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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    This seemed like the smallest Iso launch since the first. Do we have about 17 or 18?
    I blame the start of school. I run 125 campuses and I'm scrambling to get everything up and running by next week.
  2. I would imagine that common locations would not count (marketplace and so on) but that ones specific to one side and not the other may?
  3. I havent had a chance to read up on the new changes, but if i'm understanding this the system works like this:

    1. If I cant get caught up I may as well not join until 20 when everyone leaves the zone since I cannot get in otherwise?
    2. If this is the case I cannot have a straight hero/villian, I need to be a hybrid? Or are we doing mostly Blue side this run?
  4. hrm,

    Elec/cold troller or kin/will brute? are any of these any good?
  5. ah crap. That does mean a whole new batch of day jobs doesnt it? Just when I finished them up.
  6. I'm not going to make it tonight, I'll be working late :/
  7. I will miss the next few runs. Work is running long and I'll be in Peru a week as well.
  8. I have no idea what i'm bringing
  9. I should be off work in time for this tonight.
  10. I'm a maybe. I have to see what is going on that day
  11. I may be interested depending on my schedule
  12. I think half if not more of those deaths were mine.
  13. I was late and got to 9. I cant imagine how slow our team would be with our vet attacks. It seems Toril and I are wonder twins. He and I will have to coordinate costumes I suppose.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by texaslonghorne View Post
    just re-activate, god help me.
  15. I also finally got 3 kinds of VPN configured to my house so I can bypass the work content filter. I should be around the boards a little more now.
  16. I'm in however it looks like i'll be missing the first run due to an afterwork meeting. I'm either bring a crab or Brute. Something that can melee and take a beating in the long run.
  17. Horatus


    I'm 48. I was called away by a lady friend for free sushi and entertanment early in the night. If that was our last run i'll go and finish off to 50
  18. I'll be late. I was informed that I have an art festival to attend too.