18 -
Thank you @Darkmire, that was awesome. You put together a team that made it look easy and it was a blast. I got my Marshal Badge, Archvillain Badge, and had a blast doing it. I cant get over how fast that went. *Hug*
Quote:Awesome, thank you. I'll definitely be their and try. Ether way, I'll be trying to get in or start a LRSF Sunday at 8pm ET (11pm Pacific where I'm at lol), so if you can help I hope to see you their. Thank youI think Cien_Fuegos runs a regular LRSF Sunday nights at 8pm ET.
Okay, I'll try to keep an eye out for you guys. Thank you. My Global is @Angels' Dawn
Thank you, I have been using Virtue TFs 2010, but I have not been using the other channels. I have been using the search but most choke when I mention LRSF. With Broadcast and Request, (I guess there is a trend lately to not flag oneself Looking For Team much less Looking For Strike Force) I get about half a team but then it turns into get one, loose one on people dropping. I've been through this before on other things, and I know it will eventually happen If I don't give up. But It might take many more months with the luck I've been having. My villain group is really small (mostly real life friends with few high levels) and has not been able to help me. I guess I was just hoping that someone in the community might know of a run coming up, or could help. I'll keep asking and trying.
I have been trying to do the LRSF with my Willpower/Dual Blades brute for a while now. I can never seem to find a team or get one started. I really want it for the Marshal accolade and the Archvillain badge. Does anyone know of any LRSF runs? If so, when, if not, does anyone know when the best time to try and start a team is? I am really getting frustrated trying and would appreciate any help anyone could offer.
Thank you -
Last part of the ITF, and less than 1/5th a bubble to level 50 on my Demon Mastermind. What are the odds lol
Green light, everything is working as intended. No red light, nothing to check out, nothing to see here. Move along :P
Virtue back up, log in, virtue back down. Bad Hamtaro :P
Well, the very last weekend of April is here. It is now Friday and we still have no Demon Mastermind. Unless they are going to work on the weekend or release it in the middle of the day I guess we are not getting a weekend in April to play. At this point Im thinking they meant they were going to be releasing it (exclusively) on the test servers in April lol
It should be soon, and Ill still be checking every day myself, but still I hope next weekend in May Im in game and not here -
Well, its the 20th so two thirds of the month is down. We should be in the home stretch now. I have just been playing my dual pistols casually to kill time but she is just crossing over into the 40s I wonder how much of a head start my Demon Mastermind will get.
Oh well, they did say sometime in April but if I would have known it was going to be pushed so far into the tail end of the month I would have waited and just made a Praetorian Character. Thats probably the point. Im the one who couldnt wait to play my new mastermind; I only have my self to blame. Oh well, I have the test server and it is getting to the end of the month lol -
Compared to the hype, I defiantly dont feel the love as a player that was excited about the promise of customization. Im not asking to make my minions look like different robots, but even Zombie masterminds can change the color of summoning them in at least. How come I cant have solid black bots or at least have them come in to play with some style. So because of my power set Im not important enough to get any attention? I would just like to know its at least getting worked on and not shoved so far on the back burner that there is no hope.
Traps the changes you can make are not even noticeable for few traps I have and like most masterminds most of my powers are into my minions.
Hi, I play Gidget on Virtue. I love Robot Trap Masterminds and I play one as my main character. I didnt feel the love with issue 16 and if you have ever gone in to an image designer with a Robot Traps Mastermind since issue 16 you will see why. It has been a while and I still have not seen any attention given to my beloved class. Are there any plans to give Robot Traps some individuality and attention?
Has anyone heard anything solid? -
Shoot, I got laid off and was a couple days late on my account. Now I lost my pacts with my daughter and brother. I hate to tell my daughter they killed out leveling pact because I was a few days late.
I think the Gamespot Review said it best; the following is a quote from their article.
Because the entire game has been reduced to attempts to "boss farm" your way to level 50. It's become difficult to find teams of your own level even on the two active servers.
Many players now refuse to play "door missions" or story based AE missions -where group coordination is required to win. Players who have no clue how to build a solid toon, or get along with others, usually never made it to level 50. Now they are everywhere. Spreading impatience and selfishness into a once highly cooperative MMO community.
Here is the link to the full review.
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/cityo...html?id=675323 -
Come up with a stronger reason to hold the Arbiter title for something else and suggest an alternative badge title then.
Off the top of my head:
Arbiters are supposed to be above the Arachnos hierarchy, their loyalty to the organization beyond reproach. Giving away the title, even in what amounts to an honorary version, cheapens the role. Arbiter should be saved for a more meaningful use. If Going Rogue uses the idea that Villains who never change sides gain a special status (as was suggested in the Marketing survey last year), Arbiter could instead be used as an Accolade, granted for remaining a villain and gaining several hard won badges that show repeated loyalty to Arachnos.
Instead the badge for "Thus Spoke the Reichsman" could be Tyrant's Fist, Bane of the Reich, or something else appropriate for defeating this powerful foe.
[/ QUOTE ]
One of the Arbiters! I can feel the flames and they are warm, but dont torch me for having this opinion
I think it would be cool as a title for Vett class Arachnos who stay loyal.
I thought it would be fun to have a place for character inroductions as short or long as you would like
Gidget-Robotics Mastermind-On Virtue
"I love my bots, they are like my children, and just like a child, you can always make another "
All thats known about Gidget: She was born somewhere in the Rogue Isles. No one knows for sure who her parents are; she was raised as an orphan in the streets. She learned early on that not everyone is privileged enough to have a hero come and magically save them, like a knight in shining armor. No, it was ingrained in her that there are only two classes in the world. There are those who get stepped on and those who do the stepping. Gidget was not going to be one of the ones getting stepped on. She knows life is not fair, and if you need something sometimes you have to just take it. To her reputation is a tool, if she says something she always means it. Her word is always good as she has seen if you lie its bad for business and makes it where no one will take you seriously, or respect you. She seems to have an innate gift for technology no one can quite explain why. She has had no formal schooling, yet she seems to almost been born speaking binary and can work and rework electronics with her eyes closed. Her unearthly aptitude for electronics and machines has assured she will not be one of the people getting stepped on. The Archons and the other residents have made sure that there are no shortage of spare parts and toys for Gidget to play with. No one knows when Gidget was born but when she was about 6 she built her first real friend Gadget. By the time she was about 8 she had upgraded him. Later with Gadgets assistance she built herself a home somewhere under the Isles and had a small army of robot friends. She even made her minions spare bodies to upload themselves to if they get their bodies destroyed. All her minions backup there memories daily. By the time she hit her 20s she helped fund the Gearheads, an elite group of villains with access to the most advanced tech and wepons underground (or above). Crey is offering a reward for anyone who can locate their base and its rumored that is where Gidget stored her offsite backup for her projects and their memories. Gidget seems to never go anywhere without at least 6 of her friends nearby and she always has a quick plan of egress. There is even a rumor that she has found a way to upload the human brain and has made a hybrid cyborg body of some kind for herself. According to the rumors it is fully functional and she is all but immortal just uploading herself like she does her minions. The only true way to find more on Gidget would be to get close to her. It is note worthy that her genius only seems to relate to electronics, engineering, and for some reason how the electrons in the human brain work.