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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Kim View Post
    Hey guys,

    Can I get any specific missions? Were they radio missions?
    Mine was a radio mission in Brickstown. I bugged it on 09/27 the ticket number is: #090927-002908

    I don't remember the exact mission name and I've dropped it so I can't check.
  2. Dr. Aeon once hit my Brute so hard he knocked her though the map! I ended up below the floor in one of the Arachnos labs. I've always had a healthy respect for Dr. Aeon since then.
  3. A_C, wow. Lots of wisdom here. I wish that I had had the foresight and a venue to ask for advice like this before heading off to college--more than a few years ago.

    My one thing that I haven't seen mentioned is: Don't let one professor/class have too much effect on your plans. I headed off to college with the idea of pursuing a Computer Science degree. My first "computer class" was so terrible, that I decided that if that is what being a computer scientist was like, I didn't want any part of it. I've since found my way back to it, but "respec'ing" in college is expensive so have a plan.

    Good luck!
  4. It is possible that your keymapping somehow got messed up. You can check under Menu --> Options, then on the Keymapping tab, under the "View" section. The "On Demand Mouse Look" default setting should be "Right Mouse Button" in the first column. If it isn't, then click on it with your LEFT mouse button, then press your RIGHT mouse button to set it.

    If it is set correctly, then I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working.

    Good luck.
  5. Just chiming in that I've been running CoH on the RC verison of Win7 for several months now with no problems. Frame rates have been as good or better than I was getting in Vista. So far, Win7 has been solid for me.
  6. There was once, if I remember correctly, a bug where Side Kicks were pulling way more aggro than they were supposed to. The "further" they were Side Kicked, the more aggro they pulled. I'm thinking it might have been back in the Issue 2 / Issue 3 days.

    Question to the OP: Were you side kicked at the time you had these strange aggro problems?
  7. I did an Ice/Kin controller for a theme team a while back.

    My submission is Momentum on Victory.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    What happens if you add a fully slotted Tactics to the mix? An Ill/Kin Troller really benefits from the ACC boost in Tactics since so many powers depend on a successful hit on a target.

    I have about 12 ACC slots in all my powers. Using Tactics, I can free up 7 of them. Granted, I use 2 powers instead of the 7 slots, which is now causing me problems figuring out the new build.

    The way I see it, 3 dam 3 rechrg should do the trick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was my understanding that PA didn't benefit from Leadership. Way back when I had Leadership on my Illusion controller, I could swear that it made no difference to PA. The Phantasm was buffed by it, but not PA. Has that changed?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Nope. Positron's a Rad/Rad Defender. He *used* to be an Energy/Energy Blaster, but changed for unknown reasons..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wish I could do that...

  10. Hardship

    Changes to Rage

    My */SS tanker can't select Rage yet, but I'm trying to decide whether to take it or not.

    How complete is this "stun" at the end or Rage? Are you still able to talk to your team? Can you inform them that you'll be unable to pull aggro off of them for 10 seconds, so they need to be careful?

    I think it is a little unrealistic to expect other team members to keep track of my Rage power wearing off. However, if I warn them a few seconds before it incapacitates me and then, tell them again once I've re-established aggro on the group, then it doesn't seem to be overly crippling.

  11. Just sounding off for /slash commands to select the alt and ctrl trays. I would like to see this as well.


    [ QUOTE ]
    Sounds good to me.

    But can we also have /slash commands to switch the alt tray and ctrl trays as well? Only /prev_tray_alt and /next_tray_alt exist for the alt tray currently. I'd really like to see a /goto_tray_alt as well as a /goto_tray_ctrl, /next_tray_ctrl, and /prev_tray_ctrl.

    [/ QUOTE ]