
Forum Cartel
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  1. HexGirl

    Coyote Storm WIP

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    That is awesome, can't wait to see the finished piece.

    There must be a virus floating around the boards cause everyone seems to be getting some attention coughs. :P

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    /southernbelle accent

    Why Sir, I am entirely sincere when I say I do not know what you are referrin' to.
  2. HexGirl

    Coyote Storm WIP

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    Here is Coyote Storm..(aka Grae Knight)
    Penciled by GNF
    Soon to be inked and colored..

    Coyote Storm-Pencils

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    Holy...thats in-fricken-sane man. Nice job!


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    You won't be getting freebies outta him hun.
  3. HexGirl


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    I hate you all!

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    Just a warning, don't hate the artists else they may be tempted to withold art.

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    lol i think they all know better then that hun!

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    I don't. Until you admit you love me, I am witholding that art you wanted!
  4. HexGirl

    Coyote Storm WIP

    Very nice!

    *is jealous*
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    MMMmmmmmm.... she's tasty... very good job with the piece!

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    *hands Prof a cloth to wipe up the drool*

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    I am SO not drooling...

    ... besides, that's what the beard's for...

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    Pssssst. Prof.... I can see that
  6. HexGirl


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    I hate you all!

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    No you don't. You love me
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    MMMmmmmmm.... she's tasty... very good job with the piece!

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    *hands Prof a cloth to wipe up the drool*
  8. HexGirl

    Issue #15

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    Man I wrote this long post about how I thought the art in issue #15 left much to be desired and that the fan art greatly out shined the actual comic book art...but I lost it. That basically sums it up tho. Did anyone else think the same thing or am I tripping?

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    I have to agree Gill. It's kinda sad when I can look at a professionally done comic and take one of the characters and improve upon it, since I'm not exactly a good artist by any means.
  9. HexGirl


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    Oooo this looks REALLY good!! I LOOOOOVE the feet!!! And her face is great, they eyes are perfectly intense.

    I would second Graver about rotating the piccy a little, she does look a tad bit off kilter

    Hit me up if you ever wanna do a trade!

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    Shut up! I didn't have that much to drink...honestly. *hiccup*

    Did the room start spinning just now?
  10. HexGirl


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    Yes, and I don't think i'll be putting them on my private art page where all the JUICY stuff is :P

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    No way. We definitely have to keep that all private now. I won't post it in my gallery either
  11. HexGirl

    TA (inked)

    Awww he's so harmless looking!

    Can I take him home and cuddle him?
  12. HexGirl


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    So here I am again but this time the Motherboard has went on my computer!

    I had it replaced but after 10 minutes of the computer being on that mother board fried too!

    *le sigh*

    So he's getting another one hopefully tomorrow and then testing all the components to find the problem. I am thinking the power supply.

    So I have been out of commission at home since Thursday morning, what have I missed?

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    You missed a whole big thread where people drew art of you...But a lot of it was suggestive so the Devs deleted it...Sorry!

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    Ya that was a good thread. Especially after they started adding naked sketches of Kat, Rowr and I
  13. HexGirl


    Lots of Sexy Parties!
  14. HexGirl


    Ohhhhhh I likey!

    Thanks bundles!!!
  15. Looking real good. The fur looks awesome.
  16. HexGirl

    Satan's Priest

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    Hey, SuperMaoriFulla, feel free to play around with it in Photoshop if you like, my digital coloring skills are horrible so I don't even bother lol.

    Hexgirl and Migrayne, I'll see if I can find a cure for your contagious cough, it just might take a while...

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    I'm feeling better already!
  17. hmmmm. I'll have to look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow...but it looks good!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Nude or otherwise, I don't mind

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    Hey you!

    *points at sig*

    I'm going to stop being subtle soon
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Nah... That screenie I posted of a Hellion in... err... compromising position... that wasn't even noticed here. Posted it in a thread in CoH General and I got a few pm's about depravity and 'please think of the children' and such.

    Funny no?

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    really? now THAT'S funny...people are such strage ducks sometimes...lol

    yet another reason to stay here and abandon the other...."think of the childeren" *chuckles more*~

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    No, This is a strange duck!
  20. HexGirl

    Satan's Priest

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    Satan's Priest is one of the latest toon I've been playing with so I decided to do a sketch. I did this in pen, I have problems drawing with pencil, lol. Anyway, he hasn't reached lvl 32 yet, but one can hope.

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    That is really good hun.

    If you feel like sketching something else *coughs and points to sig*
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    she's subtle and nekid! *new avatar for hex...or new to me at least*~

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    Yes new avatar. Thought it had been damn long enough.

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    . . . . . . . . . .I like the other one better. It's not, um. . . Nude.

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    How the hell do you know this one is? You can only see the top of the breast and up. Hell I can do that in game with a character.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    she's subtle and nekid! *new avatar for hex...or new to me at least*~

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    Yes new avatar. Thought it had been damn long enough.
  23. It makes me want to do something horrible and go watch other old things like...

    Peanut butter jelly
    The F word
    Banana Phone and so on.
