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  1. Hibernia


    Ohhhh a nice comfy lounge , sweet.

    Hi troops

    Edit - No EU moniker , i am a bit surprised and not to say happy at that
  2. Hibernia

    Playing abroad

    I thought the thread title was "Playing Around" ! , that got me in and now i see my error

    Saying that have a great time and i also reckon that Double XP or not your mad to think about anything other than where you are , playing around might even be an option?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the reply guys.

    Got back on.

    Maybe I jut imagined it all because of my lack of sleep

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No , your not imagining. Tuesday morning at 8 is a semi regular maintenance time. I got forceibly kicked at 8 as well though at 7.55 a message flashed up to say servers were going down so i was expecting it.

    They say it could happen every day from 8-10 but usually it's once a week and usually i find it's a Tuesday recently.
  4. I like my Empath Medi-Kate best as far as names go.

    For a Villain , i had a Firey female Brute called Flaming Nora but i deleted her unfortunatly and someone else has her now

    Huge Leccy Bill for my Elec/Elec brutes had some nice comments.
  5. Mmmm , i just seemed to have it in my head that Tuesday was Maintenence day and if it happened any other day it was an emergancy or just bad luck if you got caught.
  6. Bit unusual on a Friday morning though , granted they can do it every morning if they like but it still caught me by surprise. Logged on at 3 mins to 8 and started a respec only to get foreceibly booted out at 8am on the dot.

    Not sure where that leaves me when i log back in after work tonight ?
  7. Been slogging through my Sonic/Rad Defender (at least it feels like a slog) to lvl 31 and just wondering does it get more...anything...really with my remaining primarry/secondery powers still to come?

    Getting really fed up constantly spaming my 2 shields and having to re spam the one on the tank every time i get mezzed and everytime i fire off my rad AOE's i become a squihy agro magnet

    I've tried FF twice to mid 20's and gave up but trying to stick with the Sonic Shields longer , just thinking Rad as my secondery may have been a mistake?

    Thing is i love my Rad trollers , got 3 of em and thought it be similar on a Defender but seems not to be

    Any words of encouragement appreciated from Rady Defenders out there
  8. Hibernia

    Price changes?

    You know last time a few weeks ago i bought 5 more slots i'm sure it was the other way round. On the screen it said something like 17.99 but when i got through to pay pal i was only charged 11.99 or something similar?
  9. My mains Hibernia , been around since launch day and no intention of going anywhere.

    Met a lot of great people in game and wouldn't trade this game for another.
  10. Hibernia

    pb or warshade

    A most excellent thread and thanks very much to the OP for posting this guide.....as it's lead to great advice from poeple who actually seem to have played a Kheldan and has re-kindled my desire to dust of my 23 WS and give it another whirl
  11. Hibernia

    Gratz to sing

    Gratz on another 50 Villain Sing
  12. Gratz gang and ty Sing for the leadership and organization.

    Was a very fun run ,had no idea you could get to 50 so quick but still have fun getting there

    Managed a few complete Arcs which in 4 years of playing i'd never managed before!
  13. Gratz to everyone on hitting 50 now!

    Now that we've all hit 50 i think i'm gonna be playing more on my regualr SG which i've been missing out on a lot of over the last 6 weeks but will keep an eye on here for any special events that maybe planned.

    Thanks to everyone (specially my buddy partner Flames and our boss Sing) for a very interesting and fun 6 week experience
  14. Lol , i should have read this first before logging on.

    I hung around for a while and loaded up my second build with Stamina etc by ditching Leadership pool , really hating running out of Stamina mid battle and missing on the odd AM. Will try this biuld on Sunday and see how it plays for a while.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Gonna go for a STF speed run at some point? Did an all fire/rad one a few months ago, would be good to hear how quick an expert (and well practiced) team of fire/rads can do this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is he talking about us...can't be surely he used the word "expert"

    Gratz on the 50's last night guys , don't think i can make tonight , at least not till later so will defo cya's on Sunday.
  16. Twas a shade quite last night. I believe the boss was a shade inebriated and in no state to play

    Hopefully cya's Sunday
  17. Sorry on that last mish , i spent ages on loading screen then crashed then had to verify files before i could restart game and since i was going out at 9 i just gave up

    ITF was great fun and the end was easier than i thought it would be. Mind and check out your new Roman cozzie in Icon Treagy

    Cya's tonight.
  18. Sorry i tried but like Sing couldn't even log in. Eventually made it at 8 but a bit late to do anything.

    Looking in the tech forum seems a lot of peeps had a similar problem last night.

    Hopefully cya's on Sunday.
  19. I think Friday was mentioned but it does seem a day most struggle to get online with so maybe Sunday is best.

    Saying that if i get home in time for 6 i will probably pop on and see if we've enough for a team
  20. Enjoy your experience in India MrWallace and of course you can't neglet your wife even for short bouts of gaming

    Get her to take your place when your away or is she unfortunatly the "non-gaming" type of wife
  21. Short and sweet last night , roll on Sunday

    I missed my pact buddy

    On the plus side with the extra time last night i dinged 50 on Onion
  22. Sounds ok to me. Will be on Fri/Sun/Mon/Tue as far as i can tell at the moment.

    If we get a bit of a split in lvls it won't take long for those to catch up , specially if we can do a TF on Monday maybe? On at 6 i would have till 10 then.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I made it online just after 7 so probably just missed Judgement_Dave. I picked up the FF cozzie slot but have not complete it yet. Was feeling a bit played out.
    I worked out that I was online for about 43 hours over the 3 day,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol , that's what i thought , peeps were just a bit played out. I got the cozzie slot mish as well then couldn't be bothered killing them so just dropped it , can help complete it tonight though as there will be a few needing it out of the way probably.
  24. Pooped on last night for 40 mins but just 2 off us there and reckoned most were CoX'd out after the weekend xp blitz

    Caught up on some enhancing and sorted out my second build and found Tina MacIntyre is easily available in PI by just clicking on her so we're sorted when arriving there.

    Hope to cya's tonight.