any of my toons. My dislike/distrust stems from more a cultural stand point. IF CoH were saved, IF Titan was not playing any type of key role in the production/maintenance of the game (much like they did pre-8/31), and IF I did come back I would try to grab my original name that I wanted for my main toon and go from there....those are three VERY big IFs.
Not hard to put put 2 billion on a toon and tweak out their build. Rinse and Repeat on every toon using the same enhancements and 2 billion and then IF CoH was revived: Boom 50's enhanced out the gills each with 2 billion inf each
Plus - like I have said: If Titan is involved that is an absolute deal breaker for me.
Quote:The Titan Sentinel+ was created with cheaters in mind and uses insane encryption. The idea behind that is the only one who will ever get the key to that encryption, is whoever buys CoH.
Hopefully we wouldn't even need to use it as an option. But I can see why there's some concern that the player/character info would NOT be included, because selling/sharing that info might constitute a violation of NCsoft's own privacy policy. Sentinel gives us the option to transfer our own data to a new IP holder without NCsoft needing to take any unnecessary legal risks. I guess there's another way around that too, by letting players log into their NC account and manually authorize the transfer. -
I see the guesses; as far as facts go - nothing new was factually stated.
Any corporation that does take over CoH would be stupid to allow the backups to come from Titan Sentinel+. I would rather a blank database be used than one that could be so twinked by people fluffing their toons. I find it hard to believe the actual character information would not be part of a sale.
There are other ones as well I just didn't have the searchfu to find them.
Quote:Also, if anyone can post a link as to where I can aquire one of the AP33 t-shirts, or anything else CoH related that you think I might find interesting, it would be greatly appreciated.
Side-note: I have checked multiple times before and I remember there was supposed to be a 3rd Novel that I believe never got published, but if it did and someone knows where I can find it, you shall be my God. The first 2 books were a great read and if your a CoH fan and haven't at least read the first one, you are SERIOUSLY missing out. I believe you can still get the first 2 on Amazon or such sites. 3rd book was about the Rikti War, if I am not mistaken, but 99% sure it never saw the light of day. -
Please read more carefully I used the word: AN ..indicating ONE. Nowhere did I say ENTIRE/ALL. The fact that A communication of that nature is considered official inquiry is laughable. The "offers" are hearsay...not exactly what one considers proof
PSSST Not everyone is boycotting NCSoft. Not everyone thinks they are in the wrong for closing CoH. Need proof...go to GW2 and join one of the MANY guilds started by CoHers after 8/31
Need more proof... How many people ARE involved over at Titan...200? Out of 50,000.... hmmm. The ANTI NCSoft group is not nearly as big as some would have you think
Quote:Yes, because we've seen the progress done on Tabula Ras 2 and Auto Assault Retuned.
And if you're planning on doing a sequel to a game, the first thing you do is turn down the people who know it best when they say they want to do it and then fire everyone who knows the engine and the IP.
If the CEO really is turning down deals that actually put cash in the pocket for the idea that somehow they'd do a future game and make lots of money (particularly when the people who remember the name "City of Heroes" will be the ones who will remember "Oh yeah, NCSoft is the jackass company that shut them down"), NCSoft has bigger problems than I thought. -
Well then I guess you should have known that BEFORE they cancelled CoH
But it didn't matter then because it didn't affect your game. You know what I think would be hilarious if NCSoft was reading the forums (which I am pretty sure they have someone who does)...and they said "You know what..we can show them dishonest..." and shuts the servers down on 11/29/2012.
I have more faith in NCsoft's statement than I do from someone who knows someone who knows someone. And since no one can PROVE NCSoft is lying....
How dare you demand anything but hearsay as evidence!
Quote:And who what when how was these offers peresented and made?
You know, especially prior to Aug 31st. If someone gave information with no source, including some of the people that just takes these things as facts, it would have been assumed to be false. Even today, by one person who gave out this information in the OP, when someone stated something about another poster, first thing was asked was evidence.
Hell even NCsoft released an officialy statement about the situtation, although a little, but more than what has been offered about the other side, yet that has been called bs. A statement from the company that has the IP and probably closer to the deal than anything. Yet, it's bs because they didnt say how they came to that conclusion. But any joe that says an offer was made, as long as it suits Titan in their campaign against NCSoft, dont need any evidence just hearsay and it's taken as fact.
I guess unlike everyone else who have to provide evidence to every claim they made on these forums, they are above that requirement because they are Titan Network huh. Very interesting, especially coming from a group that calls an official statement bs because NCSoft did not provide details but have not presented any details themselves. Rule dont apply to Titan network it seems. Even the rules they press onto others and the people there have pressed unto others here, dont apply to them. They are exempt and everythign they say and hear second third or fourth hand is supposed to be taken as fact. -
The offer that was made by some guy who knows some guy? Or the offer by that person who knows someone who worked at Paragon? Or are you simply referring to the inquiry made by filing a support ticket? I get these "facts" all messed up
The "PR apocalypse" is quite exaggerated. their ideas so far are comment bombing (which goes mainly ignored and just makes them look petty/crazy) and a few blogs. The time for TRUE media attention was the first few weeks after the announcement, and it never made a big splash aside from gaming MMOs and blogs. Unfortunately CoH isn't big news...because it's not a big game. I am not saying that to be mean...it's a reality.
Quote:I'm almost afraid to post this, since doubt can be a very powerful thing, but....
Could this story of possibly selling after the shutdown just be a move on NCsoft's part to help dispel the huge post-shutdown negative PR apocalypse that they know is coming?
My reasoning is this:
--NCsoft already gave us some BS about "exhausting all (selling) options".
--The shutdown date is a definite "start" time for us to take the gloves off and bring as much PR pain as possible. Hinting at the possibility that the game could only be sold after the shutdown might be an attempt to disorganize our efforts (by causing doubt via making us wonder if we still could save the game) and lighten the ton of bricks we plan on dropping (since some players will still be wary of irritating them to the point where they don't sell).
Please, please, PLEASE pick my reasoning apart and show me that I'm just plain WRONG!
I want CoH to get its wakie and be back up and running! -
Not it. I never commented on a 500k offer. I THINK I made a comment regarding the "alleged" 80mil offer; something to the effect of "LOL yeah ok."
Quote:Um, weren't you saying that a 500K offer was insulting because the customer base would mean they'd make it back instantly? But there's not enough players to make it financially viable. If you're right here, 500K seems like an overly generous offer.
Though I think you're right that much of the damage has been done. Let's assume a sale was going to happen:
Scenario 1. No shutdown announcement. NCSoft and Paragon make a joint statement that Paragon has been bought out by CompanyX (or Paragon Studios is being spun out on its own). Paragon describes all the wonderful things they plan to do on their own. Big noise, lots of excitement. Highest IP valuation possible for the deal.
Scenario 2. Soon after the shutdown announcement, NCSoft and Paragon make a joint statement that Paragon has been bought out by CompanyX. There will be no shutdown. We'll be working out the details of transition, everyone is happy about the new situation and all/most of the employees will be staying on. IP valuation lower than Scenario 1, but probably not much.
Scenario 3. Just before the shutdown, or just after the shutdown, a sale is announced. Those not yet with new jobs will work for the new organization, we "hope" to get some others back. It will take time to set up the new organization, the servers are still shutting down on schedule and we hope to have them up under new management with a month or two. IP valuation plummets because of the lack of confidence in new staff and the players who have moved on.
Scenario 4. Early in 2013, a sale is announced that the IP has been purchased. A new dev team is being put together and we'll try to have the servers up in a few months. The new company better be really well funded to both promote the recreation, run things as the word gets out, and until/unless a CoH 2 is done it'll never hit the levels prior to the announcement. And the value of the IP will make 500K look as unrealistic as 80M is today, but a percentage of future revenue may still pull in money from it.
Any of these scenarios, even Scenario 4, will benefit NCSoft more than the CoH backup tapes sitting on a shelf in the vault next to the Tabula Rasa and Auto Assault backup tapes, which has a value of 0. And no, NCSoft is not going to be able to make money with it in the future. NCSoft lives and dies on the asian market and CoH just isn't a good fit for it, the value of the brand is negative (those who recognize the name "City of Heroes" knows that NCSoft is the ones who killed the game). -
Flat revenue is a great indicator. With all the new toys released in the past year...revenue should have seen an increase not stayed flat.
Heck I spent around $150 more on top of my subs than I did the year prior as did a lot of people. The hard truth is there just wasn't enough people spending more to counter the people leaving and the people who dropped to premium; with little to no purchases.
It's SIMPLE math, but when you have blinders on it's kinda hard to look for and see.
The retort to the numbers from the dreamers: Yes but it was STILL profitable. And the cold hard fact is it was - just not enough. CoH showed NO growth. At this rate it would have been 1.5 to 2 years TOPS before Paragon dipped into the negative. What SHOULD have happened is the secret project and the devs on it - fired. That would have easily bought the game another 4-5 years. Unfortunately if that were done - there would have been nothing from Paragon in 4-5 years. So it is/was a catch 22 - had to plan for the future and make a new product, but that new project is what killed CoH. CoH was not profitable ENOUGH to support an additional 40+ devs working on something else that was returning no revenue and wouldn't for the foreseeable future. NCSoft was not willing to take a loss on CoH/Paragon to support a new game...which is their right as a business. No one has the authority here or at Paragon to say NCSoft should have taken ANY loss on the off chance that Secret Project MIGHT be profitable.
Considering CoH would have to have approx 100,000 subs to pull in 800k PROFIT a month..... I'm pretty sure we (meaning sane people who have a grasp on the reality of CoH's declining population) know that is utter BS
CoH had 800k REVENUE a month; including Paragon Market sales (subs+PM). It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. If you don't want to believe me; do your own flippin research - it's no that difficult to findThe 800k revenue amounted to approximately 2.5 million PROFIT in a year. This profit was not meeting the quota as set forth by NCSoft. If yer so in touch with Brian Clayton; ask him that
Notice I didn't say CoH wasn't making a profit...it just wasn't enough of a profit...and it was slowly trending downwards.
As a matter of fact the ONLY person I would believe debunking these numbers is Brain Clayton himself. So come on down Brian Clayton...and bring some proof.... Not So&So speaking on his behalf...not someone who may have heard it from him. The financial information is not some buried treasure that the average person cannot find with a little research. Then again the people disputing it don't want to look for the TRUTH; instead they want to come up with magical fantasy land figures to show how NCSoft murdered their "10 million profiting game, home, community, etc..."
Even if CoH DOES come back - the damage has been done. The players have disappeared. Any attempt to make it a financially viable game is gone. At this rate I doubt there is barely enough players to support a maintenance mode. -
I'm not making that up - the data is out there. I believe CoH accounted for a whopping 2% of NCSoft revenue. They closed it because it was a slowly degrading MMO that was not meeting the profits they wanted it to.... This has been discussed over and over.
As for the S. Korean press. I am from South Korea and still have family there who have "monitored" the news for me and there was a BLIP about it on 8/31 and nothing since. NCSoft is a S. Korean company whose main revenue comes from outside the US. A 50,000 sub MMO in the US is not a factor to S. Koreans nor NCSoft's stock price no matter what people like to think
I am not a huge fan of melee, but I had planned on buying Psi Melee. My only melee toon is my staff/nrg scrap. I was thinking either a Psi/WP or Psi/Inv brute when I first heard about it. I hadn't settled on a name and was considering using my defender's name: I Forgot My Prozac.
Well if you are looking for RELIABLE: Glassdoor is not a reliable source; unless of course you think disgruntled ex-employees=reliable. I worked for a large corporation that I would have rated very satisfied to work for; they didn't fare much better than NCSoft
Only reason I left that company after 7 years was because I was offered a position that suited me more and had better benefits.
Quote:Yes. And I think I saw another source. I didn't mark it but I might be able to find it again. I'm trying to remember the circumstances. Given the level of rumor around here I'm trying to cite what I can that's reliable. I have no interest following the soap opera that is NCSoft, but it seems to delight others. -
Paragon wasn't a big part of NCSoft. The closing of Paragon BARELY made a blip on 8/31 in S. Korea. There has been no mention of Paragon/CoH in South Korean news since. Hell the whole shut down was barely a blip in US news.
If you are going to reply have the decency to reply to what the picture was aimed at (The quote from you)
In other words; when you can act in a mature manner and not fling insults...then maybe you can demand others do the same. You are no Saint; So get off your high horse you hypocrite
Quote:Please post a link to anywheres in these threads where I have insulted others for having feelings, or ridiculed them for trying to create something new and good that would serve not only the person doing the creating, but many others as well.
Quote:fix your own behavior before you start making demands, of me or anyone else. I actually feel a little bit sorry for you, too. I have a feeling that in real life you are a rather lonely person.
No? I didnt think so. Welp..... here's my closing sentiment. May the pain you people so enjoy watching, not to mention dishing out, come back home to roost one of these days.