257 -
As others have said above, I'd say my #1 want is the Carnie and Tsoo masks.
Closely following that would be the Lost's TV heads. -
Ya know, if my 0-end to summon, 6 second recharge vet pet wants to take the alpha for me, I'm all for that plan.
I have to go with Option #2
As many others have said, In the past not all "Improvements" to various costume bits have been positive in my eyes- quite specifically the change on Thigh High boots, and while a few of those changes got switched back or toned down (the buttprint on skirts, for example) those all took some time and much griping on our part to get "fixed", and the vast majority have just been "here's the new look, deal with it".
It's quite obvious that the costume departments idea of how things should look don't always line up with various players interpretations of parts- Ultimately, I think we should always go with the option that leaves the players the most flexibility.
As others have suggested, I would be in favor of some sort of menu option to Allow/Hide Legacy Costumes. -
I pretty much always considered my Regen Scrapper's theme song to be Chumbawumba's Tubthumping:
"I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!" -
dusting off one of my old MMs, and some of his pet macros seem to have gotten broken. If anyone can spot the problem with these, I'd appreciate it.
For one of them, Windows XP (my #1 Battle Drone) used to be able to say "Initializing Media Player" and whip out the BoomBox, but it seem pets can no longer use BoomBox- is that correct? If so I guess I'll have to drop it, which is a bummer 'cause I really liked it.
The other one I'm having trouble with was:
emote alakazam $$ petsay_all <emote alakazamreact>
which used to have my guy do the Alakazam emote, and my pets all turn into pumpkins- now I see they changed it to random objects, which im fine with, but my guy no longer does the emote, he just thinks 'Alakazam'... -
Yes, I got one last week- somewhat amusingly, it was during my morality mission. I'd take it as a sign, but the guy's a Mastermind, so not really that many ways to build him- what am I gonna do, respec out of summon robots?
I was gonna keep it just for the novelty, but when I checked the market, it seems several had already been sold since the merger, with the last 5 showing 70mil, which I guess could part me with it, though I havent listed it just yet. -
way I heard it, Praetor Duncan is a kinky lady- maybe there's no error in the dialogue...
Quote:The duece you say! You have free character transfers for the next week here!
Take one of your less-played alts and move them off to another server.
Free transfers don't help, im not at 36 on any server. but I am over 12 on ALL of them, so I'll have to buy more slots if I want to make any more characters- I coulda sworn we were supposed to get 2 free slots we could allocate to any server with space. -
Well, nuts. Aren't we supposed to get more Character Slots with this? Ive used all my spare slots already, so I can't make anyone new right now without giving someone the axe...
That would be my #1 request to get rid of.
Other than that, I think it would be cool if, like Freedom Force, we could use any animation with a suitable length for any power.
The 'animation' for Hasten doesn't bother me, but I'd really love either a minimal FX version of the glowing hands or a way to change the color at least.
Personally, I don't mind the tricorder for the medicine pool, but can understand the desire for less blatantly tech-based animations
Maybe for Cyborg Booster II, an Arm Cannon with alternate animations for any Blast Set that makes all attacks xome form the arm cannon. -
A: You're late, GG already tried to play that card.
B: Those "Other Games" are Guild Wars, so I doubt NCSoft will be upset. -
Unfortunately in your case, with the Market Merge coming with GR/i18 next week, everything will be stripped from the markets and returned to thier owners. So there's not really anything you could stock up on at the moment. If you're gonna be here after next week, that's a whole different thing, with Morality Merits and a Merged Market, a whole buch of stuff is anyone's guess at the moment.
Teldon, I love your avatar. Unfortunately Patches is too big to do that with.
And for some reason, I had to look at Tenryuu's avatar like a dozen times before I realized it wasn't supposed to be Edward Elric... -
I believe the bump to enemy levels (+1 at x6 and +2 at x8) got removed when they added the new 4X Difficulty settings.
TFs used to spawn at the max lvl for the TF, plus Team Size modifiers, so if you were just high enough to start a TF, you could find yourself potentially facing +6 Mobs. That was changed when they added the new Auto-Exemplar feature to TFs. -
As long as you're on the same computer, they should be in the order you created them, unless youve switched the order, then it should keep the new order. If you want a more permanent fix that requires a little fiddling, check your City of Heroes directory, you'll see a folder with your account name on it. In that folder should be a file called "playerslots.txt" Open that up and it should look something like the following:
"PlayerName" "Server" "Character" "#"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Character" "3"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Character" "0"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Character" "2"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Character" "4"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Character" "1"
...and so on, for each character you have, by server. Whatever # is shown is the order the characters will appear in, keeping in mind that it starts with 0, not 1. You can even skip numbers to leave a blank space, if you want to separate your heroes and villains, for example:
"PlayerName" "Server" "Hero01" "0"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Hero02" "1"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Hero03" "2"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Villain01" "9"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Villain02" "10"
"PlayerName" "Server" "Villain03" "11"
Would put all of your heroes at the top of the list, and villains at the bottom, with 6 empty spaces between them. Or you could make the villains #12 and up, to be on page 2, and Praetorians #24+ for page 3.
Once you edit them into the order you want, save the file and make it Read-Only, that way the order wont change unless you manually edit it again- which you'll want to if you make any new characters.
If you use multiple computers, you may want to copy your Playerslots.txt file to those other computers so theyll keep the same order. Just in case, I usually make a backup of the original file before I start messing around with it. -
Pretty much the only thing about that plan that appeals to me, is the idea of the Devs trying to actually fit Terra Volta inside that little box in the middle of IP.
but really, I don't like the idea of having no zones- then everywhere could be as laggy as Atlas Park or Talos Isalnd. whee? -
Hmm, was able to log in just now blueside and retrieve most of my recipies from Email storage, but when I logged in redside to try and get the rest, email wasnt even showing up.
Hey, all the games on that shelf are NCSoft products
Ya know, I checked the cord, but I couldnt seem to find any sort of adapter. There's a port directly below the cord, but I'm pretty sure that's for output.
So, I hadn't gotten around to putting all my CDs back in that nook after moving last month- we got her on Thursday and today wile she was exploring my room, she diecide to climb up on my desk while I was working, and snuggled up in there- guess im gonna have to find a new spot for the CDs. -
Yeah, im figuring the rent initialy showing as up to date was the bug, as like I said, it'd been 63 days since I'd been last on, and the next lowest time was 80 days, so I was thinking it was odd that rent had somehow been paid.
I didn't actually petition or bug it yet, it somehow corrected itself earlier today. -
Huh. turns out it was some wierd issue with me losing, then regaining the Uber-Leader position. I went to petition the power issue today, and got the message that my rent was late, even though yesterday it told me I was up to date. Ah well, paying the rent seemed to fix the issue.