Paragon Studios Hangouts on Google+

Hit Streak



We're always looking for new and exciting ways to engage our fans. In addition to traditional methods like the City of Heroes website and community forums, we currently post news updates on Facebook, Twitter and Google+™ and we host a weekly Community Coffee Talk on Ustream where we have casual chats with the City of Heroes developers. We do our best to make sure that no matter what medium you choose, you're always getting the latest information about City of Heroes Freedom.

The City of Heroes Player Summit gives our fans the opportunity to have face to face conversations with the people behind City of Heroes but we can't do those every week, and not everyone can attend. This brigs us to Google+ Hangouts. We love the idea of being able to have real-time, two-way dialogues with our fans and this gives us the opportunity to have this. By joining a G+ Hangout, you'll have a chance to talk to the developers of the game you love: City of Heroes Freedom!

Our first Google+ Hangout will be Thursday, May 31st at 5:30PM PDT.

In order for you to join us for a Hangout, you'll first need a Google+ account. You can get one here.

Google+ uses "Circles" to help you organize your friends, family and favorite things. You'll need to have us in a Circle in order to join us for a hangout. Simply click "Follow" at the top of our page to add us to a circle.

Right now, Google+ limits people who can chat with us to ten, so we'll do our best to rotate people in and out so everyone gets a shot to have their voice heard.

If you want to enjoy the Hangout without creating a Google+ account, that's fine too! You can join us on our YouTube page as we're chatting. You won't be able to interact with us, but you will be able to watch in real-time.

We'd love to hear your feedback on the Google+ Hangouts. Join the discussion.

Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios

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