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  1. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post

    HAHAHAH <3
    ((Fixed. ))
  2. ((When I got CoH two months or so after it launched, my computer gaming experience was limited to Wolfenstein, Morrowind, Freedom Force, and some SIMS. I had never played an MMORPG. I brought CoH home and installed it, and within minutes after installation, I was feeling superheroic patrolling the streets of Paragon City. The immersion was incredible. The controls were intuitive and the graphics were clear, even on that old computer I had at the time.

    CO... I played for a couple months in closed beta and again in open beta, and did not experience any of that. It wasn't enjoyable for me. Some people love it, and I hope it gives them the hours of enjoyment that CoH has given me.

    The only way I'd move to it from CoH is if most of the players I know on Virtue go there.))
  3. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
    Its..its..look its Virtue!! as the Man once said, 'Nuff said!

    and I sent you an e-mail, Sorah...
    ((It's Bradders' kegger! All the guys give him a high five and a man-hug and all the girls give him a kiss and a girl-hug! Wooooohooooo!

    /em gets piss drunk

    Yeeeah! ))
  4. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    I'm confused. WTH is going on?
    ((Shhhh. Ronnie's singin'.

    /em holds beer in left hand, holds up lit bic with right.

    So won't you flyyyyyyyy hiiiiiiigh...))
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    1) Heroid, THX was a DAMN good movie! Granted, it's a storythat has been done before...BUT STILL! I think it was Lucas at his finest Loved that movie.

    2) I have no idea where that pic is from...he's Swedish I believe, the actor...last name is Skarsgard...whatever...he is flipping delicious and I would watch him read the dictionary. And I'm not even INTO blondes. That boy is just Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*breath*iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiine. Epic levels of delicious XD
    ((1. THX was a DAMN good movie, but it was done (miraculously, I might add) on a small budget, on a small scale. Probably why it's probably his best film -- he had to focus more on story than on effects.

    2. Yeah. We might start out like that, but we end up like this:

    That's his daddy. Genes will beat you every time. ))
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
    ....Oh god this has the horrible potential to spiral downhill into a 4chan /tg/ Scrooge McDuck thread.

    Seriously though? It will be kind of funny if Disney attempt to integrate their own into the setting. Ariel being orphaned as Triton is murdered by Namor, Scrooge and Norman Osborne taking over the world....



    ((And then... the darkest of all of the dark heroes of the Marvsney U. appears -- pistols blazing, showing no mercy -- gunning down all who stand in the way of his quest of justice and/or retribution. You know who I'm talking about -- the one too dark to be a Dark Avenger. The one you'd have to create the Dark, Dark Avengers for in order to harness his darkness. Who could be this dark? Frank Quackle -- the new Darkwing Duck!))
  7. ((This isn't like that scene at the end of the Full Monty, is it...?))
  8. ((All this talk of ducks and Marvel...

    Which side are you pulling for? ))
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    I enjoyed Howard the Duck. Thus you can rest assured that it was, indeed, a horrible film.
    ((Nothing wrong with loving a terrible movie or TV show. Sometimes, I'll even watch the Most Dangerous Night on Television. But I wouldn't call any of them "nice little movies". "Enchanted April" was a nice little movie. "Cousins" was a nice little movie. "The Man Who Fell to Earth" was a nice little movie. "THX 1138" was a nice little movie. "Howard the Duck" was a terrible movie and should not be used to define the character. If you enjoy watching it, that's cool. But I don't want people thinking that one of Steve Gerber's most brilliant ideas has any relation to the movie of the same name. And Howard the Duck was Steve Gerber's, no matter what Marvel did with it after Gerber left.))
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    ROFL Heroid are you okay? <_< if you've been drinking, that's no fair, you should've told me. I woulda joined ya :P
    ((Hey, it was Bradders that gave me the keg.))
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MOUT__ View Post
    It's a nice little movie from the 1980s which cast Lea Thompson (from the Back to the Future films, among other projects) in a romantic role.

    You should rent it. Really.
    ((WRONG! It was a terrible movie from the 1980's! Everyone involved with it should be ashamed!

    However, what Howard the Duck really was was an excellent Marvel Comics series from the mad typewriter of the late, great Steve Gerber with the lengendary Frank Brunner and Gene Colan on the art. One of the best comic book series ever. Truly a singular moment in comic book history. Howard was also the "All-Night Party" canditate for president in the 1976 presidential race. ))
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
    ((Also, now I KNOW I'm never going back to Marvel -- I'm still pissed off about the whole Bambi's mother thing.))
    ((Hey, piss didn't get censored! We can say piss on the boards! Piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss piss.

    Wow... that much pissing... it's like... such a relief.))
  13. ((Also, now I KNOW I'm never going back to Marvel -- I'm still pissed off about the whole Bambi's mother thing.))
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    That's what I was saying earlier, Heroid. :P

    Not only that, but a lot of regular money comes from convention. I've seen single artists go to a convention and make BANK. But it's also how they pay their taxes, they pay their mortgage, etc. As said, artists kinda get paid **** and unless you're contracted,there is no health insurance, dental, nada. :P
    ((Sorry -- I was drinking Bradder's keg as I was going through this thread earlier, and somehow misunderstood what you were saying as you thought that you'd look cute in a Minnie Mouse costume.

    But it's a point that needs to be made over and over in forums all over the internet. I'm not sure Diz is going to understand the culture they just bought into and the damage they could do there. ))
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlazingTiger View Post
    So does this mean that Disney will now own half the copyright to "Super Hero" As i was to understand that word is only allowed to be used by Marvel and DC to describe a super powered character with good moral intent. I fear it may usher in a new era of litigatigation...where as Marvel and DC can just use a posturing feignt to get others to back down and fold under the copyrighted material Disney has the money to seriously wound anyone that may tread the line.
    ((That's true too. The two companies do own the rights to "super hero". But they only own the rights to the two-word version. That's why we have superheroes now instead of super heroes.))
  16. ((It also occurs to me that if Diz decides that they own the work the artists create that it's going to have a disastrous effect on cons all over the country. I know for a fact that a lot of the artists pay for their con trips by selling previously published art at the cons. If they don't get their work back from the company, then it's not only a major loss of income for them, it might mean less pros at the cons.))
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    I wanna say something REALLY mean and "in-the-know" about one of the individuals you quotes, but I won't, because I shouldn't. *snickers*

    Anyway, like I said, give it 2 years to see what is going to ultimately happen.

    Personally? I think this is a nightmare, so do a lot of others I've spoken to about this.
    ((Hehe. I don't know 'em, I just thought their comments were interesting -- notice they sometimes contradict each other in their opinions -- so I posted them instead of my own unlearned opinion.

    Yeah, a couple years should tell us. But Diz does have a history of molding their properties into their own image. This could be the future...

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post

    This means I might have to start reading DC?

    My god. Sod it. I'll just stick to Hellboy and Gargoyles. There. No subversive media!

    ((Flea -- why aren't you reading Invincible!?! It would be perfect for you!

    And I'm not in-the-know enough to figure out exactly how the deal will affect the Marvel U. But I found these comments from Comic Book Resources very interesting.

    Dan Vado of SLG Publishing, home of Disney properties “Haunted Mansion,” “Tron,” and “Gargoyles,” among others

    NOTE: Despite being a Disney licensee, Vado wishes it to be known that he has no inside knowledge of the Marvel acquisition, and that his remarks should be taken strictly as his own opinions based on news reports.

    “Marvel is the big winner here. My opinion, Disney overpaid (and Disney never over pays for anything) so it is obvious that Disney sees a huge licensing bonanza from the characters well down the line. Marvel books will, at some point, gain a stronger bookstore distribution partner should they decide to have their books sold through Harper.

    “However it is worth pointing out that Disney does very little actual publishing of its own and has made most of its money by licensing characters out to third parties. It could be, again strictly conjecture here, that Marvel will end up being reduced to a licensing company and that its publishing will be scaled back dramatically as emphasis is put on content like movies and video games and less emphasis on things like publishing. Disney published its own line of comics years ago and pulled out. More recently they cut ‘Disney Adventures’ magazine, a publication with sales in the hundreds of thousands. So, seriously, publishing is not a big part of the equation here. I would expect publishing to scale back somewhat.”

    Vado continued, “Big loser here are Disney licensees who created original content for their books and the creators who created that content. As is standard with any licensing deal, Disney owns the material that is created under the license and can, if they choose, republish the content once those deals expire without compensating either the companies who paid for the content or the creators who created the original material. Again, this is not a Disney thing, it is fairly standard of all licensing deals. SLG published collections of the Marvel Comics’ ‘Bill & Ted’ comics and did not compensate them for the artwork.

    “While I am certain that the licensing deals which are in place will continue to their conclusion I have to wonder how some of the people who have jumped into the Disney Comics business will feel about creating new content for the company knowing that it all could become property of Disney/Marvel Comics at some point. Likewise, all Disney comic book licensees now get to feel dumb knowing that the money they are giving Disney is now also going to their biggest competitor in the field. As I said above, though, publishing is not a big part of the core Disney business so it is possible that even more licensing opportunities might open up.

    “I am not certain how much creator-owned material Marvel produces, but those deals will more than likely become a thing of the past.”

    Vado continued, “Another big loser could be Diamond and the Direct Market. It's now possible that Disney/Marvel will scale back on production, possibly focusing on cutting the line down to what it can actually manage to put out on time and just doing enough publishing to keep the characters in the public eye. It is also possible that Disney/Marvel might do all of their own distribution. In this regard the deal can be a huge game changer for everyone. Seriously, anything can happen at this point.

    “At minimum I would expect that Diamond Book Distribution will lose Marvel from its catalog as they will no doubt move to Harper.”
    Marv Wolfman, former Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief and former “Disney Adventures” editor

    “The first question I've been asked is whether they will move Marvel out west. I think there are people out here who are jumping up and down praying for that to happen. While that's always a possibility, off the cuff I would tend to doubt it. The reason I was only with ‘Disney Adventures’ for 4 1/2 years is that they moved their publishing from LA to New York and I wasn't willing to move back East with them. Then, a few years back, they moved some of that to either White Plains, MA or Vermont, I forget which right now and have no idea if they've moved elsewhere since. I can almost say with 100% certainty, that they would not move Marvel to the Disney lot. Hell, even ‘Disney Adventures’ was off lot. Disney TV and direct-to-DVD is not on the lot, either. It's too expensive to be located there. I would assume they'd leave Marvel where it is, although a year or three from now someone could decide to incorporate it into their division and move it to Rhode Island, for all we know. Although I doubt it. Again, it all depends which division Marvel will fall under and who is in charge and how much they want to control Marvel.”

    Wolfman continued, “Disney can certainly help Marvel in terms of distribution, awareness and sales. They can get Marvel Comics into the parks and over the net better than Marvel can. Disney's Internet presence is much greater than Marvel's. They have resources Marvel does not, and I expect in a year or two we'll start seeing the results of the sale. I think Disney will be a major plus on that side.

    “In the meantime, I assume they will leave the company as is, at least until they have an idea what they're doing with it. As far as the comics go, hopefully, they will leave Joe Quesada and company where they are and not interfere; they've creatively improved the Marvel Comics. Based on most of their Marvel Studios movies, they seem to have good people there, too. I'm not completely sure it was a wise purchase, but Disney is in the branding/franchise business and the Marvel brand is one of the largest in the world. Of course, everything will change if the Marvel characters fail at whatever Disney has planned.”

    Wolfman continued, “[Television is] actually one of the places I think we can expect to see Marvel material appear. Disney has not been able to put together as successful a boy's network as they have with girls. There has been no boy equivalent to either ‘Hannah Montana’ or ‘Secret Life of An American Girl.’ Their current boys’ network, which is supposed to have adventure shows, instead has primarily boy oriented sitcoms, but I personally don't believe boys care about those kind of shows the way girls do. Marvel would fit in very well here, providing they get back their contracts from the various networks that currently hold them. Before Disney spent 4 billion dollars, I'm certain they investigated all the properties down to the nth degree. Last time I spent 4 bil, I certainly did.”
    ((I know it's a lot of text, but I think they both make good points, and are both in a position to know a little something about how Diz does biz.))
  19. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Bradders View Post
    It's okay, duder, I brought a keg!

    Party on!
    ((Keggggggggger! Woooohooooooooo! Put on some Lynyrd Skynyrd and turn it up!))
  20. Heroid


    ((Saw you on for a minute or two last night before I had to afk for an hour. Good to seeya back! ))
  21. ((I hear Donald is finally going to achieve supermacy over Mickey in a major mega-event company-wide crossover called Duck Reign. ))
  22. ((Welcome back, QA! I remember you well!))

    Originally Posted by Bradders View Post
    I remember you, sir, you did some art and I have shot the breeze with members of your group from time to time.

    Welcome back.

    I, however, am leaving in two days! Seeya
    ((I know we don't rp much these days, but damn -- you're one of the finest people I've met online and I'm gonna miss you. ))
  23. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Bradders View Post
    So hey this thread got real interesting then real boring again in the space I was away from keyboard.

    So awesome.
    ((We ran out of booze. ))
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
    shiny = Sh-I-Nee
    shinny= Sh-I-NNNEEEE

    Grammer (grammar) means nothing to mee seee, Blaaaa

    Shinny?! Shinny!? I got my shins blowed off by a Japan-Man's machine gun, so don't come cryin' to me with your problems!
  25. Heroid

    What's the haps?

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    Awwww they removed the Watchmen bit. SAD FACE!
    ((That's too bad because that pic sort of represented my workplace experience today.

    Or maybe this one would fit better:

    *Hint: I'm the turtle. ))