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O Hai, players!
Yes, yes you can has! O RLY? YA RLY! So dust off your Fig Leaves and YATTA! your way out and Get Down to Pocket D on the Virtue Server! If not, you may end up Forever Alone. You can find us doing a barrel roll on the floor across from all your base portals.
If you haven't guessed, this month's costume contest theme is MEMES!
If you don't know what a meme is or if you're looking for inspiration, help yourself! (WARNING: Portions of this site MAY NOT be appropriate for work)
So, break out your three wolf moon shirts, your lolcat gear, your goggles (which may or may not do nothing) and your shoes (OMG shoes!).
However, the details of this are serious business, so you will need to know the steps to follow.
1. Design a costume representing a meme.
2. Be in Pocket D on the Virtue server on June 28, 2012
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!*
You will be judged by Ryan "Viridian" Greene and Jeff "One does not simply Arbiter Hawk into Grandville" Hamilton and we'll be streaming the contest LIVE! on Twitch.TV!
The contest will be held Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. PDT (2:00 p.m. EDT; 7:00 p.m. BST) and 6:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. EDT; 2:00 a.m. BST on Friday, June 29). Be there or Zwillinger will be stealingz your bukkit!
*profit not guaranteed -
O Hai, players!
Yes, yes you can has! O RLY? YA RLY! So dust off your Fig Leaves and YATTA! your way out and Get Down to Pocket D on the Virtue Server! If not, you may end up Forever Alone. You can find us doing a barrel roll on the floor across from all your base portals.
If you haven't guessed, this month's costume contest theme is MEMES!
If you don't know what a meme is or if you're looking for inspiration, help yourself!
So, break out your three wolf moon shirts, your lolcat gear, your goggles (which may or may not do nothing) and your shoes (OMG shoes!).
However, the details of this are serious business, so you will need to know the steps to follow.
1. Design a costume representing a meme.
2. Be in Pocket D on the Virtue server on June 28, 2012
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!*
You will be judged by Ryan "Viridian" Greene and Jeff "One does not simply Arbiter Hawk into Grandville" Hamilton
The contest will be held Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. PDT (2:00 p.m. EDT; 7:00 p.m. BST) and 6:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. EDT; 2:00 a.m. BST on Friday, June 29). Be there or Zwillinger will be stealingz your bukkit!
*profit not guaranteed
Discuss the meme costume contest here! -
The feedback we've gained thus far has been very helpful. Thank you everyone.
We have an open line of communication with the good people at Twitch.TV so we'll be sending them some of the feedback you guys have had.
One of the things we've requested is a "Q" emoticon -
Paragon Studios is coming to you live via the Interwebz on our all new Twitch.TV channel! We're super excited to unveil this new Community channel and our many evil plots and schemes with how we're going to achieve complete global domination through it. Whether showcasing new content, featuring player-created content in Mission Architect or some awesome Supergroup Bases, we plan on bringing you regular and entertaining looks at your favorite Super Heroic MMORPG, City of Heroes Freedom! Not able to watch at home? You can download the Twitch.TV mobile app for your iOS or Android devices and stream all of the great content on the go!
If you can't join us live, the streams will be archived at Twitch.TV or on our YouTube channel
"But wait, you've already got your Ustream channel! Does this mean you're switching?"
Yes, we'll be provisionally switching all of our live broadcasting from Ustream to Twitch.TV. This means that our Weekly Community Coffee Talks will be hosted on Twitch every Wednesday at 10:30AM Pacific/1:30PM Eastern. So please be sure to update your bookmarks and check your social calendar! To kick off our first ever Twitch.TV Coffee Talk, our special guest will be Leo "Honey Badger" Braz da Cunha! We'll be showing off the new Water Blast power set and asking Honey Badger if he intended for everyone to constantly need to bio break when he was creating the effects.
We'll see everyone on Twitch.TV! -
Paragon Studios is coming to you live via the Interwebz on our all new Twitch.TV channel! We're super excited to unveil this new Community channel and our many evil plots and schemes with how we're going to achieve complete global domination through it. Whether showcasing new content, featuring player-created content in Mission Architect or some awesome Supergroup Bases, we plan on bringing you regular and entertaining looks at your favorite Super Heroic MMORPG, City of Heroes Freedom! Not able to watch at home? You can download the Twitch.TV mobile app for your iOS or Android devices and stream all of the great content on the go!
If you can't join us live, the streams will be archived at Twitch.TV or on our YouTube channel
"But wait, you've already got your Ustream channel! Does this mean you're switching?"
Yes, we'll be provisionally switching all of our live broadcasting from Ustream to Twitch.TV. This means that our Weekly Community Coffee Talks will be hosted on Twitch every Wednesday at 10:30AM Pacific/1:30PM Eastern. So please be sure to update your bookmarks and check your social calendar! To kick off our first ever Twitch.TV Coffee Talk, our special guest will be Leo "Honey Badger" Braz da Cunha! We'll be showing off the new Water Blast power set and asking Honey Badger if he intended for everyone to constantly need to bio break when he was creating the effects.
We'll see everyone on Twitch.TV!
Join the discussion about Twitch here! -
Josh Augustine @ PC Gamer had a conversation with Associate Producer, Eric "Clockwork O1" Johnson about the Retro Sci-Fi costume set!
Quote:PCG: What’s your personal favorite piece of the new Retro Sci-fi costume set?
EJ: The Jetpacks, I don’t know why, but they just really seem to capture the spirit of the set and the source material in my mind. -
Josh Augustine @ PC Gamer had a conversation with Associate Producer, Eric "Clockwork O1" Johnson about the Retro Sci-Fi costume set!
Quote:Discuss this article here!PCG: What’s your personal favorite piece of the new Retro Sci-fi costume set?
EJ: The Jetpacks, I don’t know why, but they just really seem to capture the spirit of the set and the source material in my mind. -
We are aware of an issue regarding icons not displaying correctly in the Paragon Market for the new Retro Sci-Fi pieces. While the icons may not match up, the pieces in the costume creator are not affected.
Thank you! -
Thanks for the find.
New featured items in the Paragon Market®!
Bundle: Retro Sci-Fi Costume Pieces New!
Strap on a bubble helmet and rocket pack with classic futuristic flair! The BUNDLE: Retro Sci-Fi Costume Pieces contains a collection of 35 costume pieces and weapons inspired by the Golden Age of Sci-Fi at a cumulative discount. Weapons include 4 Pistols for Dual Pistols / Thugs Mastermind and 2 Rifles for Arachnos Soldier / Assault Rifle / Beam Rifle characters.
Market Location:
Paragon Picks > Featured
Paragon Picks > New
Costumes > Costume Sets > Costume Bundles
Price: 400 Paragon Points
Beam Rifle Power Set
Price: 800 Paragon Points - 25% = 600 Paragon Points!
Rocket Board
Price: 600 Paragon Points - 25% = 450 Paragon Points!
Think Tank Head
Price: 200 Paragon Points!
Additional Sale Items at the Paragon Parket®!
Costume Slots
Price: 600 Paragon Points - 25% = 600 Paragon Points!
BUNDLE: Cyborg Costume Pieces
Price: 400 Paragon Points - 25% = 300 Paragon Points!
Set: Freebird (Rare)
Price: 456 Paragon Points - 25% = 342 Paragon Points!
Vanguard MVAS Pet
Price: 350 Paragon Points - 25% = 263 Paragon Points!
Join the discussions about the new market offerings here! -
New featured items in the Paragon Market®!
Bundle: Retro Sci-Fi Costume Pieces New!
Strap on a bubble helmet and rocket pack with classic futuristic flair! The BUNDLE: Retro Sci-Fi Costume Pieces contains a collection of 35 costume pieces and weapons inspired by the Golden Age of Sci-Fi at a cumulative discount. Weapons include 4 Pistols for Dual Pistols / Thugs Mastermind and 2 Rifles for Arachnos Soldier / Assault Rifle / Beam Rifle characters.
Market Location:
Paragon Picks > Featured
Paragon Picks > New
Costumes > Costume Sets > Costume Bundles
Price: 400 Paragon Points
Beam Rifle Power Set
Price: 800 Paragon Points - 25% = 600 Paragon Points!
Rocket Board
Price: 600 Paragon Points - 25% = 450 Paragon Points!
Think Tank Head
Price: 200 Paragon Points!
Additional Sale Items at the Paragon Parket®!
Costume Slots
Price: 600 Paragon Points - 25% = 600 Paragon Points!
BUNDLE: Cyborg Costume Pieces
Price: 400 Paragon Points - 25% = 300 Paragon Points!
Set: Freebird (Rare)
Price: 456 Paragon Points - 25% = 342 Paragon Points!
Vanguard MVAS Pet
Price: 350 Paragon Points - 25% = 263 Paragon Points! -
Caption this excellent photo of "Fezitron!" This last weekend, Matt "Positron" Miller attended a wedding where the theme was "Victorian/steampunk" and, as you can see here, he arrived in style - complete with fez!
I appreciate the "pass" DK
We have to do articles from two perspectives. On one hand, we have to give insight into the process for the current users - which is why we do Ustream and Freedom Fridays on Facebook but we also want to do pieces like this where we're able to reach out to a much larger audience on sites like Massively, PC Gamer, MMORPG, OnRPG etc.
Sorry if this isn't "news" to you but hopefully it does its purpose of getting new people to join the game or getting someone who's played in the past stoked about the new content.
-HS -
Massively scored exclusive insight from Jeff "Arbiter Hawk" Hamilton about the new Magisterium trial in Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie
Quote:The Magesterium incarnate trial is arguably the centerpiece of Issue 23, and Associate Designer Jeff Hamilton flew in to give us the skinny on this chaotic fight. You can get all the details on the Magisterium as well as an exclusive sneak peek at images from the fight, all after the jump! -
Massively scored exclusive insight from Jeff "Arbiter Hawk" Hamilton about the new Magisterium trial in Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie
Quote:Share your thoughts on this article here!The Magesterium incarnate trial is arguably the centerpiece of Issue 23, and Associate Designer Jeff Hamilton flew in to give us the skinny on this chaotic fight. You can get all the details on the Magisterium as well as an exclusive sneak peek at images from the fight, all after the jump! -
Has there been any word on where he's going?
If you weren't able to visit us for the City of Heroes Player Summit last month or if you're just wondering what we've been up to since then, you'll want to read this article by Josh Augustine at PC Gamer. Josh has images of the concept art by David "Noble Savage" Nakayama for the player-created Post-Apocalyptic costume set and updates to the player-created power set, Radiation Armor from Phil Synapse Zeleski!
http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/05/30/pl...heroes-summit/ -
If you weren't able to visit us for the City of Heroes Player Summit last month or if you're just wondering what we've been up to since then, you'll want to read this article by Josh Augustine at PC Gamer. Josh has images of the concept art by David "Noble Savage" Nakayama for the player-created Post-Apocalyptic costume set and updates to the player-created power set, Radiation Armor from Phil “Synapse” Zeleski!
Join the discussion about this PC Gamer article here! -
If you weren't able to visit us for the City of Heroes Player Summit last month or if you're just wondering what we've been up to since then, you'll want to read this article by Josh Augustine at PC Gamer. Josh has images of the concept art by David "Noble Savage" Nakayama for the player-created Post-Apocalyptic costume set and updates to the player-created power set, Radiation Armor from Phil Synapse Zeleski!
http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/05/30/pl...heroes-summit/ -
To be clear, ten is the limit on the number of people who can be talking with us at any given time. I don't believe there's a limit on the number of people who can be observing. We have manual control over who's chatting with us and who's watching, so we'll do our best to move people in and out.
We're always looking for new and exciting ways to engage our fans. In addition to traditional methods like the City of Heroes website and community forums, we currently post news updates on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and we host a weekly Community Coffee Talk on Ustream where we have casual chats with the City of Heroes developers. We do our best to make sure that no matter what medium you choose, you're always getting the latest information about City of Heroes Freedom.
The City of Heroes Player Summit gives our fans the opportunity to have face to face conversations with the people behind City of Heroes but we can't do those every week, and not everyone can attend. This brigs us to Google+ Hangouts. We love the idea of being able to have real-time, two-way dialogues with our fans and this gives us the opportunity to have this. By joining a G+ Hangout, you'll have a chance to talk to the developers of the game you love: City of Heroes Freedom!
Our first Google+ Hangout will be Thursday, May 31st at 5:30PM PDT.
In order for you to join us for a Hangout, you'll first need a Google+ account. You can get one here.
Google+ uses "Circles" to help you organize your friends, family and favorite things. You'll need to have us in a Circle in order to join us for a hangout. Simply click "Follow" at the top of our page to add us to a circle.
Right now, Google+ limits people who can chat with us to ten, so we'll do our best to rotate people in and out so everyone gets a shot to have their voice heard.
If you want to enjoy the Hangout without creating a Google+ account, that's fine too! You can join us on our YouTube page as we're chatting. You won't be able to interact with us, but you will be able to watch in real-time.
We'd love to hear your feedback on the Google+ Hangouts. Join the discussion. -
We're always looking for new and exciting ways to engage our fans. In addition to traditional methods like the City of Heroes website and community forums, we currently post news updates on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and we host a weekly Community Coffee Talk on Ustream where we have casual chats with the City of Heroes developers. We do our best to make sure that no matter what medium you choose, you're always getting the latest information about City of Heroes Freedom.
The City of Heroes Player Summit gives our fans the opportunity to have face to face conversations with the people behind City of Heroes but we can't do those every week, and not everyone can attend. This brigs us to Google+ Hangouts. We love the idea of being able to have real-time, two-way dialogues with our fans and this gives us the opportunity to have this. By joining a G+ Hangout, you'll have a chance to talk to the developers of the game you love: City of Heroes Freedom!
Our first Google+ Hangout will be Thursday, May 31st at 5:30PM PDT.
In order for you to join us for a Hangout, you'll first need a Google+ account. You can get one here.
Google+ uses "Circles" to help you organize your friends, family and favorite things. You'll need to have us in a Circle in order to join us for a hangout. Simply click "Follow" at the top of our page to add us to a circle.
Right now, Google+ limits people who can chat with us to ten, so we'll do our best to rotate people in and out so everyone gets a shot to have their voice heard.
If you want to enjoy the Hangout without creating a Google+ account, that's fine too! You can join us on our YouTube page as we're chatting. You won't be able to interact with us, but you will be able to watch in real-time. -
It's been taken care of. Thanks